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Mods are finally getting invited onto Valve's digital distribution platform.

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Half-Life 2 mod Synergy has reported, in a now edited post, that it will be one of four mods to receive support and access to Steamworks.

Synergy wrote: I would also like to inform you that we will be releasing Synergy and future updates through Steam! Valve Software has allowed us to do so by giving us access to the Steamworks SDK. We are honored to be one of the four first selected mods to be given this opportunity. We will certainly put this to good use!

For you players, this means that you will see Achievements and Stats coming to Synergy in later updates. (Not to mention the automatic updates, provided by Steam.)

Steamworks, for those living under a rock, is a service that Valve first offered to commercial games to be used in conjunction with their digital distribution platform, Steam. No-charge bandwidth for distribution, automatic updating and achievements are just a few of the features Steamworks touts - all for free. Now, it seems that Valve is devoting some resources to help certain Source mods get up to speed and use the power of Steam. One user did some digging around and found possible links to four other mods that could be implementing Steamworks in the future. The files pointed to the following mods:

While this is all currently just speculation, Zombie Panic! Source was very cryptic on the last episode of the Modcast about future updates. Sources close to the Age of Chivalry development team have also reported that a Steamworks release is close at hand. So does this mean a future of all Source mods on Steam? This Steamworks mod info page explains:

Valve wrote: It is appropriate for use in broad release commercial games, but we don't think it and our support infrastructure is ready for Mods or games likely to have a very small install base or just starting out with growing their user base. It's a bit of a judgment call on our part that we have to make but past history can give you some examples of Mods and games that have reached an audience size that we think can best leverage the Steamworks features (e.g. Day of Defeat, Counter-Strike, Garry's Mod).

Most of the tools and functionality included in Steamworks is intended to support games by including ancillary functions like cheat detection and DRM. Obviously, those things won't help you build a great game in the first place -- Steamworks is not intended as a game creation platform.

In other words, Steamworks doesn't make a good mod — it makes good mods better.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 76)
Duckman142 - - 79 comments

mmmm no dystopia? i'd have thought they'd be on that list.

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Zimmbous - - 40 comments

yeah, me too. Maybe next time?

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salem5 - - 69 comments

Lets root for dystopia and Knigts, vikings and Pirates

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WhiteHawke - - 90 comments

I have no idea how PVKII can not be on that list. It has a MASSIVE fanbase.

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TyeTheCzar - - 121 comments

I'm wondering... why aren't mods coming on to steamworks as frequently as commercial games? I wanna see HL1 mods on there! Maybe even id software game mods/source ports! PLEEEEEEZE

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Hawk-97 - - 9 comments

I would think dystopia as well especially since they were one of the first mods to get valve's attention...

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Spector - - 511 comments

they never did anything new, thus no mention.

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Esoj - - 48 comments

I can't believe no dystopia :(. some of those choices would seem really odd since they aren't exactly standout mods on source. some of them were half life 1 mods which may have had something to do with it or perhaps they were pushing valve for steamworks already maybe. hopefully this does eventually come an option for all mods

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Lucífer - - 3,393 comments

no offence to the Zombie Panic guys but you'd expect Dystopia instead of something that kinda derived from CSS and Gmod servers...

maybe Dystopia already has access to Steamworks?

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Tatsur0 - - 1,068 comments

No offense taken considering CSS ZM and Gmod zombie mod were both derived from our HL1 mod Zombie Panic which came out long before either of those you're speaking of. It's not something that bothers us, in fact we find it rather flattering :)


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Broadsword530 - - 156 comments

Wow Tats... you just owned him. :D

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johnnyxcasanova - - 19 comments


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klichka - - 138 comments

This seems to be about mods that can use the regular forced update features of Source rather than just the best of the best mods. Dystopia while being a big mod, has had little in the way of producing updates. The mod is slow to update. It's still on 1.1 for a long while now.

Edit: After checking things out, I don't understand why Dystopia wasn't picked either. Also, this info is not finalized official info, just speculation mostly except for Synergy.

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Henley - - 1,973 comments

and you know this for sure?

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Loftless - - 41 comments

That's great to hear. It also seems like a good modivating tool for mods to get their product out there for people to play. The more attention you get, the more your playerbase, the more likely valve is to take notice of your playerbase, and add you to this great new system. Good luck to everyone, I know there's lots more deserving mods out there, and I know we'll all help support them ;)

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Crispy - - 602 comments

I don't think anyone here has considered the possibility that Valve offering Steamworks to mods is a method that works for both parties. It's not necessarily a completely altruistic gesture on Valve's part.

Valve aren't a charity. Steamworks is going to be their next big thing, so it makes sense to let mods guinea-pig it and give feedback while its still in its infancy. The range of genres would seem to support this theory, given that the feature requests will be different from different genres.

One reason Dystopia may not have been chosen is that the team has already shown itself incredibly capable of implementing things like global stat-tracking. On the other hand why not take this system and try to transfer it Steamside? Valve must have their reasons.

So, basically, mods get to play around with Valve's new indie devkit for Steam, and in return they provide Valve with real-life examples of where the system is working and where it is a little rough round the edges.

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purplehaze412 - - 368 comments

I agree. Valve seems to be testing mods more and more in the past, Go look on the valve fourms, they are all talking about implamenting mods into a price costly area, But if they do that they lost me :(

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Fenring - - 35 comments

This is awesome for those mods, distribution is definately more important these days as mods just get bigger and more sophisticated. To bad EA/DICE probably will never do anything like this for battlefield mods :-(

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flameknight7 - - 619 comments

does this mean we have to redownload them if we already have them?

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FJS - - 839 comments

I don't think so

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koddak99 - - 137 comments

Zombie Panic!!! XD

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Togranigdo - - 851 comments

CSO isn't support steam.

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jacksonj04 - - 631 comments

I think one of the best points about SteamWorks is the instant feedback it can provide to teams on player numbers, which maps are popular, how people behave and so on enabling them to better focus the mod to who is playing it and how they actually play. Not to mention the huge benefits of automated (and thus hopefully more regular) updates.

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TriXz - - 103 comments

Guys you don't get it.. They wouldn't pick 2 of the same genre mods, as you can see they picked 1 Multiplayer Car Combat mod, 1 Multiplayer First Person Modern Warfare shooter, 1 Multiplayer First Person Old Aged Combat shooter, and 1 Multiplayer First Person Fantasy Shooter.. thats how dad did it, thats how they do it.. Lol forget the last part, it's just how they picked different genre to see if SteamWorks REALLY is going to work? So let's wait and see if it's going to work :)

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anton_es - - 2 comments


i think valve wants to prevent the general public to play something that's leagues better than tf2 or other stuff they came up themselves.
I smell corporate business taking a **** on the ppl that made them big.

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Ennui - - 419 comments

Stop insulting Valve, you clearly don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

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Metafiz Author
Metafiz - - 504 comments

lol. Please think before you post.

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Wraiyth - - 483 comments

I have the feeling that Dystopia are headed for much more than simple, free Steamworks distribution. There was ALOT of talk a few years back when the Dys team was first up and running about the mod being sold on Steam. Perhaps with the introduction of Steamworks and all that stuff, there is a move being made for this to happen with Dystopia.
I was more surprised at the lack of Eternal Silence on this list, actually.

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Forceflow - - 39 comments

I applied for an API key a couple of weeks ago, haven't heard from them since.

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jrloco - - 11 comments

I can´t believe they would add Age of Chivalry instead of PVKII.

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stevealmighty - - 174 comments

i agree pvk 2 should be up there, its an amazing mod
but aoc is quite fun aswell...even if it is nowhere near as good as pvk (no offense developers, i just think pvk is more fun)

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Metafiz Author
Metafiz - - 504 comments

I personally prefer AoC over PVK II. You also have to remember that it also may depend on the teams and their ability to implement Steamworks. I'm sure all the other mods mentioned in the comments had been taken in to consideration providing this trial goes well.

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leilei - - 5,721 comments

I wonder if SteamWorks can cover those popular Q-based Free FPS games.

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SAHChandler - - 119 comments

SteamWorks is C++ so I don't see why not.

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R_Yell - - 368 comments

This is a great initiative, I think Source is losing appealing and this is a good reason to mod for this engine.

However they made happy 4 mods and ****** the rest heheh. Why not Empires, PVK2, Zombie Master, or whatever? I hope all quality mods get their chance, sooner or later.

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INtense! Staff
INtense! - - 4,100 comments

I maybe wrong, but I believe this is just a list of mods Ryan suspects are working on Steamworks integration. There maybe more (less even) that he isn't aware of

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AgeNt_ - - 244 comments

will this also work for new mods coming out? or just so called "popular mods"

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xlucidx - - 275 comments

Why the hell would they add DIPRIP? Car combat is so boring and one dimensional.

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Henley - - 1,973 comments

that is just your thoughts on the subject tho mate, Ryans post is based on what we know right now about this. As Scotty said there could be more.

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CommandoPoop - - 65 comments

Damn would've thought Dystopia would be there

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urinal-cake - - 48 comments

Mothra, please behave. I know you're close to it, but be nice. :)
Ennui, forgive him. There are harsh feelings going around.

Whether we're on this article's supposed list or not, is not important and we appreciate the flattering comments regarding Dystopia.
However, I think the point we need to concentrate on is that these modifications broke a barrier, commonly seen in the gaming industry, of only becoming more professional. These guys are true heroes in my book, and I think that they deserve a big congratulations. We should all look forward to what they have to bring.

From me and the rest of Team Dystopia, you guys kick ***, and you represent the modding community awesomely. Thanks!

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urinal-cake - - 48 comments

I'll say it one more time for the people not reading in this thread.
Stop concentrating on who didn't get this opportunity, and concentrate on seeing that these mods are doing justice for the entire modding scene by breaking through the social barriers that prevent mods from being taken seriously. I would expect to see more "You rock guys, go get 'em, etc." comments.

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newguy2 - - 39 comments

Why would Valve (+Steam) support Zombie Panic: Source when they are planning on releasing Left 4 Dead?

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Gongong - - 87 comments

Because they aren't EA... *hrm* I mean corporate bastards. ;)
Remember that you still need a Source game to be able to play ZP and that good publicity is, well, good.
Not that ZP is confirmed, yet, anyhow.

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sickre - - 208 comments

Yeh but isn't Zombie Panic just Left 4 Dead but crap?

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doublethink - - 148 comments

WHAT? Zombie panic is a totally different game, with no where near the same structure or feel.

...and they have a decent playerbase of their own.

I'm looking forward to l4d like everyone else, but zps is pretty damn cool.

You should really look stuff up/try things out before posting total slander.

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Metafiz Author
Metafiz - - 504 comments

Isn't this a failed attempt at trolling?

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KindredPhantom - - 290 comments

It would be good for a lot of mods to get similar treatment, there are quite a few new and old mods that have tried something new or expanded upon existing gameplay. I just hope that these few lucky mods (Synergy being the only confirmed mod so far) are the mods chosen as a trial to see if indeed allowing modders to use Steamworks will be beneficial and be great additional features to already great mods.

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Ben_E - - 108 comments

This is a big step for source mods! The mods that were chosen to integrate deserve it, but it is only the beginning. I am excited to see them pioneer this territory!

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happycheeze - - 128 comments

Thats so awesome!

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