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This is the serialkey verifier by following Flying Squrriel Entertainment's request, you need to use this tool to check your key before playing this mod

Taleworlds Product SerialKey Verifier
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Eärendil_Ardamírë - - 1,871 comments

You run that application, insert a key and the programme tells you if the key is valid or not? Or how is it working?

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DoDoCat Author
DoDoCat - - 1,765 comments

Yes, it will tell you the key is valid or not

As the Flying Squrriel Entertainment said, they need something which can verify the NW cd-key if use the NW stuffs, so I made this tool.

This tool can verify varios profucts of taleworlds, which is more than Flying Squrriel Entertainment's request.


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Eärendil_Ardamírë - - 1,871 comments

Ah, so this can also be integrated into the module system in some way?

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DoDoCat Author
DoDoCat - - 1,765 comments

I don’t think so, because it needs to call something can send data to remote server,but the only operation which can do such thing in Warband can only be used in the multiplayer

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Eärendil_Ardamírë - - 1,871 comments

But I doubt that the keychecker is not integrated in some way, that would be strange. It should check if players have NW installed when loading a module, so there must be some way I think.
You can also send data in singleplayer, btw., the operations work there too ;)

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DoDoCat Author
DoDoCat - - 1,765 comments

I think so, keychecker should work as a launcher

as for the operation, it may work in singleplayer, but you still need to check the serialkey everytime you start a new game, since you can't save something to check whether you have already checked the serialkey or not.

So I prefer a individual keychecker tool, rather than integraded in the module itself.

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Eärendil_Ardamírë - - 1,871 comments

I never looked up how this keychecking thing works, so quite interesting for me. Thanks for your answers!

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DoDoCat Author
DoDoCat - - 1,765 comments

u are welcome :))

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Amin_Khan - - 26 comments

how it's work?

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Amin_Khan - - 26 comments

where i should put this verifier?
on module?

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DoDoCat Author
DoDoCat - - 1,765 comments

1. Download, Extract and Run
2. Select Napoleonic Wars DLC Button
3. Select nce module (or rnb if you use RNB module)
4. Input your NW Key into the Key Verifier and click ok

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VindictivePUMA - - 42 comments

Why is Flying Squirrel Entertainment requesting our serial keys?

My apologies, I just don't understand..

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DoDoCat Author
DoDoCat - - 1,765 comments

This is the rules, if you use the stuffs from Napoleonic Wars, you need to add NW CD key checking, here is the full information: Indiedb.com

Some nw mod's installer already including the NW CD key check, I just write a individual tool which can do the same thing because many people can't use the installer since RNB mod.

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

entered my cd key that it has on steam. Didnt work. Ideas?

This game is purchased also

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DoDoCat Author
DoDoCat - - 1,765 comments

I uploaded a new version which means you can try again

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

Excuse me, but what exactly do you do with this? You put this in the NCE folder in path C:\Steam\steamapps\common\MountBlade Warband\Modules\NCE, then run it and put your napoleonic war serial key? Because that is what I did, and it said verify failed, even though the serial key was correct. Also, what am I supposed to do with the Profiles folder? Sorry, but the instructions were not very clear.

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DoDoCat Author
DoDoCat - - 1,765 comments

You can run this app in any folder, it will detect your NCE installation

1. Click the app and run
2. Select Napoleonic Wars and pump out the Serial Key Checker
3. Put your key into that app and click ok

Make sure you have good internet connection

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DoDoCat Author
DoDoCat - - 1,765 comments

Profile should be selected automatically

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Kagestorn - - 326 comments

Ok, am I the only one who doesn't quite get it? What is the actual, practical purpose of this? To voluntarily check our own serial keys? Why? Let's assume we're pirates or something and just ignore it, what's going to happen than? What is the potential recourse intended? How can someone possibly punish a bad mod user this way? Why would dishonest people check themselves, knowing they are dishonest? How is this supposed to work with user modifications, unless it's embedded into an installer or something?

No seriously, either I'm dumb or this makes 0 sense. I don't get it at all. Maybe it's the language barrier, but i haven't encountered anything like this ever. If one assumes that user is honest, than this verifier is redundant, because it's definitely going to verify. If you bought the game and played NP multiplayer, than it works - the serial was already checked, or you couldn't play (unless this verifier makes a mistake I guess). If one assumes the opposite, why would that person even bother to download this verifier in the first place, much less use it? What forces them to do it, instead of just ignoring and playing the mod? They'd know they either can't pass it or would cheat with a keygen tool or something like that (not sure if it'd work, but who knows). If they know they can't pass, how can you force them to use it and give themselves away?

And what happens if i use this verifier and my code fails? Will it actually somehow affect my game? How? In what way? My key is steam-verified, because i bought it there, it's protected by default. I know it's a lot of text on possibly something quite mundane, but I really don't get it, so pelase bear with me.

I downloaded the mod before this verifier was introduced and played for some time, so what is supposed to force me to use it if I don't want to? I already have the mod. If i didn't bother to check on the mod page recently, almost by chance, I would miss introduction of this feature entirely, at least for some time (possibly a lot of time), blissfully ignorant of it's existence. It's not as if anything is encrypted and forces me to provide the serial key to unlock it. This concept is utterly incomprehensible to me, and I say it without any anger or ire towards Taleworlds or mod creator. I'm genuinely flabbergasted.

If you assume bad faith from a player, what on earth can you do to them to punish or force to comply? Why would a pirate voluntarily submit to this? What actual power does this tool possess? If you assume good faith, than why do you need it in the first place? Either way, it seems to have no practical use at all, at least to me. Is it just something you're forced to have as part of your mod because Taleworlds' rules says so, regardless of whether it's dumb or not? Just a formality no one really cares about? What is going on here?

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DoDoCat Author
DoDoCat - - 1,765 comments

Your choice, I recommand you verify the cd-key since this is the FSE's command

If you truely brought this game, then you can ignore this.

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Eärendil_Ardamírë - - 1,871 comments

Such a product serial key checker is required at every mod which uses NW as base, accord to the modding rules for that DLC. Thus, each NW submod should have an installer for the mod.

Yes, the dishonest people can simply decide not to implement it in their mod. But if reported those mods are simply getting deleted from moddb and Nexus Mods and it will be harder for them to share their work.

Also DoDoCat is simply providing a key checker tool here. It's mostly aimed at modders and not at mod players. Latter one should only be confronted with it when installing a NW submod.

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DoDoCat Author
DoDoCat - - 1,765 comments


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skdursh - - 476 comments

The mods wouldn't be deleted. There's nothing against moddb or nexus terms of service that would exclude these mods for not following some 3rd parties request, because the mods themselves still require the base game. You can argue to morality either way, but it's completely unenforceable. And to be clear I own all of the Mount and Blade games plus their DLC legitimately, but this really serves no purpose. It's not going to exclude anyone from playing or doing anything in the context of modding.

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Kagestorn - - 326 comments

DoDoCat. Ok, that's the point though. You can't actually force someone to use it, especially pirates, because they don't give a hoot, defeating the purpose. I have a clear conscience - kind of the reason I'm asking in the first place. From an honest onlooker's perspective it just looks weird as hell.

Eärendil_Ardamírë. Ah, that's kind of what i suspected, yeah with installer it would at least make sense. Without it though I guess it's just a rule you got to respect as a modder, without any practical purpose.

And no I didn't refer to dishonest modders (didn't even occur to me), there are probably very few of them anyway, since it's so easy to buy the game nowadays. And if this tool is for players to use, dishonest users will just ignore it in this format, because there's no recourse. And with the internet being what it is, once it's out there, it's out there - I've witnessed it myself on many occasions. Even discontinued and deleted mods are still out there, you might remember the "Parabellum"?

If the tool is aimed at modders, I guess i have one more question. Is this in regard to possible submods to this one, or just any other mods and this tool is just being "thrown out" here through this particular mod? I ask it because I've seen quite a few NW-based mods around here, but this tool is a first one for me. I looked on the forums too, it seems to be only here.

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Eärendil_Ardamírë - - 1,871 comments

The tool is mainly aimed at modders so that they are not simply using all the NW stuff and create the exactly same mod for Warband which would then be for free. That's why I aimed for the dishonest modders. About the dishonest players there is rarely anything you can do about it. If you are creative enough you will find a way to play the game for free. Still, it's a very cheap game (for European/North-American standards, so I understand the South-American fellows), so people are encouraged to buy the game instead of pirating it.

Not sure what the word 'sumbomds' means, perhaps a typo. In general the modding rules for the different games/DLCs are pretty clear for modders and explained at different pages. For NW for example the following page is binding:
All what the forum moderators of the modding section can do is react to reports of mods which violate this rules. Moderators are not actively hunting down mods or modders, they are working on report basis. And yes, mods uploaded to the internet stay around and can't be deleted all. But they can at least prevent them from appearing at popular mod sites like moddb or Nexus Mods. And especially NW mods are in the most cases for multiplayer, so they can potentially be affected by this.

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Kagestorn - - 326 comments

Yeah I suppose. Still not sure how even dishonest modders can be controlled by a tool which can only be used voluntarily but whatever. I mean what stops you from say, putting it into your files category here but not using it yourself? How would anyone be able to check if a modder did it or not?

And yeah it was a typo, i obviously meant submods :D. Not sure if multiplayer mod that copies NW would even work at all, since why would it - you can pirate it all you want but you can't connect to servers without actually having a serial. Or am I wrong?

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Eärendil_Ardamírë - - 1,871 comments

The control for dishonest modders basically comes from the community itself. In theory the forum moderators could download each mod individually and check if the key checker is implemented in the appropriate way or not. But they also have a normal life. That's the work on report basis as mentioned above.

Regarding the multiplayer: NW itself is basically just another mod which is why you can select it out of the same selection menu like the other mods at the start up of the game. It's only differing in the part that some additional info bits are requires, like the new game key. But since it's basically just a mod modders can port stuff around like in a mod and could therefore simply create a Warband mod with all the NW stuff, give it a new name and publish it as their own creation. This would make buying NW useless since then you would have a mod for it for which you can also easily access the multiplayer servers. So in theory not hard to 'pirate' it. But also not really worth the time you would need for it since it's less hazzle to just buy the DLC (which is currently anyway at steam sale for 2,5 €, so not expensive) and play it normally.

And I didn't got the work 'submod' together, was trying around with other words but it could have been so easy :D

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Kagestorn - - 326 comments

So as it is without installer, does it count as an appropriate implementation?

So you can access servers with an illegal module? Oh wait, yes you can! I remember now, you can use those retexture mods for NW multiplayer, you're right! Not sure if it depends on serial, so i guess probably it doesn't! It fits now.

And don't worry about that misspell, I get it. I've been checking those walls of text extra carefully, don't know if you can see the sheer number of edits i did after posting, and that's after checking it before posting as well. And yet some simple stuff like that tends to get away anyhow. Oh well. :)

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Eärendil_Ardamírë - - 1,871 comments

Yes, NW submods should have an installer which has this serial key checker implemented, otherwise they are not set up properly.

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DoDoCat Author
DoDoCat - - 1,765 comments

I release this tool rather than use install is because some people can't use installer sometimes (I don't why)
I create a installer for my mod before, but some people said they can't use, so that is why I create this tool.

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Kagestorn - - 326 comments

I get it but as it is, without installer, nothing really stops one from ignoring it. :) I don't think that "Please use it to check your serial" is a compelling argument in the face of reality, that there's no way to enforce it.

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Eärendil_Ardamírë - - 1,871 comments

Keep in mind that DoDoCat is just providing an additional tool and not requesting something by himself. He is at the same time not the best one in English but otherwise a nice fellow ^^

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Kagestorn - - 326 comments

Oh I don't doubt it at all! If anything, I'm questioning Taleworlds here, since they seem to try to enforce unenforceable, and not in a feasible way to top it off.

Great mod too! One of the reasons I'm asking about it in the first place. It just weirded me out. Originally my first impulse was just to download it and be done with it. From the description it seemed to be no harm. And than the absurd part of this arrangement just hit me. It's as if it was a polite request for pirates to please turn themselves in. :D

I'm wasting a lot of writing space here because I really thought that I understood the premise wrong, because I'm stupid or not following the language. The tool doing exactly as it said in the description just seemed bizarre to me out of context, especially since it appeared just recently and I have never seen anything like it.

Thanks very much for clarifying this! One more interesting story for my not so secret vault, I guess. :)

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DoDoCat Author
DoDoCat - - 1,765 comments

great :))

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

How do you select a profile?

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DoDoCat Author
DoDoCat - - 1,765 comments

When you have more than 1 profile (i.e. you have two profiles in Profile folder), app will show the profile selection window.

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LordDWM - - 70 comments

I have a game with GOG. How to run a mod?

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DoDoCat Author
DoDoCat - - 1,765 comments

it is just a key checker

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DoDoCat Author
DoDoCat - - 1,765 comments

v2.0 has released

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