Playable version of The Searing Mountain. Version 0.4 It includes developer mode that allows the player to choose what level he wants.
It includes developer mode that allows the player to choose what level he wants. Important thing is that there aren’t level transitions yet. I asked my friend Teekus for test game before release playable version. It was surprising for me as I didn’t know that a huge number of bugs appeared in game. So for me it was important to fix them before the playable version will be released. As I'm the developer of the game, I cannot see the game from the player's perspective. Some things would be easy for me but for players not, so nice when there will be more beta testers of the game so I can write a list of things to be improved. I listened Jages suggestion as he recommended making pickup items when the player is standing on them, so it is important change in comparing to previous version. I haven't made load and save system yet. One of bug was inventory problem when player picked up a item, use that item and pick up again the same type of item the value of item was null even when icon appeared in inventory, reason was because it changes value of amount only if amount was greater of 1 or equal. Because for one guy it is a lot of work, I'll concentrate firstly on polishing existing levels or adding new features.