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Johnny Reboot™ is a 2.5D Side Scroller set in a vast digital world. You play as Johnny Reboot™ who has to overcome his fears to save not only his family, but the entire world he lives in.

Add job Report [Unpaid]Hollow Robot seeking more talent at Hollow Robot

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located Anywhere.

Posted by Hollow Robot on


  • Johnny Reboot
  • Xbox One
  • 2.5D Sci-Fi Side-Scroller
  • Unreal Engine 4

The Game

Johnny Reboot takes place in the fictional digital world of Xeno. Populated exclusively by a race of beings known as Xenobytes, this world is a technological marvel, advanced beyond its years. The city was created eons ago by the Ancestral Xenosians, and has been a safe harbor against the many maleficent viruses that also populate the digital world. The game will feature never before seen mechanics, and a story that is very personal to its creator, and the character will be based on his experiences and hardships that he has gone through in life. The mechanics and story both take inspiration from a mental condition known as Agoraphobia. Not only will you be apart of the inception of a fun and engaging game, but you will also be helping us spread awareness and inspiration to people who live with or without this disorder.

Hollow Robot

Hollow Robot is a new startup with intentions to break into the Indie scene with our first game, Johnny Reboot. We are interested in bringing on passionate yet talented artists who not only love to make games but also play them. Hollow Robot’s intentions in the Indie field is to create artistic, inspirational and compelling games that are story driven. Finding new ways to interact with a video game and having our players relate with the game, its world and its characters.

What We Can Offer

Since Hollow Robot is a new Indie Developer we are unable to pay people at this time. But besides compensation you will have the opportunity to work with some really talented artists wanting to do great things. Learning to work as a team and the need of adding something heavy to your portfolio that will make it shine is going to be your advantage!

What We Expect

Below is a list of software solutions to file sharing and communication. It is a necessity that the artist utilizes these methods for documentation and communicative purposes.

  • Dropbox – Storage
  • Trello – Project Management
  • Online Dev Forum – Project Management
  • Skype, Google Hangouts, Hipchat – Communication

The above is required when joining the team, if dropbox size is an issue, we can invite you to a personal dropbox folder. There are a few other things we will need from everyone that joins us and they are:

  • Contractual Agreements – Must be willing to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and a Work For Hire Agreement.
  • Great Communication – Must be able to speak and write English and able to communicate via Skype, Email, or Facebook. We do not like Lone Wolves. If you are not willing to get in a Skype call with us on simple work related matters don't even apply.Passionate and Trustworthy – Everyone on this project has a passion for game design, Do you?
  • Motivated and Proactive – If you have an idea or an opinion then never feel afraid to speak up.
  • Creative and Collaborative – You must be willing to give and take constructive criticism. Everyone on board needs thick skin. Remember we are all here to learn as well! So if you have an unwanted ego we suggest not applying.
  • Accountability and Dependability – This is key to making this game a reality, we want people who we can rely on to get the job done. We don’t want to hear excuses, give us your honest estimates and deadlines in any given situation!

What are we looking for?

Unreal VFX Artist

  • Experience with Unreal Engines Particle System.
  • Must be a strong team player; with proven ability to compromise when necessary to achieve overall best results.
  • Must be willing to communicate via text and calls on Skype, Hangouts and Hipchat.
  • Passion for the industry.
  • 1 - 2 years experience
  • Must have ability to direct and multi task effectively, while balancing the impact of deadlines and resources with changes to product and quality requirements.
  • Passion for the industry


  • 1 - 2 years experience with C++
  • Must have ability to direct and multi task effectively, while balancing the impact of deadlines and resources with changes to product and quality requirements.
  • Must be a strong team player; with proven ability to compromise when necessary to achieve overall best results.
  • Knowledge of object oriented design, design patterns, 3D Math, and data structures.
  • Knowledgeable with Unreal Blueprints.
  • Must be willing to communicate via text and calls on Skype, Hangouts and Hipchat.
  • Willing to give constant feedback. (Posting on our Dev forums, and Hipchat)
  • Unreal Engine Experience.
  • Passion for the industry.

3D Environment Modeler

  • Experience with hard surface and organic modeling.
  • Ability to create both high and low poly models based on concept art.
  • Strong eye for detail in architecture and natural environments.
  • Ability to create texture maps: diffuse/albedo, gloss, metallic, normal, alpha, and emissive.
  • Strong skills with Maya and Zbrush.
  • Must be willing to communicate via text and calls on Skype, Hangouts and Hipchat.
  • Passion for the industry.

3D Character Modeler

  • Experience with hard surface and organic modeling.
  • Ability to create both high and low poly models based on concept art.
  • Basic understanding of human anatomy.
  • Able to conceptualize abstract ideas in their design.
  • Must be willing to communicate via text and calls on Skype, Hangouts and Hipchat.
  • Passion for the industry.

3D Animator

  • Experience rigging and animating bipedal characters, mechanical enemies, weapons, and environments.
  • Experience with Unreal Engine 4 is a plus.
  • Strong skills with Maya.
  • Technical understanding of animations and their use for player feedback.
  • Must be willing to communicate via text and calls on Skype, Hangouts and Hipchat.
  • Passion for the industry

Level Designer

  • Experience with level design and crafting areas through all stages of production, from initial sketches to final polished environments.
  • Experience designing Sci-Fi levels.
  • Experience with Unreal Engine 4.
  • Good understanding of Plat formers and Side-Scrollers.
  • Ability to design to given requirements and iterate based on feedback.
  • Must be willing to communicate via text and calls on Skype.
  • Passion for the industry.

Sound Effects Designer

  • Strong concept of high fidelity sound
  • Great sound engineering and mixing skills (at least 2-3 years of hands-on work)
  • Superb understanding of organic and digital sound manipulation with use of software plugins, and/or industry quality hardware
  • General knowledge of sound implementation inside of game engine (Unreal Engine 4)
  • Able to quickly conceptualize sound effects from visuals
  • English as primary language
  • Quick turnaround
  • Constant updates of your progress
  • Must be willing to communicate via text and calls on Skype.
  • Passion for the industry.


  • Unique approaches to recording in the field and in the studio (i.e. using internal and external materials to achieve various sounds organically, etc)
  • Having multiple games under your belt, preferably games that demand more than just 8-bit sound effects.
  • A wider understanding of sound implementation into Unity and proper use of actual effects (i.e. impulse responses, frequency manipulation, dopplers, 3D sound, stereo imaging, binaural audio, surround sound, etc.)
  • Possession of your own high quality gear: microphones, MIDI keyboards, multiple softwares, (not just your laptop and an interface)

How To Apply

If you would like to apply for any of the positions listed above you can email us at: jobs@hollowrobot.com with the Subject you are applying for.

You can also visit us at our website: Hollowrobot.com

To Apply

Contact us at jobs@hollowrobot.com and put what position you are applying for in the the subject. You can also apply at our website www.hollowrobot.com/jobs