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Conquest of Elysium 3 is an old school fantasy strategy game. You explore your surroundings conquer locations that provides the resources you need. Resources needed vary much depending on what character you are, e.g. the high priestess need places where she can gather human sacrifices, the baron needs places where tax can be collected and where iron can be mined. These resources can then be used for magic rituals and troop recruitments. The main differentiator for this game is the amount of features and special abilities that can be used. The game can be played on Windows, Linux (x86 and raspberry pi) and Mac OSX (intel and powerpc).

Forum Thread
Recuit chances for classes known? (Games : Conquest of Elysium 3 : Forum : Modding Discussion : Recuit chances for classes known?) Locked
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Jan 2 2013 Anchor

Following modding problem, i want to change a single recruitment for a class, for example change the ballista recruitment for Senator.
It seems the only way to do this would be, to do "clearrec" and then redo all recruitments for the class with "addunitrec" "addcomrec" and so on.

Unfortunately, i then have to guess what the actual recruit chances are for the various commanders and chance recruitments (e.g. serpent priests, gladiators, centurio, ...). Altering the ballista into what i want it to be, of course changes the ballista for all other classes as well and i do not want that. While events allow for triggering on a specific class if it has specific units and then can give some additional units (meaning i could include a trigger for senator that gifts him unit i want as ballista replacement if he recruits ballistas) there is no mechanism to kill only the ballistas (only possible to kill all units in a square, not specific units or commanders), leaving the senator with the unit i want to replace the ballista and the ballista

Unless someone has a suggestion, the only possible way to change a unit recruitment for a class with a unit other classes have as well, is to redo the whole recuitment of the class.

Suggestions how to alter a single recruitment of a class?

vladikus The Lazy One
Jan 3 2013 Anchor

This isn't helpful, but I did look into this, and have yet to find a good answer.


Slackware 14.0
Debian 6.0.6

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