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ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ Call to Arms

Does anyone know how to make custom tank turrets rotate? I tried to add custom tanks but the tanks don't move their turrets.

Good karma+1 vote
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ CODBO

You have to change the russian names to english and the skins will show in GEM Editor.

Good karma-1 votes
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ Addons for Red Rising/Dark Rising mod

These are not yours. The skins were made by other modders. It's fine that you used them. But, Why didn't you give the creators credit?

Good karma+2 votes
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ ValkiryeBrunestud

Sorry, I don't get much time to come online. Or work on new mods.

Good karma+2 votes
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ মুক্তিযুদ্ধ ১৯৭১ for MOW:V

Sorry...Don't get the time to work on it.

Good karma+1 vote
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ ValkiryeBrunestud


Good karma+2 votes
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ Nazis

No...... :(

Good karma+1 vote
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ মুক্তিযুদ্ধ ১৯৭১

Sorry..I don't get much time to work on updating the mod. Since, I moved from one place to another and got married recently.

Good karma+1 vote
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ ValkiryeBrunestud

Happy New Year!!!!

Good karma+2 votes
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ My Sims Mod pack which I collected so its not mine

Just modifications for The Sims 8 in 1.

Good karma+2 votes
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ মুক্তিযুদ্ধ ১৯৭১

I know it's four months later....but "no". Sorry for late reply......Happy New Year!!! (?)

Good karma+1 vote
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ ValkiryeBrunestud

Sieg Heil

Good karma+1 vote
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ KIIRI

KIIRI-san, Can you tell me how can I get the Skins from Men of War to show up on 3ds Max? I mean, How can I import skins from MOW to 3Ds Max?

Good karma+2 votes
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ Cpt.Misha

I want to remove the "Camouflage" Bushes on the NVA Sniper from MOW:V which looks like that they are stuck with their underwear. How do I get rid of it?

Good karma+1 vote
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ Cold War 1975 beta(old)

How did you make the AKS? It looks like the AK47 only it's Stock is missing. How did you do that? Can this be done with the infantry? For example: I want to remove the "Camouflage" Bushes on the NVA Sniper from MOW:V which looks like that they are stuck with their underwear. How do I get rid of it?

Good karma+1 vote
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ Vietnam Glory Obscured

What's the name of the Music that you guys used for the (2011) trailer?

Good karma+1 vote
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ ValkiryeBrunestud


Good karma+1 vote
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ Nazi Supersoldier

Ummmm...I was working on a Nazi Super Soldier project.

Good karma+3 votes
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ french soldier skins

Give us a link.

Good karma+1 vote
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ মুক্তিযুদ্ধ ১৯৭১ for MOW:V

It's only for the editor. I don't remember including any mission. And I don't know how to give objectives. If it's the first mission, then it is just like the 3rd mission of Men of War Vietnam. Just attack the bridge, Mine the muddy road to the south. And wait for the enemy to attack. 2nd mission is like the 5th mission. Destroy the enemy artillery, the radio station and the mine detonators. Kill the occupants of the building where the flag is hosted. Keep the chopper intact. 3rd mission. Defend.

Good karma+1 vote
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ Chickens of War

Could I not have given a better image?

Good karma+6 votes
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ ValkiryeBrunestud

Eea, Watashi wa Nihonjinde wa arimasen. Naze kiku no?

Good karma+1 vote
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ Men of War Game Forum

How did you rip the models?

Good karma+2 votes
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ ValkiryeBrunestud

Eea, Watashi wa Nihonjinde wa arimasen.

Good karma+1 vote
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ Agent 47 skin for MOW

Yes.....I don't know how I can make the BAR CODE on the back of his head. It would be nice to get some help.

Good karma+1 vote
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ Agent 47 skin for MOW

I forgot to mention. The skin may suck. But, Hey! It's not like I'm pro at this or anything.

Good karma+1 vote
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ মুক্তিযুদ্ধ ১৯৭১

It's not gonna be for assault squad. I might release a better one for MOW Vietnam. The chances are that it will turn out to be an Addon.

Good karma+2 votes
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ ValkiryeBrunestud

Guten Tag! :)

Good karma+1 vote
ValkiryeBrunestud - - 50 comments @ Weird Russo-Japanese War Propaganda

heee....So what's new?

Good karma+1 vote