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Gold Dash is a classic-style arcade racing game made for the Windows PC. Here's the story:

One day, a hinge broke on the rear door of an armored money truck, and as a result, paper money and gold flew all over the highway leading to the local bank. It is now your job to collect all of this gold and money and return it to the bank before it is lost or stolen. You have to beat the clock, dodge traffic, avoid various obstacles, and watch out for the rival car that appears later in the game to complete your hazardous ride back to the bank. Are you ready for a Gold Dash?

Gold Dash is freely available on the official Phase Shift Software website. Click here if you would like to download it now. You also have the option to contribute money toward the development cost of the game.

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A new version of Gold Dash has been released. The new version, 1.1, contains many graphical enhancements to the game. The textures of the road and side areas have been replaced with more realistic looking ones. Also, the letters in the menu titles have been given a slight glow effect so that it looks more polished. Finally, the money image has been enhanced, and some new sound effects have been added throughout.

I also released a new demo of the game. Now, you can play levels 1 through 3 in the demo, and if you like the game and wish to play levels 4 through 20, the demo will direct you to the Phase Shift Software website where you can purchase the full version. Since the player’s save data remains untouched after an uninstall, you can continue where you left off in the demo after you install the full version of the game.

I certainly hope you enjoy the new version of Gold Dash. You can download the demo right here on IndieDB.

vheaden45 - - 2 comments

Hey y'all this game is fun! Don't be fooled with the simplistic look like I was. This game is truly a challenge and addictive. The cool and dramatic music got my feet pattin' and my heart pumping with excitement as I met new challenges throughout the levels. The levels are progressive and suspenseful. You never know what you will meet as you enter each level. This game gives you more that just a $1 value. Give it a try. It packs a punch.

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