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I Love to Make Games Maximize their Singleplayer Potential, And Give the Best they Have to Offer, Through Modding Them and Expanding them, All For Total Singleplayer Bliss! For Any of those Who Appreciate my Work and would Like to Contribute to Future AND Current Projects, Please Send me a Small Donation via Paypal : fallout102606 at hotmail.com . Thank You!!!

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Battlefield 2 Single Player Total War Realism Mod Looking for Members

sw33tsp0t Blog

Hi, I am looking for some Members to Progress my mod Further, I need some people who can help me do these things:

I need skinners for weapons, vehicles, and some objects.
I need more help bringing custom weapons and other things into the mod.
I need AI Coders who can help me code the AI to make them work right.
I need some menu and graphics artists for menus etc.
I need A person who can help me do Real Custom Weapon Sounds.

To Bring the mod to completion.

Please contact me at:

MSN - Fallout102606@hotmail.com
Yahoo - fallout102606
AIM - FALLout102
XFire - sw33tsp0t

Thank you very much.

Diablo II Enhancement Mod

sw33tsp0t Blog 1 comment

Hey guys, this is about my Diablo II Single Player Enhancement Mod. I am looking for some Mod Team Members, to help me progress with this mod. I want to Enhance the Special effects of Diablo II : Lord of Destruction game, and I want new items/drops and Item Graphics (which I have). Im not very skilled in these other categories, could Someone join my mod team and help me progress this mod further along? contact me,

Aim: FALLout102
MSN: fallout102606@hotmail.com
Yahoo: fallout102606
Xfire: sw33tsp0t.

Thanks and good day.

Battlefield 2 Total War Realism Mod

sw33tsp0t Blog

Hey there, This is about my mod it is a Single Player Oriented mod for Battlefield 2. It focuses on Large scale battles and Realism for a "Total War" Aspect as I have named it after. All the maps have been converted to 64 Size maps (95% of them anyway). All weapons and Vehicles and Soldiers have been tweaked and configured properly to implement 99% realism. There are custom Sounds, And some more cool Changes, such as AT Mines can now be activated by stepping on them :D. The mod is a blast to play, and it comes with its own Single Player Bot Changer, so you can slide your difficulty/Number of bots per map. The default ticket ratio I set to 800 Per round, so Its a good long scale battle.

**We are currently looking for A Good Skinner/Texture Skinner or Two, and a Nice Modeler and another Good Coder, Aside from me. Jonas Hendrikx is the AI Coder Duty in this Mod.**

I want to make all custom weapon skins/ soldiers/ vehicles camoed out and look very nice, (To a realism aspect of course) better than the default vanilla bf2 skins.

I want a good modeler that can bring some Binoculars, RPG-7's, and Some more new custom Elite weapons Into the mod for use.

And another good coder would help out alot as well.

Any benifits/profits made from the mod will be split between all of its members. We work as a team.
