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Currently a university student, I am interested in ancient and early medieval military, specifically the army of the late Roman republic to the AD 100s. I also would like to learn more on the Hellinistic armies of Philip II, and Alexander the Great, and the armies that existed under their successors (Antigonus, Pyrrhus etc.). In terms of gaming I am much more a fan of unique games with a deep plot/narrative and universe (like almost every BioWare or Bethesda title) than I am of simple shooters.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 41)
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ Dawn of the Reapers

so i guess that means no volus faction...

Good karma+2 votes
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ Hegemony: 268 B.C.

I applaud u guys for taking a risk the third century is not an easy task, considering the lack of information for half of it. I could write up the reign of Severus Alexander in a paragraph

Good karma+2 votes
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ Arch of Septimius Severus

isn't this built 400 years after your starting point?

Good karma+2 votes
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ Development Update #014

i would like to see anywhere else so the romans could beat the hell out of some barbarians hahah

Good karma+1 vote
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ Units

no the wings shouldnt be removed, they were used in battle to scare enemy horses and infantry with the loud russling they made. kinda like how the sound of a tank nowadays would scare the **** out of a rifleman

Good karma+11 votes
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ Forty spears of death

testudo was used pretty early on, scipio africanus used it during the seige of carthago nova

Good karma+2 votes
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ Iberian Bay

the port at carthage will be even more amazing, with that huge rotunda design

Good karma+2 votes
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ closed-account

i think realism is going to be nearly impossible, after all you have to keep this balanced. the roman army was universally better equipped, trained and more disciplined than any pictish or celtic warriors ever were

Good karma+1 vote
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ NMRiH Audio Commentary & More!

is the hl2 telekinesis when u pick up objects gonna be replaced with an animation like in l4d? other than that looks ammmaaazzin, can't wait

Good karma+1 vote
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ Hegemony: 268 B.C.

only very minimally. his mother was partially illyrian because of all the interbreeding between epirus and illyria

Good karma+1 vote
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ Hegemony: 268 B.C.

the romans fought the greeks quite a bit and in general kicked the Greek's *****, pydna and cynoscephalae for example

Good karma+1 vote
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ Debauchery

man it would be sick if within a server u could have a ranking system, like the best player on team has the hugest moustache and a jewel-encrusted monocle

Good karma+9 votes
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ Primal Carnage - Something big is coming to the UDK!

black guy + doo rag vs. t-rex = decapitated t-rex

Good karma+1 vote
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ Fallout 3 Reborn: A Realism Mod

So I was thinking while I was looking over this mod's description and being an avid Fallout 3 player myself I would simply like to post my ponderings. Considering this is titled as being a realistic mod, isn't it unrealistic for it to contain weapons and armors from our world? After all the Fallout universe is one that diverged from ours at around the World War 2 timeframe, and from my understanding the cosmetics of that universe have not really evolved since that point, while the underlying tech has evolved much beyond ours. Thus it is of my view that most things appear to have a much more rugged appearance in comparison to what we use, that is they are created with much more 'bulky' materials such as forged steel, iron, wood etc. It seems to me that weapons made of modern polymers and plastics that we use do not really mesh well with the Fallout games, as they are so divergent from the culture of the game's fiction which is immersed in a much more archaic, 1950's style; part of what made the vanilla games so unique. All in all I believe there is an air of 50s ruggedness and culture in Fallout that modern weapons detract from.

Of course these are little more than my musings, but I'm just saying that while a realism mod is great (and something that is blatantly necessary in fact) and that mods like these are excellent additions to the game, we should consider the universe that we are working in as well.

Good karma+1 vote
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ There 's no art to find the mind's construction in the face

middle guy is doin a MONOCLE SMILE

Good karma+9 votes
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ Modern Warfare Mod 2 Open Beta

yeah the only problem with wic is that the infantry models are lackin a bit. they dont really stand up to a company of heroes or dawn of war 2

Good karma+1 vote
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ August Testing

i always loved the names for the bots in bf2, cuz theyre possibly the most generically caucasian names ever invented. who doesnt love getting mauled by a zombie named armani lewis? epic pic ;D

Good karma+1 vote
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ Goosehunter Warnech

geese can be quite dangerous you know, if u get to close them they could peck you in the nuts. thank god we have this huge mech to deal with them

Good karma+2 votes
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ Monthly Overview - Auguast 2010

well at least that shot is physically possible. Ive had tanks miss when they were sitting within a few inches of another one, somehow managing to hit the ground directly beneath the gun barrel

Good karma+2 votes
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ Shamblers

at least spamblers require some skill to use

Good karma+5 votes
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ The Ancient Age

damn that sucks, it is a pretty good size for an alexandrian pikeman though. regardless you've done an amazing job even without considering the limitations of the engine.

Good karma+2 votes
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ The Ancient Age

lookin good, theres really only one small thing i noticed, that the aspises on the hoplites look a little small, but maybe thats just me.

Good karma+1 vote
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ Third Age - Total War

for anyone having problems with rohan, i find its best in the early game to use a ton of helmingas, the aor helms deep archers. not only are these guys good bowmen, they are available right from the start and decently armoured as well as being semi-competent melee fighters. this way you can kill a sizable amount of enemies before they even reach your line and then the guys will finish the rest off with axes. they are pretty vulnerable to cav tho, so i tend to have a couple of mounted raqnged units that can lure away enemy cav and kill them.

Good karma-1 votes
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ Morituri vivunt diutius

needs more conspicuously placed roof archers

Good karma+2 votes
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ Earth Fly-by

Oh my god, that is one of the most epic things I've ever seen, manly 'cause all I could think while watching this was how amazingly well it could be implemented in games like Mass Effect. No more loading screens, you could travel right from space to the planet surface.

Good karma+1 vote
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ Playing With BVH Animations [HD Video]

man i cant wait to walk into battle with that badass stride. another great preview!

Good karma+2 votes
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ ROME

just so you know, romans never actually never used chariots during the empire, only extremely early on in their history.

Good karma+1 vote
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ Hightown

wow this mod looks great, good production value and art style and its voiced, trackin

Good karma+2 votes
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ Screaming Eagles: Rendezvous With Destiny

i think its from either gladiator or black hawk down, theyre both by ridley scott and have similar music so i get them both mixed up

Good karma+1 vote
uo1DDayDodger - - 41 comments @ Monthly Overview - April 2010


Good karma+5 votes