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My name is Thomas Nguyen. I am a CG artist who specializes in character animation. I am a recent graduate from AnimationMentor's Advance Character Animation program where I was trained by industry veterans from Pixar, Dreamworks, and other studios.

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New Animation Reel

tnanimator Blog

Just posted my new animation reel for this month. A lot of the rigs are from my creatures masterclass that I just recently finished. I also included the walk cycle for the mech on a mod I'm working on called Subsistence! Any mods or indie projects out there that need an animator feel free to hit up my email! ; )

New Animation Test

tnanimator Blog

Posted a animation test I did with a mech rig. Check it out : )

Just a test walkcycle I did for a free rig I found online. Pretty cool rig and design. Since its like some sort of all terrain vehicle( based on the fact that it has a roll cage and those cool lights), I animated it with a little more bounce and overlap.

First Post

tnanimator Blog

Woo! First blog on Moddb!

I've followed Moddb ever since the good ol days of junior high school. I always wanted to be part of a mod team but never had the time or the skills to be useful to a team.
Now, I'm finally out of animation school and currently taking a 6 month master class in creature animation! I'm currently looking for fun side projects to do while doing my master class. For a couple weeks now, I have been PMing several mod teams to see if they wanted a character animator. Most of them did not reply. Perhaps it is because of the lack of shots in my reel that are applicable to their mod. Currently on my reel I have some acting shots and some walk cycles. It is definitely a reel in making as I do have several more I want to put on there.

To any mod teams interested in a character animator: Please ask me to do a animation test. I will be more then happy to demonstrate my animation skills on any rig you have or I can animate any requested animations on rigs that I have.

Thanks for reading!