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Combat Core is a 3D arena fighting game that borrows elements from games like Power Stone, Custom Robo, and Super Smash Bros. Hyper-powered multiplayer combat with custom fighters, weapon pickups, powerups, and environmental hazards! The game is currently in development for PC and consoles.

Post news RSS Combat Core Kickstarter Update 3

More game mechanics, new Oculus VR demo, Thunderclap campaign, and fanart!

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Hey Combat Core fans!

We're in the middle stretch of the campaign and have past the $10k mark! We need to keep up the push! Let's keep it going strong, thank you so much!


Thunderclap Campaign

We started a Thunderclap campaign! What is Thunderclap? It's a simple service that allows everyone who signs up using Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr to signal boost the campaign by collectively sending the same message, at the same time! We need to get at least 100 people signed up by Friday, June 5 when the message is launched! That's less than the current numbers of backers, so let's make this happen!


Oculus Rift Demo

For those who want to take Combat Core's VR-themed world to the next level, a new Oculus Rift enabled Windows build is now available for Combat Core! Grab it from the indieDB page!

More Gameplay Mechanics!


Attack Mixups

Although Combat Core keeps the attack inputs simple with 2 buttons, you still a have a lot of options available in your arsenal!

Most characters will have 3-5 hit string if you continue to press the same attack input, but you can actually switch between attack strings at any point of the combo.

Here you can see Bruizer's 2 basic combo strings, but also a variation mixing both, or also executing a heavy or core attack during the combo!
Here you can see Bruizer's 2 basic combo strings,
but also a variation mixing both, or also executing a heavy or core attack during the combo!


Parries can be executed by either the default parry button (Q on keyboard, LB on Xbox Gamepad) or by pressing jump + guard at the same time. A successful parry will cause a non-damaging stun to the attacker and open up an opportunity for a counter attack!

If you time it right, you can parry and catch weapons or projectiles!
If you time it right, you can parry and catch weapons or projectiles!

Air Recovery (Tech)

If you press roll/evasion while airborne, you can recover faster than you would waiting to stand back up! You are also invulnerable until you land on the ground.

Roll Invincibility Frames

The roll evasion move (default is tap B/middle click)has more utility than just increased movespeed. The first few frames of the roll you are actually invincible! With quick timing (or luck) you can completely evade all attacks, even grabs or core attacks! But it does not last the duration of the entire roll, so be careful!

Rolling at the right time can evade ANYTHING
Rolling at the right time can evade ANYTHING


Fan Art!

To finish up this update, the talented Jammarie has graced us with some great Pugi fan art! Check it out!

You can see more of Jammarie's art on his DeviantArt page, or follow him on twitter!

That wraps up this update! Thanks for your continued support and let's keep up the push!

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