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His real name is Craig, and he's been gaming for literally his whole life (Wizard and the Princess, anyone?). And building maps since the days of Doom (DCK, woo!) and Duke3D. Now he's building his own mod, Overheid, and incubating more ideas than he has time to implement.

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GDC'10 San Francisco Update - Tips from the Professional

cesig Blog
I wrote a feature titled Tips from the Experts for Getting into the Industry, based on my talks with some industry veterans. You can find it here: Moddb.com

Thanks Everyone

cesig Blog

Thanks for all the support for Overheid that everyone has given me. If you haven't tried it out, please download it and let me know what you think.

Introducing: Overheid

cesig Blog

New here. I've been working for a while on a set of maps detailing the events in City 17 during Gordon's rampage. You see the city, and the combine machine, from a different angle, and through a different set of eyes.

I'm calling it Overheid. A beta level from the map should be out within weeks.