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Heros of war I is brand new game telling the story of shimon markovich who is a jew in the world war 2 while he's family was killed by german nazi soldiers and he is on hes way out of the ghieto geting out the forest! the mission is to escape the bunker,Get out to the forest and then escape until you see U.S Soldiers! it tells a story about a jew who fought in the war against the nazis!, In the behalf this game is fan made world war 2 story about a jewish civilain who lived in poland in warsaw who was named shimon markovich he was 16 when the war begin and he's parents died in the behalf he joined the warsaw resistance and got catch and thrown into a bunker there he escaped to the forests to find allies or soviet soldiers to help him, The game is singleplayer mostly the upcomeing resistance heros of warsaw I:The adventure begins will add upcomeing multiplayer mode where you can team up with your friends and fight other people! resistance hero of warsaw was developed by one person so ya

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Change Of plan!

Change Of plan!


SWTC Updated to RHOW! as you know we also changed from unity to FPSC

SW: Separatist Crisis Alpha 0.0.5

SW: Separatist Crisis Alpha 0.0.5


Alpha 0.0.5 SWCSC A0.0.5 is out! with brand new textures,Troopers,GUNS! Lots of BIG GUNS!