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Linux gamer on Ubuntu 11.04, waiting for Desura for Linux ^^ Specs: Processor: AMD Athlon Dual Core 4850e Ram: 4 GB Graphics: Nvidia GeForce 9800 GT

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ZarathustraDK Blog

*taps foot impatiently like a child on christmas-eve while waiting for the Linux-client of Desura to get ready*

Desura is doing what Steam has been promising the Linux-community for years, and good on them for doing so. Running Steam with WINE on Linux is asking for trouble.

Benefits for Linux-users:

  • All games in one place.
  • No more fiddling around with .tar.gz's .bin's or whatever other obscure format devs decide on when making a linux-native game.
  • No more clogging up dirs with random gamedirs that you're too lazy to organize.
  • If all major Open Source games are also included, then Desura = all your gaming-needs on Linux.
  • A central place to keep track of your different proprietary game-keys that you accumulate, an absolute must to a linux-user who is used to simply using a package-manager to install stuff with without all the reg-key-hassles.

Game on Keith! Desura will vacuum up all the Linux-gamers when this becomes a reality.