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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 45)
blackplague - - 45 comments @ Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron

Hey Flanker, I agree as well with bringing it to the source engine, however, we are not looking for story based games. This will actually be a multi player and possibly a co-op.

There will be the following sides in Multi Player, depending on which map you choose to play.

Enforcers VS Evil

Swat Kats VS Evil

Enforcers VS Swat Kats

Evil VS Evil ( Different Enemies of Enemies )

Please do note that these are thoughts in progress. These ideas could, or won't fit into the game depending on what players prefer after we release the alpha.

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ SinKing

No no, I mean, come check out our updates. We had the turbo kat model up :D

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ SinKing

Dude! Come check us out! We've got something for you ;>

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ TurboKat is here!

That's the easy part! BF2 already has all of that good stuff in it. The grappling hooks, missiles, jets, and all of that good stuff! So all the coder would have to do is add the grappling hook from Special forces into this mod, and we're set :D

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron

Thank you Private Johnson! :D

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ TurboKat is here!


Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ Infinity: The Quest for Earth

This HAS got to be the best Stand a long I have seen in AGES! I just hope that in Due time, we will be able to run through the universe and explore places Man can't reach. When I saw the new video, two words came to my mind, Originality, and Beautiful. This is purely something everyone would love!

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ Fortress Forever

I have a problem making my own server regarding the maps. All I see are the credits in a small box pasted everywhere. Anyone have the same problem?

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ Fortress Forever

Congratulations to the team of Fortress Forever! All of your hard work, or hardly working, is paying off!

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ Fortress Forever

No 2FORT?!

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ TurboKat is here!

Opa, that would be in the animations side. I'm not sure how that's really done, but when I find someone who can complete the animations, I'll have them look into it.

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ Download FS Now!

Awesome MOD you guys! Congrats!

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron

Thanks for your comments you guys! Appreciate all of your concerns and or suggestions! =>

Please register on the forums to ensure that this MOD can or will go far! Please also spread the word! It's players like you who make MODs what they are today!

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ [SoC]Whitey

Do you still want to help us out on the mod Swat Kats?


Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron

Thanks for your comment! Yes I am in the process of creating this MOD, and I know how long this could take. Yeah the jet model was scrapped, and we're going to re-do everything. This is only because the people who contributed some of their work, never really gave us the files needed to correct them to port them into HL2 engine. Visit the site often, and please register on the forums!


Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ From the Admin's Desk

AMEN! AMEN! Finally someone's putting a stop to this evilish gang of duos!

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ IDF: Fight for Independence

The texturing for the vehicles another props look okay, could be a tiny bit better, but i'd still download and play => Great job so far!

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ KiraKid

I understand that you are in need of mappers. I am available a lot through out the week, and if you would like for me to create a sample map, please let me know and I'll get right on it! I also would like to know if you would be able to provide textures and such because IMO, I like using textures from MODS so that I can create the perfect atmosphere using those textures that most fit the game it self. Please contact me if needed =>

201 622 3603
aim - blackplgue
msn - gogeta6562@hotmail.com
yahoo - Scorpio54644


Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ Dystopia named IGF HL2 Mod of the Year

Congrats you guys! You guys REALLY deserve it! => You guys have proven your selves as TRUE gamers, and a VERY nice game production team! Hope you guys actually make your own stand alone game sometime =>

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ GeneralMayhem

Thanks for your wonderful comments => Hope you enjoy the game on alpha!

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ ::idiot::

Thanks for the mod watch! Much Appreciated! Hope you can find it the worth the download when it's done =>

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron

Thanks for the help! Sure! Any help is appreciated! Email me.

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ Welcome to MOD DATABASE v3!

This layout is VERY UGLY. I mean the color scheme is good, but I can't find things easily as I used to in the older version. I think this layout needs more work. IT SUCKS!!!

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ IDF: Fight for Independence

I feel sexy just looking at those tanks!!! God I love this mod lol

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ Rogue Threat

I think the HUD could use just a wee bit more work ;>

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ IDF: Fight for Independence

Shelory, Shut up.

your mod looks good, but i was wondering when would the mod be out? cos well i cinda want to play a first shooter game thats has the wars of israel and kick the arib *** (on easy lol) well keep on the good work, wish i could help but im not good at moding (tryed it once on the FreeLancer game and crashed my computer)

How about I kill you? I think that would be even better. I'm having a warning put against you.

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ Dystopia Demo Update 1

Excellent, this patch will make the game run much better Happy

but please either provide an .fdg or new maps in the next update Wink

There already is an FDG LOL!!! Ever tried looking in


Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ Media Updates

Not another worthless CS RIP OFF!!!! Why do people love cs? It's so.... immature and so... stupid.

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ Dystopia

Sorry wrong image.


Don't know how this happened.

Good karma+1 vote
blackplague - - 45 comments @ Dystopia

I think I might have found a bug or glitch.


Good karma+1 vote