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Lost and Tiny - Devlog #002

Wide_Weza Blog

06.12.2023 - 08.12.2023

I didn’t do much these past days. I looked up some codes to make the player move. I added a few assets into the project, and attached them to the character. I just did some very basic stuff to allow the player to move left, right and jump. Nothing more. My next step is to try to program the inventory. I’ve been looking for many tutorials, and implementing some things of my own, but nothing seems to be working. So instead, I will focus my energies elsewhere for now


I had a weird dream ( And believe me, you're gonna hear this a lot ) where we had a deal with someone. Some Mafia guy or whatever. I was in the car with a few friends, and right next to us, is one of the goons driving at full speed, but he was all twisted up, his body was facing backwards as his hands were extended to the front and driving the car. He had his head completely turned and twisted, with some little tentacles coming out of his mouth. I made a drawing below just so that you can have a better visual of what was going on in my dream.

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His eye sockets were empty, and we just knew he was dead. And then he crashed, and died. We stopped the car to watch as his car burst into flames, and before we knew it, we were surrounded by more zombies or whatever. But we noticed that all the zombies had some sort of thread that would connect them to this massive ball of accumulated undead bodies, and we realized they were being controlled by this weird thing. And then I woke up and had an idea.

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So, the way that this idea came together was by taking inspiration from what I saw in my dream, looking for the cordyceps virus that attacks ants in real life, and decided to also take inspiration on a phenomenon called Rat King. This Rat King phenomenon, for those who don’t know ( Don’t google it seriously. It’s very gory and disgusting ), happens sometimes when many rats are around the same place together, and their tails get intertwined. You know, like your earphones when you put them inside your pocket, or the Christmas Tree lights that get all tangled up. In any case, the center of those entangled rat tails, is called the Rat King, and it’s a phenomenon in which the rat's tails stay stuck on each other, and they are unable to escape, doomed to live the rest of their lives entangled to one another. In many cases, some of them don’t have the best partner next to them, and they end up fighting to the death. Or some of them were simply right at the end of their lives and ended up just dying there, leaving the rest of the rats submissive to diseases. And honestly, if you ever encounter one, just run the other way! It’s not worth looking at or staying close to. These rats are stuck with each other, some of them are bad roommates, others are extremely sick, others are dead and there is no way to escape them. It’s just an absolute walking bomb of deadly diseases and infections.

But anyway, I think you get it. This is what I did this week basically. I am still not sure if I only wanna add 1 Ant King to give it a bigger impact and make the players fear him, or if I wanna add many of them, to make the players feel unsafe at all times, like the nightmare never ends. It is still a decision I am yet to make.

Until then, I hope you’re enjoying this! Stay safe out there! And hope you’ll be here for the next update!! >:D

Thank you once again for being here. See ya around guys!



Lost and Tiny - Devlog #001

Wide_Weza Blog

23.11.2023 - 05.12.2023

I had an idea in the middle of November 2023. I’ve been wanting to make a game for a while, and I’ve been studying a lot of different concepts. After much investigation, and playing a few games, I finally got an idea for a game that I am positive will fit my style just well.

This game is some kind of 2D Platformer Rogue-lite game in which you are an ant who is sent into different missions, to unknown and abandoned places to retrieve and retreat. And maybe kill some things. The description goes something like this:

Your colony is running out of resources! It’s been so hard to find food for the queen, and scraps for the geniuses around the colony to work on! You are an ant sent into missions, to abandoned and unknown places, full of different kinds of dangers and friendly faces, in order to find useful resources for your colony. But watch out! You never know who’s over there… but if you screw around long enough, you’ll find out!

I had been brainstorming a name for the game, and had some pretty wacky ideas. Initially I wanted to make a joke and called it Ant Scraps Station so people could just call it "Ass" at some point, but it feels kind of hard to say it. I feel like I’m gonna bite off my own tongue at some point… I’ll definitely use it though. Anyway, the game is called Lost & Tiny now.

First Sketches and Character Designs:

From the very beginning, I had decided that the end would just be a small little bean. So I started messing around with some sketches. I made a few in my sketchbook, and then drew them digitally.image 2023 12 27 090056876

As it is very common, mother nature tends to cause the effect of evolution on pretty much everything. So the first form of this ant was one unfinished sketch with 3 balls and no arms, then it evolved into a fly for some reason, then as you can see for the following 3 drawings, the design was pretty much figured out. At least for the 1st version.

I feel like there are still things that need to be worked on. This is definitely not the final version, and I will most likely regret animating them all without changing their designs. But for now, let’s say it’s a different ant species.

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1. I called this guy Ant One… I’m not sorry for this pun


2. First running animation for the Ant character.

I might change it a little bit in the future, but for not this'll do.

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I also made a sketch of the first enemy for the game. This is also definitely not the last version, but it will be used as an inspiration for future designs. The idea was initially to have it as an obstacle the player would have to overcome, run around or outsmart in some way.

This is all I have to post for today. I will be coming back next week to share more of what I have produced. I hope this somehow picks your interest! I am always kind of tired and sometimes some sentences might not make much sense, so feel free to ask anything!

Merry Christmas everyone! Take care of yourselves out there!

And Happy New Year! Wishing you all the goods.


- Z

Lost and Tiny - Devlog #000

Wide_Weza Blog

Some scary adventure

Hello, everyone! My name is Wez, I am a 2D Artist and Animator. A few weeks ago, I had decided to start working on a video game. The reason why this first post is called a scary adventure, is not because I am afraid to start, but I am afraid of giving up somewhere in the middle, or just have some unfortunate circumstances in my life keep me from finishing up this idea. So it seems like I find comfort in creating devlogs and post them here as if it was a diary of some sort.

I will be posting next week what this game will be about. I feel like this could serve as some kind of "introduction" or "build up" to something new.

Anyway, thank you for your time,

and for reading this so far. I hope you have a good day.

Take care!


- Z