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Indie video game developer. I make games of all genres, lately messing with 3D ones. I have a personal challenge for every game I make to be unique and creative, with its own gameplay and style. I've been working on my own video game programming language called `avdl`, to help me on my adventures.

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I recently played around again with OpenGL shaders, and I made these three animations of the Dark Dimension logo.

twirl small

These are all made using vertex and fragment shaders, and displayed at runtime.

waves small

One of them will be the one used on the intro of my video game "Rue".

squares small

Progress of my current game in development "Project Rose".

Shows a sample game with 8 players, within a couple of turns. Each player is dealt 5 cards. Then each player in turn, play 1 card face down on the table. Once all players are done, each card is being revealed, and their effect is activated.

The card effects are still under the design phase. I would say the game is about 20% complete.

I've been thinking ideas for the card design of my new card game "Project Rose". I came up with these three basic designs:

Thorny - Rose theme

bridge card thornysmall

Wealth - Treasure theme

bridge card wealthsmall

Octopus - Sea theme

bridge card octosmall

Which one do you prefer? If you have an alternative idea, feel free to share that as well. Any type of feedback is appreciated.

I've started development on a new video game, that for now it's called "Project Rose".

screenshot 1

It is a card game, where everyone is trying to keep a rose for themselves.
The current plan is to have multiple levels, with a variety of AI opponents,
requiring a specific strategy to beat.

screenshot 2

Drop a follow to get future updates about it's development progress.

I've just added screen orientation change support on my Android games.

android orientation 250px

This is a feature that most games usually don't need, as they lock themselves
to either portrait or landscape orientation. However I wanted to add support for both orientations and also the ability to change between them on the fly.

This was a bit more troublesome to implement as it sounds, because on Android when the screen orientation changes, it destroys the previous OpenGL context and re-creates it.

"The king is gone" on Google Play

I've been working on porting my projects to Android and managed to update my programming language `avdl` to compile and run on android.

Over the next couple of weeks I'll be working on porting my previous games to Android.

This is a picture of the "Dark Dimension" intro running on an Android phone and an Android tablet device.

post small

madness again

This is my newest drawing called "Madness Again", that will possibly be used as inspiration for my next video game.

Check it out on DeviantArt: Deviantart.com

Let me know what you think.

shuffled nightmares animated cov

"Shuffled Nightmares" is a puzzle game made about a year ago. Its purpose was to test the capabilities of some game dev tools I've been developing.

Recently I gave it a complete graphical makeover.

Check it out here: Indiedb.com

I've uploaded artwork that I've made over the years. These are drawings that have inspired me on thinking new ideas for video games.

Check them out here: Deviantart.com

I've been experimenting on supporting multiple screen sizes, including mobile phones.

shuffled nightmares animated res

Just for fun, I decided to make the buttons in the main menu of a past game to animate, as the window is resized, to make them all easy to see and interact.