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We are a small Indie game team in Leiria, curruntly developing Differing Sight.

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Different Sight, week 4 in development

HalfDream Blog

After some health issues with our team member, we are back on track!!

Here you can see our Japanese/ Bhutan level, the area will resemble a dock covered by mountains with many feudal age Japanese buildings above water level, and in a rocky green zone.

Level 01 EA gif

We will now be focused on refining the perspective shift mechanic and keep on working the best we can.

#gamedevelopment #indiegame #indiedevelopment

Indie Game week3

HalfDream Blog

The team will consist in a game manager, game artist and a game programmer, each of us has begun doing their respective tasks, among sketches, lines of code, management and concepts.

Stay tuned for more updates. #gamedevelopment #indiegame #indiedevelopment

Indie Game week2

HalfDream Blog

Upon a lot of discussion and consideration, we are happy to announce a yet to be titled puzzle perspective game, that will be focused on a unique journey, with a ordinary character, trough stunning real-life based environments, while dealing with a serious health problem. Stay tuned for more. #Halfdream #Indiegame #gamedevelopment

Indie Game

HalfDream Blog

Hello world, this is a weekly game development update, where we will be posting the full process and updates of the creation of our new game. #gamedevelopment #indiegame #indiedevelopment