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In a "Post-Humanity" world, evolution has taken hold of the remaining creatures left alive, twisted and manipulated them. Groups of these creatures will battle for resources in a "Last man standing" fight to the death. While surviving the elements, maintaining health, hunger, and stamina; One must also be wary of what lurks in the darkness. For the rodents aren't the only Unnatural beasts roaming this desolate earth. Unnatural pits four teams of four, comprised of various rodent like creatures, against each other. Each team must fight for resources scattered across the map in order to gain an advantage over the others and eventually dispatch them to the afterlife. As if this close quarters slaughter wasn't enough, players must be watchful of the massive creature constantly stalking them in search for its next meal.

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SE Collective VS Self Promotion?

SE Collective VS Self Promotion?


Should a small Indie group such as myself take advantage of programs like the Square-Enix Collective?




I started this project nearly a year ago. I quit my job as a pharmacy tech to be a stay at home dad, and build my dream. It has been a struggle but seeing...