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You are Ryan Barlow, after receiving a letter from your ex wife informing you that your daughter has cancer, you return to your home city of Rigshore. But, the city has changed, the streets are desolated, the residents have all but disappeared. You must investigate what has happened to this once great city, and above all else, find your daughter.

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More stuff!


So, it turns out Dead Point Chapter 1 is going to be much larger than I first thought...And that is great!

What's taking so long?

What's taking so long?


You m ay have noticed that the first chapter of the game is not out yet, and that's a pretty valid thought...So let me explain why.

Dead Point: The Ruturn is nearly done...BETA TESTERS NEEDED!

Dead Point: The Ruturn is nearly done...BETA TESTERS NEEDED!


So, the first chapter of Dead Point is almost completely finished, here's a new update!

Who is Dead Point for? Who's it not for?

Who is Dead Point for? Who's it not for?


Almost all video games are created with a specific audience in mind, that is of course unless you are creating some kind of AAA military shooter and wish...

Dead Point: The Ruturn [UPDATE!]

Dead Point: The Ruturn [UPDATE!]


Here's some more news...So much news eh? It's all looking good!

What about my skills set? What makes this game any good?

What about my skills set? What makes this game any good?


Most indie developers have at least a few worthy games they have worked on in the past, so what have I worked on?

So, how is the game right now?

So, how is the game right now?


I plan on posting these updates frequently as I'm constantly adding to the first chapter of the game. Expect nerdy stuff and boring life stuff...