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Galactic Overload Gameplay Summary: There is only one node that you are tasked to defend. Wave based combat, where the enemies make strafing bomb runs as opposed to arrive, stay, and shoot. You are given brief notifications as to the direction where the attack will come from. As long as the node is active you generate cash and points, you also get points only for each kill. If the node is destroyed one will re-spawn in a safe spot across the map in a set amount of time (the more nodes that are destroyed aka more re-spawns, the longer it takes.) in the time there is no node, mobs will seek to destroy you directly, in which you just need to survive and transverse across the space to the node before it spawns. There are also 'events', every so often in the times that the node is gone. Like a massive enemy warship boss spawns that you need to destroy before the node can safely re-appear.

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