AdventureWander is a collaborative, non-combat, non-competitive game focused on exploration and joy. Life begins as a tree. Storms that affect the known planets...
The mystical world of Valhira is at war. The magic alliance called the Coterie and reside in the north. The Kings alliance is called the Brotherhood and live in the south. In the 'brotherhood addition' you play a son/daughter that has had their farther killed at the hands of the Coterie. Your mother wishes you to rise up and become the Champion of the Champion Isle to complete the farthers unfinished quest and regain control of the middle ground of the war.
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Wander is a collaborative, non-combat, non-competitive game focused on exploration and joy. Life begins as a tree. Storms that affect the known planets...
Undernet Uprising is a Megaman MMO based off of the Megaman EXE Battle Network Series. As of the last client, you can: -Run around in the internet as...
Join a World full of ambitious trainers. Capture and build your team. Earn gym badges and supplement your reputation. Forge powerful crews and defeat...
City of Steam is a browser-based, free-to play online RPG set in an industrial world poised to rediscover the mythic forces that shaped its history.The...
this is the ultimate role playing game hundreds of enemies a massive world to explore you and your friends level up and go on quest lots of Easter egg
Been updated 3 years ago, no download file. There's a reason why I gave this a 1/10...
They have a website which is awesome, valhira.com you can press download and it's free :D