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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 117)
-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ Immersion 1944 Version 1.6 -Open Beta-

The reward units are bugged for me. I can activate them but the second i leave the rewards screen,they're deactivated again

Good karma+1 vote
-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ Operation Remembrance

Oh i was thinking more of an Operation Starlite-esque map too since that was the only'opposed'landing so i'm glad to hear that's in the works. I remember reading from someone somewhere that you were going to end modding after the First Indochina War update came out so i guess either that user was mistaken or i misremembered it,glad to see you have more projects lined up then. Really excited to see how the WW2 mod will look,it's never been really attempted before which is a shame since Vietnam is basically a more revamped version of 1942's engine imo

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ Operation Remembrance

Almost forgot about this mod. Played it a lot back when it first came out and i recently just remembered about it after i rewatched Apocalypse Now and got a real hankering for games set during the Vietnam War. Really glad to see Operation Remembrance is setting up for a huge final farewell by adding something probably no other mod or game has covered so extensively. Sad to see more veteran modders of these older games move on but after a long modding history such as yours and 11 years on this mod alone,you more than deserve the rest. I did have a question though,are you planning on adding any maps covering the USMC naval landings earlier in the war? If I missed those maps by any chance then my bad

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ Gallian General Power

Really glad to see this mod's still alive

Good karma+3 votes
-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ Vietcong HD remaster

Figured that was the case,if it was possible someone would have probably attempted it already. Shame but the mod already looks extremely impressive regardless

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ Vietcong HD remaster

Glad to know that,the stock sounds for the guns in Vietcong while memorable are quite weak sounding and don't sound right at times. Also on a random note,is it actually possible to port the or use the guns from Fist Alpha to the base game? I always found it a shame you could only use the M-14 in the short expansion campaign,it would be kinda cool to somehow add it to the base game for more weapon variety for both the US and the VC

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ Vietcong HD remaster

Definitely pumped for this. Was just revisiting Vietcong after last playing it back in 2019,will definitely wait for this first before replaying through it again. Will the sounds for all weapons(including the ones included with Fist Alpha)be replaced with better ones?(Ignore the duplicate comment,I forgot i wasn't logged in before)

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ Company of Heroes: IMMERSION 1944

Aw that's kinda a shame. BotB 4.0 is a great mod and Stalingrad 42 looks to be amazing too but I was really looking forward to Immersion 44 since it adds new units,features and mechanics while still having a clean UI and gameplay mechanics that are close to vanilla

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ Company of Heroes: IMMERSION 1944

Are there any news about the new version? Was just wondering since it's been quite a while since we've had any updates on this. I did see that the BotB mod just had a huge revival though

Good karma+2 votes
-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ OstVsWestDe: East Germany vs West Germany Cold War

Are there any updates on progress? Just checking up to see if things are still happening

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ Slava

i'm suprised people haven't gone around talking about that conspiracy more yet. Especially after President Biden's latest accident where he said the US was arming Russia or something

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ Real Cold War Crisis

Are there any install instructions? I'm trying to install the mod with the plus and CSLA addons but i can't figure out how

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ Slava

Next they're going to say this war is just NATO and Russia having a huge live fire drill with each other's weapons

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ Slava

I mean on the bright side you have some actual combat data on them now amirite

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ OstVsWestDe: East Germany vs West Germany Cold War

That's good to hear. Glad to see work is still going well

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ OstVsWestDe: East Germany vs West Germany Cold War

Speaking of the RM-70. What's been added for the CSLA if I may ask? They're one of the factions being added if I remember correctly yes?

Good karma+2 votes
-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ Wikinger: European Theater of War

The Tiger isn't'that'impenetrable. It's overrated af on how good it is thanks to people worshipping German tanks

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ H&D Deluxe Ultimate Mod 3.0

I haven't booted it up in a while. I'll try it tomorrow and see if it's still working or not

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ H&D Deluxe Ultimate Mod 3.0

Yep it was Windows. I just installed a new Windows update and the game works fine after the restart. What i'm not sure about it is if it'll stay that way or stop working again once i shut my computer down again

Edit:Shut my computer down and booted it back up. Still works for now. Got no idea when or even if it's going to be weird and stop working again but for now issue's resolved. Thanks for the help

Good karma+3 votes
-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ H&D Deluxe Ultimate Mod 3.0

I have. I tried running Deluxe in safe mode too. No difference. Like i said I'll just assume restarting is the only way to get it to work. Maybe I'll try it again next time my pc restarts after a Windows update

Good karma+2 votes
-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ H&D Deluxe Ultimate Mod 3.0

I installed all the additional software required to run the game. Maybe I'll give it another try when i'm not busy. I have searched through forums and the only one i found to describe my problem 1 to 1 never got answered except someone saying they usually just restart their system to fix it

Good karma+2 votes
-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ H&D Deluxe Ultimate Mod 3.0

Yeah. I did a clean install of the moddb file again last time and it also lags from the moment i start the game so it's not the mod i'm assuming. Again it could be something with my drivers or something about Windows but it worked mostly fine last time. As for Action Pack,it wouldn't even run. It kept giving me a'Failed to initialize graphics'error no matter what options i chose on setup. Ill try the other version of the install here on moddb and see if that works

Edit:Nope even a new install of the other moddb version doesn't work. I'll just admit defeat for now and assume restarting is the only way to get it to work

Good karma+2 votes
-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ H&D Deluxe Ultimate Mod 3.0

I haven't tried Action Pack yet but will when i have time. The entire game lags,from the second i get to the profiles menu to the second i start a mission or a cutscene starts. It affects the entire game. I'm not quite sure but i think your previous builds worked. I'm not quite sure as PC troubleshooting is a bit too broad to figure out exactly why something worked/didn't worked. But the last time i tried the game which would be maybe mid last year. I think it worked fine even after subsequent times i booted it up after shutting my laptop off. If you could provide me with an old build i can try and see if it works

Good karma+2 votes
-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ H&D Deluxe Ultimate Mod 3.0

Its version 1.52. I installed it outside of my program files folder . I ran it with/without admin and in all possible compatibility modes. Couldn't see any noticeable improvements. I just checked for updates on anything that might affect it and there's still nothing to be installed. I'll try Action Pack in a bit and see if it works. If not i'll try the moddb install again

Good karma+2 votes
-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ H&D Deluxe Ultimate Mod 3.0

Downloading it and the mod again rn. Will edit with updates in a bit

Edit:It feels like it's actually somewhat running worse. Last time it was laggy but somewhat at least bearable. Now it's so bad even selecting my profile is a chore. Any ideas or do i have to resort to restarting every time i want to play?

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ H&D Deluxe Ultimate Mod 3.0

Is the Action pack updated to 1.52? Because the moddb file is 1.51 i think

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ H&D Deluxe Ultimate Mod 3.0

I checked my laptop and nothing needed to be updated. Not even my drivers. I'm pretty sure it's not the drivers,nothing was updated after the first time i ran the game and seeing it work fine. Maybe I'll try moving it to the desktop as i had it installed somewhere i don't usually keep my games. I also tried all compatibility modes and they didn't work. I have no idea what the issue is since it worked fine the first time. Then when i tried to run it a few days later,it wouldn't get past the graphics setup endlessly popping up again when i clicked ok until i ran it in admin after which the lag started. I'll try to get Action Pack and see if that version works since my current install is the free moddb file but I'll be away from my computer until at least the end of the month so I'll tell you if i get around to it

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ H&D Deluxe Ultimate Mod 3.0

My Windows 10 version is all up to date. I've seen a couple people say to restart your PC to get it to unlag which i think did the trick back on my old laptop but personally a bit scared about restarting it that often since it crashed on me once after a restart. Is there no other solution? It's probably just something i installed but i don't really want to risk it just for one game. I'll check for updates again tomorrow and will tell if anything changed

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ End of the year work in progress

Let's just hope this time the Warsaw Pact are more prepared than the Argentinians then

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments @ End of the year work in progress

That's fine. Just thought that if you ever got that idea. A model of a British carrier or two would be pretty cool to have especially if you want to do something like the Falklands

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