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"Dies irae, Dies illia, Solvet saeclum, In favilla!" <br> <br>Saying "I don't know how the universe came to be, therefore God did it" is in the same logical ballpark as "my ass itches even though I wiped, so I must have invisible ass goblins." <br>~Dr. Shaym <br> <br>

RSS Reviews

Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion

Game review

The fact that this game already is Nr 2 on indieDB is an explanation in itself. While highly unfinished currently, the game delivers a fresh, comedic and rather horrifying view on your general "run like a bitch" horror games, and has plenty homages to other horror games. The concept is interesting, and as are the creatures that currently lurk the halls. The sound in the game is incredible, and manages to create an atmosphere that i previously only felt in The Dark Descent games, highly unsettling, but yet curious enough to make you wander further within, just so you can discover what lies in store for you.

I am currently giving it a 9 because there is still huge potential in this game, and while it may still be a little repetitive, and the mobs are currently a bit too easy to escape/has a lack of unique abilities, i have high hopes for this little gem.