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Hey there! This is "Beneath the Cardboards", my 30-days Christmas project. It is mainly inspired by the sorrowful life of those children who live on the streets, especially the so called "aurolacs". They are the abandoned kids of Bucharest who live inside sewers, in parks, sometimes inside apartment buildings and around The Northern Train Station. They burn garbage and sleep underneath cardboards in search of warmth. The label "aurolac" comes from a gold-ish looking paint with hallucinogen effects which they pour inside plastic bags and inhale. You have to survive the most cruel of the holidays, the one when Santa only brings you frostbites and... perhaps a bottle of "frost chimeras" too if you were nice enough. Beware, death awaits at every corner. The weather gets colder and colder, the winds more and more fierce and your stomach... Empty as always.

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Beneath the Cardboard (Christmas game) - 5th Update!

Beneath the Cardboard (Christmas game) - 5th Update!

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New update on Beneath the Cardboard! The city is alive during the daytime!

Beneath the Cardboard (Christmas game) - Big Update!

Beneath the Cardboard (Christmas game) - Big Update!

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Hello! Big update on Beneath the Cardboard, my 30-days Christmas Project!

Beneath the Cardboards - The First Release

Beneath the Cardboards - The First Release

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The game is now available for download! This is still a work in progress.