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Comment History
Churp - - 19 comments @ Civilian Animations

Is this really a In Game animation?

Good karma+4 votes
Churp - - 19 comments @ Rise of Hades

Ya Xyunbekannt is thinking of the EMS Gamers Zombie mod. While that mod is fun to play, this mod looks much better. I look forward to playing this mod with the new skin for the zombies and survivors and the dual wielding weapons. Best of luck mate.

Good karma+1 vote
Churp - - 19 comments @ Extreme Realism mod 1.7 to 1.71 patch

Good for you Dennis and the rest of the developer team, you were finally able to fix and distribute the server files. Can't wait to get my clan playing on this. Hope to see you on the Battlefield Dtneter, Kalo, and JinRenagade.

Good karma+4 votes
Churp - - 19 comments @ Official Zombie Community Promotional Video

I remember those rounds....good times, good times. I enjoyed being in your video A-Train and am glad that you made this mod along with the other developers.

Good karma+1 vote
Churp - - 19 comments @ PAZE

I apologize for leading you on. You see when you said scripter I assumed you meant someone who could help "script\" a storyline if there is going to be one introduced in the game. I had no idea you meant a java or lua scripter(Which I just Googled and found out its similar to a coder's job). Also, I just checked out the Freeweb website and i must say, it looks very professional. Is it a premium account or free account?

Good karma+1 vote
Churp - - 19 comments @ PAZE

Well to be honest there are many reasons why I believe this mod is better then most typical racing games. I could give you so many examples that if I was to list the vastness of reasons this comment would take up too much space, but I will do my best to just list the main reasons for now.

For starters this is one of the few "open" racing games I have played. From what you have said before on Moddb you can drive from this Industrial Jungle into a vast off road wilderness. Most racing games are on a specific track having you take just one route to the objective with a few secret shortcuts in between. This mod on the other hand seems like you may take multiple paths with multiple secret shortcuts in between, thus making the game seem less repetitive. Giving it more "replayability" which is great for any successful game/mod.

Another great factor is the concept art or in this mods case its constant artwork. The artwork you have displayed for this mod is indescribable, so much so, that I become overjoyed every time new artwork is displayed. For example, today when you posted the new wallpaper I instantly added it as my desktop background.

And most important reason is the destruction of many small obstacles that appear in your way when you lose control of your vehicle(Which happens a lot in my case because every time I play a racing game, I take a turn to quickly and hit a lamppost head on without the lamppost falling over, and I have to waste 20 seconds trying to get back on to the racing track). Examples like when you hit an invincible road cone, lamppost, street sign, or guardrail. This I am really looking forward to.

And in response to your last question yes I do do some script writing although nothing too big. Momentarily I help write for a Battlefield 2142 mod "Extreme Realism" and helped write a script for a clan video that is in production.

Good karma+1 vote
Churp - - 19 comments @ PAZE

I'm not a big fan of racing games. In fact, I hate almost all racing games, but this mod has defiantly changed my mind and now I am anticipating its release. God speed Sonic developers, God speed.

Good karma+1 vote
Churp - - 19 comments @ La Bamba

I can totally see myself listening to this song while shooting some Russians in game.

Good karma+2 votes
Churp - - 19 comments @ Early Gameplay Video

Good point. If Star Wars can get away with it, why not this mod.


Good karma+1 vote
Churp - - 19 comments @ Early Gameplay Video

I'd hate to be a buzz killington here but, isn't there suppose to be no sound in the "vacuum" of space? But all in all its really impressive, looking forward to it.

Good karma+1 vote
Churp - - 19 comments @ Alpha Screen Shots

Why are there Conflict 2142 Flags in this map?

Good karma+1 vote
Churp - - 19 comments @ Northern Excursion

Destructable Terrain isn't possible with 2142's game engine. Sorry.

Good karma+2 votes
Churp - - 19 comments @ Solitude

Why Quake instead of any of the other PSP games?

Good karma+1 vote
Churp - - 19 comments @ Urban Warfare

Oh, okay. Well the new post said "Urban Warfare Re-Launches for 2008!" and its 2009 so I was confused.

Good karma+1 vote
Churp - - 19 comments @ Urban Warfare

So is this mod dead?

Good karma+1 vote
Churp - - 19 comments @ BF2552

So is this mod dead or what?

Good karma+1 vote
Churp - - 19 comments @ Northern Excursion

Wow. Someone finally understands the update. I commend you bubblez_maker.

Good karma+2 votes
Churp - - 19 comments @ Northern Excursion

Actually you might want to look closely to my details seeing how they are relevant to the ERM story line. I work with the DEVS and this information is kinda like a mini Latest News for all of you fans. Anyways I just wanted to clarify the story line for those people who didn't understand it from the Latest News: Three is Company. *Jordanb716* cough cough. Anyways the DEVS are working hard on v1.8 and we've got a lot of new cool stuff coming.

Good karma+2 votes
Churp - - 19 comments @ Northern Excursion

Where in this post do you ever see the words "America moved to Canada"? The only thing I see about Canada are some of the remaining land in the U.S went to Canada. That probably means it was land for troop training or some ****,IDK. I bet America still owned America they just gave some of their land to Canada because they are in the NATO pack. Since the EU are also in the NATO pack U.S troops went to support them. The NAC probably was used MAYBE (I'm not 100% sure) to help protect America from Russia since they are so close to U.S, send backup to EU/American forces overseas for backup since PAC took over all of Europe during 2142 and EU had to form an army around Northern Africa so the PAC couldn't wipe out EU. EU probably told NAC to give them some help to take back Europe in 2142 it might have a been a surprise attack scattering the remaining PAC forces near Africa back to Europe THUS giving the EU the ability to take full control over Africa and Europe again. Probably when the EU took back Europe again which I think was in 2145 the NAC overseas stayed with the EU to fight PAC again. The NAC forces still in America being informed on this might have then attacked PAC/Russia. Thus PAC being attacked on both fronts, Western And Eastern Asia, might have lead to greater and intenser battles. But this is all what I think the NAC in the game means. I don't know what the ERM DEVS have in store for the story line this is just my interpretation of what they meant.

Good karma+2 votes