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We're newly born like a horse; running.

We are an Indie game developer creating awesome games! At least we're on the road to doing so. This small team of creators was brought together by Pat Gamble, C.E.O. and founder of HWY 21, and is working toward becoming a legitimate indie game company with their first title game, "Buy This Game."

We are a diverse team operating remotely, with a strong vision to find a niche in gaming that other indie's may have overlooked. To envision games beyond the current norms and really become innovative in this field full of opportunity.

HWY 21 is looking for inspiration from the past, present, and future. How to make old things new and spin current ideas and events into something interesting to interact with.

​Keep an eye on us, and join us as we grow!

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Real Time Strategy

You're the proud owner of a brand new game store! You’re primed and ready too, with some starting capital, to buy some popular games and get them on...

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