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A zombie infection has broke out! In Zombie Plague, the player can choose between two different teams of this zombie apocalypse. The player can be on Team Zombie and try to eradicate the human race, or try to preserve it on Team Survivor. Both teams start with little to nothing, but can build upon what they have with upgrade points. For the zombies, this means improvements to the virus and the zombies themselves. For the survivors, this will go towards base upgrades and bringing in more survivors. However, the survivors can also get new weapons and transportation with their points. As the teams complete goals the multiplier for their points will increase. Zombie Plague has 25 different regions in the world and multiple transfer types.

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This is a simple preview of what resides within that Menu button. There are currently options to start a new game, read instructions, or quit game. Most sessions are relatively quick so I don't see the need to add a save option. Uuuugggghhhh...yeah, that's about it.