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Comment History
GethPlatform - - 16 comments @ Council Culture Station

It reminds me of the Vaygr command station from Homeworld 2 - Gehenna Outskirts level.

Fleet Intelligence: "We have located a weak point. Prepare to disengage hyperspace."
*cue endless enemy frigates*

Good karma+5 votes
GethPlatform - - 16 comments @ New UI!

oh man, so sleek

Good karma+3 votes
GethPlatform - - 16 comments @ Supreme BattleFeel

Brilliant mod! Even though the SupCom games have the most explosions out of any RTS I've ever played, I still wanted more boom boom. Now even shooting down a scout flying over your base feels so satisfyin' man.

Good karma+1 vote
GethPlatform - - 16 comments @ Battle for Earth

@1 hmm, guess I've been in too many vanilla titan engagements where the tiny ships all line up and such

@2,3 ah ok, it was a made-up example. I guess my fancy schmancy battle plans won't work against apex civilization giant synthetics and all that.

Good karma+1 vote
GethPlatform - - 16 comments @ Battle for Earth

He means when you assign ships into a fleet, they form that multiple-layered broad formation like the left column of the picture and maintain it even in combat. I guess it just doesn't scream "CHAOS!".

Also strategically, it doesn't really offer much other than all ships being able to fire at once. I imagine there'd be an additional layer of strategy that comes with formation variety if it's possible (and also an AI that doesn't concentrate fire on one ship). Say you have a badass dreadnought that fires slowly but has weak strikecraft defense. To compensate, you screen it with AA destroyers and a couple cruisers for minor ships the dreadnought can't be bothered with.

I know, too much for Sins. But we can dream ;_;

Good karma+1 vote
GethPlatform - - 16 comments @ Legacy of Reach

Play pretty much any Homeworld track over the video and you get the eerie uneasiness that I imagine you would feel in the last moments of preparation against a Covenant invasion.

Good karma+1 vote
GethPlatform - - 16 comments @ Mantle's Approach [Model WIP]

Will it evolve at level 10 into a butterfree?

Good karma+58 votes
GethPlatform - - 16 comments @ New mood/landscape-teaser

wow, dat atmosphere

Good karma+1 vote
GethPlatform - - 16 comments @ Dawn of the Reapers

Ah ok thank you sir. Never had the opportunity to see the art books..

Good karma+1 vote
GethPlatform - - 16 comments @ Dawn of the Reapers

Maybe? I saw it like there were 2 ships, a Salarian ship and a Krogan's(borrowed from someone else). Neither wanted to get on each other's ship so the Normandy had to fly in. I don't know sir, you decide.

Good karma+1 vote
GethPlatform - - 16 comments @ Dawn of the Reapers

Any plans of using the diplomat ship shown in-game? I feel with some slight modifications, it would make a very sexy Salarian carrier. It just has that..look


Good karma+3 votes
GethPlatform - - 16 comments @ Fantasy Fleet 2 (Mass Effect)

There's very few things that interest me in the gaming world these days, but this mod has made me procrastinate on homework for 4 hours, so I'd say it's a success.

Good karma+3 votes
GethPlatform - - 16 comments @ Cerberus Siege Frigate: Skinned

I've always wondered where the doors are.

Good karma+2 votes
GethPlatform - - 16 comments @ Orion-class Battleship [FINAL]

Dual? There goes my raggedy *** covenant fleet.

Good karma+8 votes
GethPlatform - - 16 comments @ Orion-class Battleship [FINAL]

I wouldn't face this behemoth of a railgun without an entire fleet...

Good karma+4 votes
GethPlatform - - 16 comments @ Cerberus Cruiser: Skinned

It looks like the in-game model's main cannon stretches almost to the length of the wings.

Good karma+1 vote