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Dead By Association is a Open world multiplayer game that can hold about 50 players per server. People can work in small groups or alone to make it through the apocalyptic spanish peninsula and try to get through the quarantine zone.

Add job Report 3D artists or animators for DBA at D.B.A Studios

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located Anywhere.

Posted by Facebook.com on

Hey guys!

Im from a Indie team currently working on Dead By Association, we are looking for more dedicated people to join us in our work. Mostly we need 3d artists for both environment props, characters and animating but if you think you can help us in some other way let me know and we can talk about it.

The Game is a open world horror multiplayer game with survival aspects, it will focus alot on PVE but will also have PVP.
We recently started but have had some good progress and will have the basic functionality done in december.

We have speedtree to create awesome looking fooliage and we are working on making some high class 3d environment but need more people to get the job done in time.
This is a profit share project so no direct payment but we all share when/if the game is sold. We are hoping to get this on steam by greenlight or something like that.


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