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Comment History
SultanMali - - 16 comments @ Eras Total Conquest

Ottoman Empire were controling more regions than Spanish Empire.

Good karma-2 votes
SultanMali - - 16 comments @ Eras Total Conquest

Ottoman Empire was the 1th power of the world. Ottoman Empire won many war against huge crowded crusaders inculiding Spanish and Holy Roman Empire. Even The emperor was no more equel to Padişah but, the Grand Vezier for nearly 100 years. Ottoman Empire had better tec. Ottoman cannons had more range then Spanish and the other europians and shooting before coming closer and we won Preveze. Also, the Jannisaries were the best soldiers.

Good karma0 votes
SultanMali - - 16 comments @ No Population Limit/No Outpost Build Limit Mod

They should make 1 pop for villagers then they will be fixed. Also, please make building stronger , and more expensive with higher building time. if you will (please do , I did in past and it was amazing and realistic) double damage and hitpoinst and range on buildings. Limited population for settlers natives but , unlimited for soldiers etc.

Good karma+2 votes
SultanMali - - 16 comments @ 1


Good karma0 votes
SultanMali - - 16 comments @ G.M.B. mod

Can't you make Turkish Horse Archers faster again like 1.0 Stronghold Crusader?

Good karma+2 votes
SultanMali - - 16 comments @ Factions Map


Please make Ottoman Empire the strongest but with a few army as in the history... Tolorance to others and Justice was the main source of Ottoman and Seljuks Empire.

Good karma-17 votes
SultanMali - - 16 comments @ Ottoman Total Overhaul - Light (Final)

Hala top olunca yanlış auto battle sorunu var mı? :( Bir de kasabaların büyüme sorunu ile Ai yi de güzelce modlar ile tam düzeltebilirsiniz :) Teşekkürler. Keşke Adam akıllı harita (Orta Afrikanın Kuzeyi ve Arabistanının tamamı) Osmanlı'nın olduğu gibi gerçek tarihte buralara da koyulabilse. 24 milyon km2 toprak 1683'te. Genelde az asker ile kalabalık haçlıları yendik. Ama gel görki mahvettiler wiki ve simülasyon oyunları ve sonunda da resmi tarih vs :/

Good karma+1 vote
SultanMali - - 16 comments @ Rise of the Eagles 1.0 (Open Beta)

Thanks for this great mod but, there are a lot of historical problems about Ottomans like Ottoman had Bosnia etc. Why didn't you add North Africa etc. Also , We Turks are not blacks. I respect black people ofcourse but, we are not blacks. Please , add different icons for Ottomans and add cities and castles on North Africa and Balkans etc with soldiers. Thanks.

Good karma+1 vote
SultanMali - - 16 comments @ De Bello Mundi

Why did you removed eastern Huns on 2.0 version????????????? >:(

Good karma+1 vote
SultanMali - - 16 comments @ India Total War

Mughal Empire was like Ottoman and Seljuks Empires. They had real tolarance , Justice and very very strong soldiers!..

Good karma+1 vote
SultanMali - - 16 comments @ More Testing

Please , check historical 1806 map. It's wrong.

Good karma-3 votes
SultanMali - - 16 comments @ More Testing

Why don't you add all Mediaval II large map? Because , Ottoman had almost everywhere? Please add strong as French soldiers "Nizam-ı Cedid"

Good karma-2 votes
SultanMali - - 16 comments @ Oniversalis : Age of Exploration

Ottoman Empire had 24 million km2 in 1683. The strongest Empire in the world between 1453-1766. Even Pope called all Europians to settle in America couse Turks will take all lands...

Good karma-1 votes
SultanMali - - 16 comments @ Broken Crescent: Dar Al Harb battle balance mod version 1.1

Almost always Seljuks and Ottoman Empire were alone and had a few soldiers against crusaders and westerns but still hadding crushing victory. It means the best soldiers in the World. Also West and Eastern Huns were same!

Good karma+1 vote
SultanMali - - 16 comments @ Eras Total Conquest

Genighs ai has broken extremly peaceful! Napoleon ai is even better :/

Good karma+1 vote
SultanMali - - 16 comments @ Civilization V - Hemp Extended DLC

Wowww. Perfecttt :) Can you add Selim III with one of the Europian strongest army Nizam-ı Cedit? Also , Jannisaries for Mehmed II. And Also real Ottoman map 1595- 1683 (more than 20 millioans km2) inculiding the north of Middle Africa (1588) and all Arabia (1574) The stronget Empire without a doubt and Jutice with Religion and Cultural tolerans. Also Can you add more things to the nations 3 things are very low :( You can do it like that if possible ; in ancient area Huns can chose a country like Hungary or Seljuks etc. It's like a tree so, we can rule every era proparly. Thanks soooo much for this Magnicifent mod :) Also you can use mod (not with scenarios :( Pls adddddd Big world with real history so we can rule like Cruade , fall of Byzantium , Usa etc.) for multiplayer : Custom Advanced Setup Screen

Good karma+1 vote