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Jarod DCamp is a composer of microtonal music. What is microtonal music? Loosely defined, microtonal music is music which employs tunings of any sort, other than the "default" 12 notes per octave. I could go on to explain microtonal music further, but instead let me just ask you this: Do you feel like the music you hear today sounds just like yesterday's? That is because it does. It is time for some new sounds and new harmonies. Microtonal music can make scary music scarier; eerie music eerier, and beautiful music even more beautiful. If you are interested in breaking from the mold in your games, step away from that "epic" twelve tone orchestra sound that you hear all too much these days and experience a whole new world in microtonal music.

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Musicians at ModDB

Musicians at ModDB

366 members Arts & Literature

This group is for all the musicians at ModDB. I place to show off their work and to discuss music. You could also ask for help for a song or give suggestions...

Indie DB

Indie DB

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Indie games are changing the world, one giant pixel at a time. With Indie DB we aim to support independent developers and their games, by providing them...