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RSS Reviews

The AMC Squad

Game review

Clearly, one of the best (if not the best) Build TCs/games. Go play it. The amount of effort put into it is pretty impressive. The devs should be praised for that alone; what they built over the years is incredible.

With that being said, there are still plenty of issues. For one, the map design varies in quality a lot. Some maps are genuinely amazing, and I wouldn't mind comparing them to Levelord's greats. Other maps seem to be literally designed to be as annoying and time-wasting as possible, deploying every cancerous trope there is (underwater time limit, platforming, nonsensical map layouts, extreme backtracking, teleport games, spawning hitscanners pretty much IN your back, etc.) often in one go.

Another issue is a map balance. On higher difficulties, it is pretty common to be completely out of ammo, even if you really count your shots. This, coupled with the inaccuracy of many weapons, creates a lot of, again, very annoying situations. Not fun, not tense - annoying. I would also like to point out that creating huge maps with long-distance foggy environments and basically 95% of enemies being hitscanners was never a good idea in Build games.

Ammo system. This should be fun, but it is not. Especially in the first 2 episodes, this issue is blatant. There is no reason to make some enemies COMPLETELY immune to certain kinds of ammunition and then limit you severely on ammo you can hurt them with. Again, it doesn't make the game more fun; it makes it annoying. Especially when you combine it with the near-constant problem of being low on ammo in general.

This might be more of my personal gripe, but spawning/putting cheap jumpscares in more or less obvious places is not really a horror but, again, an annoyance. If you want to see how tense, scary atmosphere is done, look at Ashes/Afterglow, those underground bunker sections.