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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

Space, Space, Space, and more Space!

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

If you like a game you should support it by buying it or renting it. Also... Nevermind... you can't fix stupid, you wana post your doing illegal activity do it on your facebook, not where your going to attract attention to the rest of us...

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

Again what your saying spino, what is going on isn't right, but this rapent theft that goes on needs to stop. No?

Their does seem to be a problem occuring on the internet, and an hippocracy, people want to treat it as like their homes and property, give it the same rights, but not subject it to the same laws as the tangable word. People want to treat their internet sites like property that they own, Subject to privacy laws and rights afforded under their contries perspective constitions and laws, well people are responsable for what happens on their property to an extent.

Look most sane people agree its ridicualase to jail a person for downloading a mod, or a song or a picture or a character on stargate, but they also agree its wrong to take whole programs for use, or movies, or songs, not to try to see if it's worth purchase but for full blown use, but no one is willing to do anything about it. Justice systems should at least be able to go after Profiting distributers of stolen comercial goods like megaupload. Spicifacally, Whole games, not mods, Whole movies, and computer programs. Otherwise property rights mean nothing no?

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

And that overreach is why i contected my elected officials, to come out against this bill. As most conservitive and lebertarian groups in this country did. I don't support it as it is.

But are you saying it is ok to steal from a US buisness and get away with it just because you are in another country. This here is the real issue, the downloading of games movies and tv shows, patented designs, and software.

And for the record extradition in many countries goes through many other countries courts first and ruled on by their justice system, our country is NOT this evil force that is just going to rip people from their homes in the dead of night. Yes we "go our own way" from time to time, but so does everyone, it's called being an independent nation. All nations do this, german, russian and chinese companys continue to sell weapon and IED components to the taliban, russia and china's gov't are the ones who gave Iran nueclear wepons, china capitalizes on pirated goods. every gov't is dirty and corrupt. So please don't act like its just us...

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

All these things can allready be done. With or without sopa under curent laws. In fact it's a common stratagy in going after buisness that are conducting illigal operations foregn or otherwise, our gov't goes after its affiliats or american divisions. and In terms of foregn sites they are required by international trade agreements to fallow our buisness laws when conducting buisness in the us. And in the united states the location of buisness is recognized and taxed per the location of the purchaser. And just like I would be expected to follow the laws of another country when doing buisness with them, they are required to follow ours. This is a mutual agreement made by a coilition of many governments.

Reading through alot of this bill, alot of it is allready on the books, only now it's been gathered from those books and put into one. The process in which sopa shuts down sights is allready being used under existing law... I understand non u.s. citizens not knowing this but its sad so many of my fellow united states citizens don't eather know what laws are allready on the books, or how our justice system works.

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

All these things can allready be done. With or without sopa under curent laws. In fact it's a common stratagy in going after buisness that are conducting illigal operations foregn or otherwise, our gov't goes after its affiliats or american divisions. and In terms of foregn sites they are required by international trade agreements to fallow our buisness laws when conducting buisness in the us. And in the united states the location of buisness is recognized and taxed per the location of the purchaser. And just like I would be expected to follow the laws of another country when doing buisness with them, they are required to follow ours. This is a mutual agreement made by a coilition of many governments.

Reading through alot of this bill, alot of it is allready on the books, only now it's been gathered from those books and put into one. The process in which sopa shuts down sights is allready being used under existing law... I understand non u.s. citizens not knowing this but its sad so many of my fellow united states citizens don't eather know what laws are allready on the books, or how our justice system works.

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

I have READ the Constitution. I have several copys. Pocket size life size, and a history book dedicated to it that goes line by line with exerts of quotes from founding fathers with further explanations of what they ment. Free speach was to primarly protect political speech, and the press from intimidation. Evan if this was and an issue freedom of speech, thier have allways been limitations to protect public safty and property, and since when does useing someone eleses patented idea, or stealing it become recognized as protected speach.

In relation to moddb, as long as the modders are not making money off of thier sites they are safe, moddb however would not be as it takes money for comercial advertisements and does not share it with Intelectuial property owners that draw hits to thier site. SOPA or not the procedure is relativaly the same if their is a problem. An IP owner would have to take someone to court. The key difference is a site would be shut down until the hearing almost atutomaticaly without an injuction being neccissary. But due process still accurs.

In the end it will all comedown to 3 things. If the property owner wants to file a grevance, What our elected judges deside, and well... money, how much money do you think you are loseing because of someone else is using your product. Mods and thier web host, and download sites that garnish little money or comercial attention will pass by for the MOST PART, Sites like Megadownload that rack in millions off of tvshows and movies that they pay nothing for are going to be targeted and perhaps should be.

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

Our constitution also protects property. Including itelectual property. And people have the right to controll it. As a history student one of the first things I learned about the constitution, when they talked about the right to liberty and the right to persue happiness, the founding fathers made several personal references to property, tangable and intilectual, liberty to them most ment the right to own what was theirs and not the gov't... As a fan of spino's work it sucked what happened to sfaw, but mod db is making money off of comercial advertisments that people view when they look at mod's based on other peoples intelectual property and the creaters of the mods and ideas that they are based off of get nothing, all though the modders agree to that, the people who own battlestar did not. THEY HAVE RIGHTS TO. COMPANYS HAVE RIGHTS TO. Is sopa the best thing to do, probably not but something does have to be done about the issues it was intended to help solve.

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

It's good to fight piracy and give intilectual property owners more ways to fight it. But their are better ways. I mean they are going after grandma who downloads one song but give china's gov't a pass when their gov't actualy hire hackers to hack into companys and steel products, bootleg dvds and distribute them world wide... come on get seriose.

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

If this site has paid advertisers it becomes illegal as people come to the site for bsg mods, see advertisements that pay moddb and moddb does not give a cut to those who it is making money off of, the content providers, which is fine but the content providers are using other people intelectual property and that is where nbc comes from. its stupid of them but the law is on their side.

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

Jerks don't pay any taxes eather... they kind of get away with whatever they want because they are so far up our presidents ***...

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles


Were any of the sites you were using making money off of advertisments. Cuz as long as you never sold any models or off of advertisments promoting the site using said intelectual property, what are they complaining about, as long as you weren't making money off of this in any form that is, as some off the components partialy belong to others.

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

What mod? you have shown us nothing? No pics no link to it.

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Intelligent Design...

I believe in the progression of science, medison, technology, it saves lives and improves life... But so does faith for some people... To me it explains little of the universe, historicly when it was tought in caves out of fear of being cought by the romans it focused on morals and the story of jesus. the rest was tacked on by corrupt men... I acknolage that most of us christians achnolage that.

My overall point is that scince is corruptable and exploitable too. And it is not allways used wiselly or ethically and just because we can does not allways mean we should. It was not a denial of the need for science, advancement or even the corruption of large religious groups... As I said I study history... I know of the former pope calling hittler... I know about the spanish inquisition... My country has been attached over and over by terrorist who have spent the last 200 years altering and corrupting thier religion to justify murder, and the subjication of women...

But I also know that my church has strugled to change, make up for mistakes, even at the cost of deveating some from the arch diasis... I aslo know that historically religion has promoted good things including litteracy, charity, and calls for peace. Not all, and not allways consistantly but though out time...

I don't think your trying to be insulting but it is a bit... Snarky, LOL are a bit insulting. I know there are gaps in my points but there is a limit to how much one can type on this forum.

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Intelligent Design...

I never said I don't trust vaccines... I was sighting the so called scientific study which corilated vaccines to autisum... something that millions took to heart because of the so called scientific evidence... It was false and millions of fools were victomized. Because of false science... Vaccines are good.. Im full of them. Plus tetnis shots. lol.

As for the hitler thing. If you delve deep into history... He was not a believer in the traditional christian faith. He practiced paganisim, and is considered evil by main stream christian faiths. He posed as a believer to apeal to the largly lutheran populace of germany. thus in god we trust... Yes he burned the work of darwin. He burned every except what was reprinted and circulated by his organization. Even the bibal was reprinted in many cases and edited to fit his propiganda... My point was he used the theorys of darwin as talking points... survival of the fitist he conducted scientific experments to prove that germans had evolved from the the dwellers of the the great city of attlantis and were genetically superior... He used corupted sceince as well as corrupted religion...

As for global warming... I believe in climate change... Im not so sure we are the main proponent. I believe in being a good travler on this planet limiting polution... But there is corruption in the data, Im sory that I don't trust someone who is paid to find a spicific result... there is also the corilation of high solar activity which has accured during our period of warming which is now trending down evin thow cot ourputs by man mainly do to china and india's industrialization that trumps even the us pigs in the us... Geologically we are on trend with the planets natural cooling and warming cycles grow more extream each cycle... I believe there is merrit to the SCIENCE that says climat change is far more dinamic than mans contribution.

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Intelligent Design...

Your reading only what you want out of it to fit your agenda... Chery picking information... Further not everybible is written the same. Some are unfortionatly altered by groups to fit thier political agenda. Your using the worst examples from non cannon literature some of which is created to make religion look bad. You mentioned how us americans critisize athiest. Its not because of their beliefs. Its because of their constant attempts to make worship illegal, and their smug sense of supperiority.

I believe not because I am an idiot (I have studied history and eneneering graduating at the top of my class), or fear of death, I believe because of the hope it gives me.

You put your faith in science, but science isn't allways right... Theorys are constantly debumced or proven frogalent, or misused... Hitler used darwanisum as an excuse to eterminate other races because they were weaker... And befor you say hitler was a christian... He was actually a paigan. The science comunity has been altering data regaurding global warming to make things look worse, meanwhile they were cashing in on carbon credits. The Attom Bomb Vaccines and autism... That was bull... Science has been misused, exploited, and corrupted just as much as religion...

In short don't **** in my ear and tell me its raining... Believe what you want, don't beieve what you don't want but there is no need to call the 99% of the world stupid because you want to be different...

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

why are post not going to where they are suposed too?

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Republic at War

Get your own.

Good karma+2 votes
tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

Spray and prey weapon.

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles

They won't. get used to it.

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Mass Effect Projectiles

Your right, just watched it the other day. Huge fan, watch it over a hundred times.

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Galaxies At War

Same here

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Republic at War

It's been over a hundred years. You lost. Get over it

Good karma+2 votes
tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Republic at War

Leave the jews alone, they've had a bad couple of thousand years

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Republic at War

Rage building, gun loading, bell tower climbing... ahhhhhh bang bang bang

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Republic at War

Today is not to bless the world but the american troops that have given all

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Republic at War

I'm greatfull to all the men and women that have given their lives for peace, democracy, and economic freedom, all countries should have their own day to celibrate, but this day is to commemerate americas sacrifices, sacrifices we made that others in this world benifit from and then chastize us for. Iraq was freed and all the countrys that hated us for it are rushing to make new trade deals with them, sucking up to them, telling them how they allways hoped and are happy for their freedom, but countries like russia and china who are now bennifiting from a free iraq were selling weapons and supplies to terrorist. We may not allways be right but how the world treats our sacrifices makes me sick

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Sci-Fi at War

What's your problem, you sound like a crying child. You make a bunch of unfounded alogations. How could you know that that is spino's secret account.

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tsburesh - - 109 comments @ Republic at War

There is a section called downloads if there is nothing their, there is nothing to download.

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