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Haydn here, I'm a young Indie Developer and Composer/Musician. I love to create, and I love to see people enjoy my creations. I hope you like the content I will be creating and feel free to leave feedback whenever you like =]

RSS My Blogs  (0 - 10 of 11)

Hey Everyone, I've finally been able to release KitBit Vela and it's Soundtrack, I apologize for it being late but hopefully the extra time has made the game a little better. I would be very appreciative if you gave it a go and let me know what you think.

You can get:

The Game and Soundtrack Bundle: Itch.io

Just the Game: Haydn780.itch.io

Just the Soundtrack: Haydn780.itch.io


Once again I hope you enjoy the game and feel free to leave feedback.

Have fun gaming!

- Haydn

Sorry for the lack of interesting Screenshots, I've mostly been doing the soundtrack the past week. I'm making good progress, Currently have 10 complete tracks (15 if you include non-final tracks that won't be in the game).

For those interested the Soundtrack will be available to buy and watchable for free on YouTube after KitBit Vela's release.

I may also include the non-final tracks in the soundtrack, Let me know If you would like that by leaving a comment and/or messaging me =]

KitBit Vela IndieDB Page: Indiedb.com

KitBit Vela Steam Greenlight Page: Steamcommunity.com

Facebook Page: Facebook.com

Blog: Kasaicore.weebly.com


This week I've mostly been working on the Soundtrack and Functionality code (Such as Saving and Loading). If some people are interested I may upload a few of the songs for you to here before KitBit Vela is released.

KitBit Vela IndieDB Page: Indiedb.com

KitBit Vela Steam Greenlight Page: Steamcommunity.com

Facebook Page: Facebook.com

Blog: Kasaicore.weebly.com


More progress this week:
-Composing more music for the levels
-Been giving each level ambient particles to make the skybox more lively
-Making more props for levels
-Placing more boxes in levels
-Changing the enemy population because of how I'm handling NG+
-Misc adjustments and Additions

Basically continuing the updates I started last week.

KitBit Vela IndieDB Page: Indiedb.com

KitBit Vela Steam Greenlight Page: Steamcommunity.com

Facebook Page: Facebook.com

Blog: Kasaicore.weebly.com


I put KitBit Vela on Steam Greenlight one week ago, and based off the feedback this is what I've done this week:

- Been working on making levels more populated

- Optimized texture rendering by adjusting Anisotropic Filtering and Maximum Resolution per individual texture

- Calculated Normals for some objects instead of importing the normals, making lighting look better on the object

- Composed music for the the Tutorial level

- Created a script to loop the background music

- Put occlusion maps and secondary normals maps on some important textures

- All enemies now have a 50/50 chance of spawning if you're not in "New Game Plus", meaning the enemies will not always be in the exact same place, and in NG+ you will have double the amount of enemies.

- Added more boxes to the level, meaning there's more to shoot and more currency

- Added glowing bugs as a background particle effect

- Modeled, Textured and Imported more props for levels

- Added wooden stump creatures on the tutorial level that stare at you if you are within 20 feet of them

- Optimized Enemy code to call methods 30 times per second instead of ticking every frame

- Set maximum frame rate for the game to 144 Fps.

- Changed the pixel light count to 3, down from 4.

- Modified some Important normal maps by adjusting Luminosity Curves

- And a few miscellaneous tweaks.

KitBit Vela IndieDB Page: Indiedb.com

KitBit Vela Steam Greenlight Page: Steamcommunity.com

Facebook Page: Facebook.com

Blog: Kasaicore.weebly.com


Audio Progress

KasaiCore Blog

KitBit Vela is getting closer to completion, this week I've mostly been doing sound effects and small tweaks, so I don't have any interesting screenshots to show you, but I can say you'll be able to play KBV soon! =]

KitBit Vela IndieDB page: Indiedb.com

Facebook Page: Facebook.com

Blog: Kasaicore.weebly.com


Boss Level Progress

KasaiCore Blog

Been working on the boss, the boss level, and some of the weapon sounds this week.

KitBit Vela IndieDB page: Indiedb.com

Facebook Page: Facebook.com

Blog: Kasaicore.weebly.com


This week I finished the Climbing level, did a new Hexagonal level and did some more sounds for the weapons.

KitBit Vela IndieDB page: Indiedb.com

Facebook Page: Facebook.com

Blog: Kasaicore.weebly.com

Hex 1Hex2Hex3Hex4climbFinished

I've been sick this week but I've done as much as I can, I've done most of a new climbing level, and have done all the audio for 4 of the weapons.

KitBit Vela IndieDB page: Indiedb.com

Facebook Page: Facebook.com

Blog: Kasaicore.weebly.com


Got the rest of the Ruins level done including some robot samurai enemies and a large invincible enemy that you have to dodge.

KitBit Vela IndieDB page: Indiedb.com

Facebook Page: Facebook.com

Blog: Kasaicore.weebly.com
