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Conquest of Elysium 3 is an old school fantasy strategy game. You explore your surroundings conquer locations that provides the resources you need. Resources needed vary much depending on what character you are, e.g. the high priestess need places where she can gather human sacrifices, the baron needs places where tax can be collected and where iron can be mined. These resources can then be used for magic rituals and troop recruitments. The main differentiator for this game is the amount of features and special abilities that can be used. The game can be played on Windows, Linux (x86 and raspberry pi) and Mac OSX (intel and powerpc).

Forum Thread
Mastery Question (Games : Conquest of Elysium 3 : Forum : Modding Discussion : Mastery Question) Locked
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May 21 2012 Anchor

So the mastery ritual is currently undocumented, but according to JK it is:

(monster offset 1 = become the next monster, 2 = the next next...)

So does anyone know if it is possible to use the ritual of mastery to transform into an already existant monster by setting the next monster in the list to:

selectmonster "Monster Name"

So for example, does this:

newmonster "Count"
copystats "Baron"
spr1 "\Baron\Baron1.tga"
spr2 "\Baron\Baron2.tga"
hp 16
str 6
mor 6
mr 6
armor 2
rank 0
move 2097152
melee weapon 2 "Greatsword"
mastery 1
masterycost 150
masterycosttype 5

selectwmonster "Vampire"

...Allow for a Count that can levy troops, gather hands, and transform himself into a Vampire for 150 Hands?


Edited by: FrankTrollman

May 21 2012 Anchor

No, that won't work.
But creating a new monster that is identical to the vampire right after the count should work. LIke this.

newmonster "Vampire"
copystats "Vampire"

May 21 2012 Anchor

Disappointing. But thank you.


May 22 2012 Anchor

The Monster is essentially the same, no drawback, except it is one less monster you can define as of the theoretical limit of 1000 new monster entries (Is this even implemented?)

May 22 2012 Anchor

Is there any way to give extra spells with a Mastery ritual? When my Count upgrades himself into a Vampire, he gets two 2nd level spells for becoming a 2nd level caster. But he doesn't gain any 1st level spells. And "more1spells 2" does not seem to work.


May 22 2012 Anchor

Seems like have to make him a lvl 1 caster first and split it up into 2 consecutive masteries atm.

May 23 2012 Anchor

this may be a bug, not getting the correct num. of spells. But on gameplay side, why not make the count a lvl 1 caster, since he obviosly wants to be a vampire he should dabble in the dark/necromantic arts...

May 24 2012 Anchor

In the next version it'll work according to the changelog :)

Nov 5 2012 Anchor

A question regarding mastery...

In the documentation, it states that a negative offset can be used.

Is it therefor possible to use a mastery 1 on one monster, and a mastery -1 on the next monster to create
ritual of mastery that toggle between two states?

I ask, as when I attempted to do so, the monster with the mastery -1 ritual's special power menu would not appear in game.

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