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Interior designer of horrific fairy tales with soulsborne enthusiasm. Long time Amnesia and Painkiller community figure. || KiraImmortal (formerly GreenTechB) - Contact || PM, try discord or kiraimmortalhu at gmail.com || Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/KiraImmortalHu || Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/kiraimmortal

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 11)

Amnesia: The Bunker

Game review may contain spoilers

A nice derivation from the familiar Amnesia formula, some elements of other survival games are present (ex: Resident Evil), but not to a degree that would take away its identity. It's rare to do something fresh in this genre at all, which this game manages after all.

While I was someone who appreciated Rebirth, this is a huge gameplay overhaul, and a welcome one. Every mechanic contributes to a true survival experience, and the player needs to watch out for various things at a time, instead of minding oil in a lantern, and keeping themselves sane.

As always, I wish it was longer, and had a bit more of the environments we see in the last two areas, but the design elements and interconnectivity were nicely done, unlike in any other part of the series before. Protagonist also barely said a single word during the playthrough, it was an acute yet understandable change due to the criticism the previous game received.

A solid 8.5/10 (9 if modding works out well) experience. I definitely will replay other difficulty modes and delve myself into the assets and modding. Good job, I really hope we see more of this anthology, that the Amnesia franchise is turning into!


Amnesia: Rebirth

Game review may contain spoilers

This was astonishing. It combined all the good from previous games. It had some of the tension of The Dark Descent, the disturbing elements of A Machine for Pigs and the great narrative and cinematic aspect of SOMA. The story was interesting and it had a lot of things to read. The events had sadly no impact on the ending, and a little more of the scares could have been great, but Frictional Games evolved in the last 10 years, and instead of doing the same formula twice, they came up with ideas that could still make players uneasy while keeping the storyline intact and adding exploration. Players' taste should evolve alongside with appreciating the narrative and the plot alongside the creepy parts which definitely are there! Solid 8/10 for me, can't wait to get back into modding with this one.


Layers of Fear

Early access game review


Game review

well it's hard to find words, since i just finished it.. an astonishingly amazing game, a worthy successor of the amnesia games, which cannot be compared to this however due to the different style, and honestly i'd not be able to choose, since sci-fi horror is my favourite genre of all. alien isolation was a good game, i'm a huge fan of its universe too, but this game performed better in every aspect. one of the best sci-fi stories i've read in the last years, and with changes in the visuals and gameplay elements i felt someting similar to when i first played amnesia TDD, so the horror was there without doubt. only thing i didn't like in this was the meaningless choice with killing the WAU or not, it did not affect anything but a half-arm lost, manupulation about the endings and the fate of the ark would have been appreciated a bit more. so that could have been done better, but it will not affect the score. the possibilities are incomprehensible with this game, i will jump into modding asap! truly worth every penny, i might make as many mods for this as i did for amnesia. fine work, hope it's not the last game we see from the frictional games in this genre ^^



Game review


Game review

Painkiller: Resurrection

Game review

Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs

Game review

i'm too tired to write a full review. all in all i liked it, the story was well written, there were good moments and ideas, but the lack of challenge, collectables, and complex puzzles made me very sad during the playthrough.. i've waited so much more from this release, it took 3 years to complete and still it's just a half-game, 4 hours of gameplay and no custom stories.. i hope there will be DLCs or something because this is not enough for a great sequel.. 8/10 still, i'm a huge fan of the previous game, and i enjoyed this one also even if it has this many negative features :)


Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Game review

one of the best games ever :)


Haunted Memories

Game review