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Cannot upload new MCF for my game (Forums : Support : Cannot upload new MCF for my game) Locked
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Sep 29 2012 Anchor

Hi, I am getting an error when I try to upload a new MCF for an update to my game.

When I try to upload my MCF the error I get says:

MCF Upload Error
There was an error during the MCF upload process and it has been stopped.
File size is zero.

The MCF file is NOT a zero file size and this causing the upload to stop and a temporary upload file added to the "Uploads" header in my publish page.
When I try to resume the upload file in Desura I get the follow message:

MCF Upload Error
There was an error during the MCF upload process and it has been stopped.
Status: You have already begun upload this file (hash: ...) you must resume this upload to continue. [38. 121]

When I Check my Desura game publish page I can see the upload file under the "Uploads" header, but the progress says 0% and everything I try to do doesnt let me resume the upload. If I delete this upload and try to upload a fresh version, I get the first error again, saying that my file size is zero.

Any help that you can give me would be great, thanks.


Edit: Ah nevermind, I have managed to upload a new MCF file by deleting the source folder and creating a new folder for the update MCF. Seems the bug must have been in my windows folder layout or directories.

Edited by: AlwaysGeeky

Oct 10 2012 Anchor

Actually, it's a Desura bug. If uploading is interrupted, and you delete the current upload on Upload Release (Upload) page, and try to re-upload it, Desura will upload only a "0% uploaded" file and refuse to continue or resume it.

The simplest workaround is something similar to what you have pointed out - the 0% uploaded file (on the Upload page) needs to be deleted and the folder selected to upload on your hard-drive renamed to get it working (in the end it changes nothing for the end users because Desura creates its own main game folders within \Common with the game content inside).

Edited by: feillyne

Oct 10 2012 Anchor

Thanks for your reply. And yes my experience was exactly as you mentioned...

It is a bit of a cryptic bug, since for the Developer there really is no indication that anything is being done wrong and it appears that you cannot 'fix' it when this happens. But I am glad I found out the 'rename directory' workaround that you mentioned. I will know this for future and maybe this should be documented somewhere for other users who might encounter the same problem. Actually I am pretty new to Desura, is there a place to raise this sort of issue for the devs?


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