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Shallow Space is a 3D Real Time Strategy game inspired by Nexus: The Jupiter incident and Homeworld. Shallow Space focuses on organised mass RTS space combat in a fully 3D environment. Ships in Shallow Space are nearly always grouped into Flotillas and Wings, and orders issued to these structures cascade to the subordinate members. Rather than stressing out clicking on the units or dragging selection boxes during the heat of battle, standing orders are issued in advance leaving you to zoom around, activating abilities and arranging support and reinforcements. Should the tide turn in battle traditional control is still available.

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I think one of the problems with space games in general is that the ships tend to sit on top of each other when firing, its only when playing the game with the planet inserted that I realised that I can go much much bigger with the level design (floating point precision permitting!)

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I had an intervention the other day, I was accosted by a group of friends who sat me down and said 'James, we don't think you realise just how much time you spend in front of the computer' I growled at them, cracked open a can of Stella Artios and reluctantly joined the party but even though they are right, I can't help but think if they were PC game loving sci-fi geeks like you and I, they wouldn't be so quick to stand in my way.

I don't mind it keeps me grounded, it struck me the other day that I work in front of a computer, play at a computer, watch TV delivered unto me by a computer and I probably only get a break from the screen when I'm in my car or sleeping. I might actually turn into a computer one day which is something I think I might enjoy because that would help me deal with the parameters and Shallow Space is nothing at the minute if not a gigantic collection of parameters.

Into the pot we've thrown the Battleship class which has spiced things up a little, it's also forced me to rethink the ranges of the weaponry. I think one of the problems with space games in general is that the ships tend to sit on top of each other when firing, its only when playing the game with the planet inserted that I realised that I can go much much bigger with the level design (floating point precision permitting!) The trouble is that when you change one parameter then you really have to change them all; longer ranges on the guns will need bigger levels to test them properly; bigger levels? Then the ships need to be faster to get around them, it's one long chain of parameters.

I spoke last time about representative ships from every class, well that's important also because of the varying levels of engagement - the big ships will sit at a distance purposefully firing Heavy weaponry with medium guns being used at targets of opportunity. The small ships will harry around targets dodging fire and generally being a nuisance. In fact the various ship classes favour each other; with fighters fancying other fighters, bombers and frigates, and the cruisers fancying the larger ships. This sort of depth catches me off-guard sometimes when watching it unfold, and it can be tricky working out those bugs and here comes that word again; it's all one big massive pot of parameters.

We've broken up the sectors a little bit now with the nebula clouds, asteroids that are dimmed outside of sensor range and planets have also been included. The planets, although spectacular work, kinda upset the balance of the art a little but and I've worked closely with Alex to marry them to look of the game but in my eyes they still look a little 'in your face,' I suppose when you are floating around in space that is how celestial bodies would look and I think when I create a full solar system hopefully the planets will find their place in the scene. You might think that it's irrelevant at this stage but you know sometimes its fun to just boot up Unity and work on making it look a bit prettier, sometimes I fancying rolling up my sleeves and getting into the meat of it and sometimes, I just fancy getting plain drunk.

So I hope I've given you an insight into the world of creating Shallow Space, most RTS' you would create a unit, give it a standard set of guns, a speed, HP and that's it. What I'm trying to do here is give an actual sense of the scale of space combat relative to the various engagement ranges and styles of the ship classes and so there is far more to think about, I don't even consider the third dimension to be an obstacle either but clearly it is too. Now I'm not interested in how Homeworld or Nexus did it, I'm exploring this frontier as a programmer on my own, but I have the foundations of a breathing 3D AI - I just need time to get those parameters right, I need time to mold it into something a little more objective based prior to alpha release and of course; I need time for my life in itself.

Thanks for reading.


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CapnDan - - 173 comments

So what kind of 3D battlespace are you looking at having? From the title I had kind of assumed that it would be a pizza-box or disc-shaped space (ie. shallow ;). Personally I really liked the idea as my tiny brain has always preferred those sorts of slightly simplified 3D environments over the big, complex ones like Homeworld.

Edit: Oh, game otherwise looks gorgeous btw. ;)

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mawhrin-skel Author
mawhrin-skel - - 522 comments

Hey cheers, yeah you guessed it - I can cater for any kind of 'height' even locking the game down to a 2D plane if required. But I think the 'height' will be much much smaller than the 'depth' or 'width' as it plays better.

Expressed in numbers as width, height, depth the demo scene we currently see is 850, 300, 850.

EDIT: and thank-you! aha

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Guest - - 695,231 comments

Dont get the idea of Space when it flat and you cant get up/down and whats so complex about Homeworld 3d environment.

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mawhrin-skel Author
mawhrin-skel - - 522 comments

You will be able to go up and down, but as above; having cubic levels is confusing and unwieldy, so they will be more pizza box shaped.

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MrBitey - - 4 comments

Ah! How haven't I tracked this yet?

I really like all the considerations you're taking in the environments and the capabilities of different classes of ship - the greatest shame I found was that so few space RTSes really take that into consideration and give you the reigns in that regard. Ah, that's just... awesome, really.

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mawhrin-skel Author
mawhrin-skel - - 522 comments

Cheers :) I can see why they haven't touched on the concept before because it is very tricky. I code in the various routines and node for the AI behaviour, hit play and not even god knows what will happen.

Then there is also the question of automation vs. manual control. Give the player too much to control and they will be left feeling incapable, give them too little and its just a glorified cut scene.

Anyways, tough bust lol but it is as equally awesome that you've piped up to show your support, thank-you!

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Guest - - 695,231 comments

Keep up the good work! :)

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Risbosix - - 57 comments

mawhrin-skel good luck on your quest of the next RTS space game =)

I'm a dev or anything, just a scifi addict, and i'm happy to see a mix between two of my favourites games

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mawhrin-skel Author
mawhrin-skel - - 522 comments

Sci-fi addict? Then that makes two of us :) and a devs job is pointless without an audience. Respect to you too mate.

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xaelath1403021561 - - 3 comments

Woah- Looks nice.

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enryoki - - 9 comments

I love to read your news here, James :)

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mawhrin-skel Author
mawhrin-skel - - 522 comments

Thanks dude, please speak to the good Russian peoples - I am embarrassing us! :)

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zloitermit - - 7 comments

спасибо посмотрим далее

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mawhrin-skel Author
mawhrin-skel - - 522 comments


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Nanoelite001 - - 530 comments

"I might actually turn into a computer one day which is something I think I might enjoy"

Until someone comes along and uses you to surf porn :P

You're doing great guys! keep up the good work, but take time for yourselves, it's all nodes and code until someone gets a BSoD.

Terrible joke, yes, but you know what I mean :P

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mawhrin-skel Author
mawhrin-skel - - 522 comments

It was a terrible joke but it's true, burn-out is a horrible thing apparently...

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