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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 37)
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Ashes: Hard Reset Released

I have just finished it, and I am happy to report that this has been a very enjoyable ride from start to end! If you have a spare time, go grab it!

That said, I do have some criticism as well. I would consider these fairly "meta" nitpicks, so take it with a hint of salt, but those are my feelings.

1) The map design is still utterly fantastic, but it feels like it turned from a believable, lived-in world to more of a "gamey" arcade vibe if that even makes sense. In the previous two installments, the maps felt like a realistic piece of a world. In Hard Reset, they are maps in a game. Very well-designed maps, but still, the previous charm seems to be gone.

2) During the spookier parts of the game, the previous tension seems to be gone as well. It is still deliciously creepy, but the magic is gone. Ashes/Afterglow were both able to create some truly oppressive, scary atmosphere. The ending in The Spire is a perfect example of this. I still remember the original visit in Ashes, many years ago. What an incredible, unforgettable experience.
With Hard Reset, it's just some light card hunt, magdump a few Haunts (in a brightly-lit room), and be done with it. There is no buildup, no pacing, it just ends abruptly without anything really happening. The ending, in general, is pretty underwhelming.

3) The entire Hard Reset feels kinda, well, redundant. Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed playing it a lot (more than Selaco, for example), but there is simply no interesting/important expansion on existing lore (other than Walker's fairly simple background). It just is.

4) This last thing is probably the most nitpicky nonsense, so you can safely ignore it, but I am really not a fan of the few AI-generated pictures that are in the game. Not only does it take away from the game's utterly amazing art style, but I also think it is simply not needed.
And finally, Varni's character, including her hentai-tier picture, just doesn't feel like it fits into the game. At all. I don't mind a little spice; after all, Hedon, for example, has a lot of it, and it is great, but here, it just doesn't feel right with the setting. And I think she might have been originally supposed to look a lot different since her dialogue about "her appearance being frightening or disgusting" really doesn't sit right with her bikini-clad, perfect-skin, supermodel look.

That said, this is still Ashes; it is still great and very easy to recommend. 9/10. But it is just not coming close to the genius of the previous two installments in my book.

Good karma+1 vote
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ JSRS ProjectReality

I really enjoy this mod. After few hours of playing can't really imagine playing without it.

Good karma+2 votes
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Exo servomotor sounds

Cool little mod and even cooler picture. 10/10, would lift in the Zone with.

Good karma+5 votes
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ new npc female stalkers

"women were better snipers and scouts than men"
No, they weren't. Only Soviets regularly deployed female snipers and even then they were only few. Male snipers (and scouts) still hold virtually all records. There is simply no logical explanation why would women "be better snipers and scouts".
"also in many combat points there were sniper mercenaries women"
You need to stop taking your history classes from Battlefield, my friend. This is a complete and utter nonsense. There were some partisan groups (notably France and Eastern Europe) who did utilized women in their ranks, but those were usually non-combat roles. There were of course some combat roles for them as well, but then again, exceedingly rare.
If you would have any idea what are you talking about, you would for example mention female kurdish fighters of Rojava, who are still to this day often engaged in actual combat against various groups of the region. They are still very rare and total majority of fighting is done by men, but they are at least there. Why? Because men are just better suited for physical violence/war.

Good karma0 votes
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Blindside's Weapon Reanimation and Rebalance - "Loner"

No, it does not, fellow Czechbro.

Good karma+1 vote
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Remove Hip

10/10 Impressive, very nice.

Good karma+7 votes
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ 1.5.1 Unofficial Weapons Hotfix

Nice mod with what is possibly the worst showcase video in modding history.

Good karma+2 votes
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Death Animations [1.5.1]

No need for a new game, my n'wah.

Good karma+10 votes
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Blindside's Weapon Reanimation and Rebalance - "Loner"

I've been playing on my old save with this addon without any problems.

Good karma+3 votes
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Reflex sight reticle replacement

Oh thank gods for this. Vanilla dots are just way too thick, pretty much defeating the whole point of having a sight.

Good karma+2 votes
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Death Animations [1.5.1]

Thanks a lot, works perfectly.

Good karma+2 votes
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Noots and Doots

Tushkanos on that video effectivelly killed me. Quality work.

Good karma+2 votes
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Blindside's Weapon Reanimation and Rebalance - "Loner"

I would also vote for posting changelogs, at least here in comments would be nice.

Also goes without saying - you have the best animations out there. Thank you so much for them!

Good karma+7 votes
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Old dots and reticles extravaganza for BaS

Exactly that one is one of the biggest offenders, yeah. But they all are just way too thicc, which is not only unrealistic it also pretty much defeats the whole point of the sight.

Good karma+1 vote
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Old dots and reticles extravaganza for BaS

This is actually really great, sights had been bugging me for a while now. By the way, is there a similar mod (that makes sights overall better, dots smaller/crispier/etc.) for vanilla Anomaly?

Good karma+1 vote
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ GDI Medium Infantry

Really nice render, keep em coming!

Good karma+2 votes
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Inner Sphere BattleMech "Fafnir"

Whoa, the detail on model is amazing, you must show us Atlas soon :)

Good karma+1 vote
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Series9 Towers

This is kick ***! Nice!

Good karma+3 votes
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Re-Inforcements have Arrived

Thats really nice model... completely looks like original. Good Work!

Good karma+1 vote
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ New Nod Soldier

Great model... small advice to helmet, make it less "german-like".

Good karma0 votes
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Your Multiplayer Style?

Game Nostalgia... so, give me a rocket launcha!

Good karma+1 vote
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Space Wolves Dreadnaught

Nice, but little bit more higher texture resolution wont hurt :)

Good karma+1 vote
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Survivors Machine Guners

There must be that "smoking" animation... :)

Good karma+2 votes
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Who/what will you be spending Valentine's Day with?

With my best friend... computer >:)

Good karma+1 vote
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Tau Firewarrior WIP

Very nice model!! Keep it up!

Good karma+1 vote
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Kroot Soldier WIP

Nice model but Kroots have a more "pecker-like" face than this... (sorry for english but im not strong at it :) )

Good karma+1 vote
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Skined - Allied Chrono Miner

Its ok... but that textures can be in MORE higher resolution...

Good karma+1 vote
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Lambda Core 09

Don't do it darker or dirtier, when it is clean and shiny, its revokes me a hl1 series.

Good karma0 votes
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Marine : high poly render

OMG, I need more of this!

Good karma+1 vote
akrju8 - - 37 comments @ Gargantua render

Awwwwww hell this rocks!!! I can't wait to play this, you have my nomination:)

Good karma+1 vote