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Dead By Association is a Open world multiplayer game that can hold about 50 players per server. People can work in small groups or alone to make it through the apocalyptic spanish peninsula and try to get through the quarantine zone.

Add job Report Progammers with unreal 4 experiance at D.B.A Studios

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located Anywhere.

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Dead By Association needs one more programmer and one more level designer and one more animator ( could be the same person for several roles if he/she has enough spare time) Our game is a profit share project and atm we are about 20 people on the team and have a great collection of assets,fooliage from speedtree, a landscape from world machine and the basic functionality comming along. We need someone dedicated with lots of free time and some basic experiance in unreal 4 or/and the area he/she applies for.

Dead By Association is a open world zombie horror game with multiplayer and focus on looting and teamwork but with aspects of pvp. Many things will seperate this game from the many other similar games like for example our system for karma where you get different responce depending on if you are a bandit or a good guy and our accounts that allows you to level up and unlock cosmetic items and ofc the goal of the game to make it out of the quarantine.

You can learn more about the game here or contact me at
Skype: darkveider4
Mail: Mikaelolofsson86@hotmail.com

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