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Comment History
Sobanre - - 21 comments @ Battlefeel 3.5.1

I get a lot of dark squares where some flashy explosions should have been, mostly when playing Aeon units. Does anyone have a similar problem?

This graphical bug did not exist with 3.4 or any older versions.

Good karma+1 vote
Sobanre - - 21 comments @ Total Mayhem

Glad to hear you're alive, well and kickin' Burnie, full of enthusiasm to start a whole new project a lot of us will be eagerly waiting to test out as always :) but as Oaks said I would also love to check all those new toys you showed us for the previous months in one last update to Total Mayhem before you freeze the project for the time being.

Good karma+3 votes
Sobanre - - 21 comments @ Orbital Wars : Reborn

There was no download update yet, be patient.

Good karma+2 votes
Sobanre - - 21 comments @ Orbital Wars : Reborn

Nice to see You up and running. I check for new updates on SCFA mods on moddb site few times a day so it's a really beautiful seeing so often OW page being updated with new content.

Can't wait for the new release.

P.S. I allready mentioned that in my previous post, but please don't forget to do somethin about that torpedo bug (Torpedo bombers of all factions drop torpedoes that don't deal any damage to subs/ships - they only make a funny sound while dropping the torpedoes)

Good karma+2 votes
Sobanre - - 21 comments @ Orbital Wars : Reborn

Well, know then that we will be waiting


Good karma0 votes
Sobanre - - 21 comments @ Orbital Wars : Reborn

It's sad to see work on such a promising mod to be halted. Not only because it's a great mod in itself and could be still delevoped (e.g. space engineers and floating instalations)but also has some minor glitches (e.g. torpedo bombers torpedoes becoming useless) that make it pointless to use if You want to have an error free game.

Anyway, cheers to the mod author if You are still visiting your creation from time to time. Even though the game has it's years, there is still a vast number of players enjoying it and the mods created so far along with it (luckily for us, some still being worked on despite the flow of time

Good karma+1 vote
Sobanre - - 21 comments @ Seraphim Field Engineers

I'm still holding fingers crossed for some experimental engineers appearing in this game at some point from one of the active modders. Why not BREW_LAN? Hmm...

Good karma+1 vote
Sobanre - - 21 comments @ Ric'H'ard strategy addons compilation

Hmm, the more I test it the more bugs I find. Now I noticed that engineering stations do not appear at all in the game for neither UEF or CYBRAN while using the main module for adjecencies. And there is no Nuke for any of the races in build options (there is a Anti nuke with 2 slots available for building, but no nuke itself).

Moreover, to actually play the adjecency module and Rockets module i need to use previous version of the mod (0.9) as this one was divided into modules that actually work with other mods. Version 1.8 is almost always causing CTD when starting a skirmish or modded campaign mission when i try to combine it with my favourite mods.

Despite the bugginess im currently playing game updated to ver 3599 with the Total Veterancy with UI + Black Ops ACU (we allready have a global icon support error here, but its only for the ACU, so I can live with that) + Your minor mod pack + 2 modules from version 0.9 of Ric'H'ard strategy addon (rockets and adjecency) + BREW_LAN current version 0_44 (this is the only unit addon that global icon support is working for, all others have big blue balls instead of icons)

Good karma+2 votes
Sobanre - - 21 comments @ Ric'H'ard strategy addons compilation

I did a full re-install of the game (few times), tested this mod colleection pack + Black OPS pack + Ric'H'ard mods pack, latest version. Mod after mod by adding and removing from the list I checked which one makes the icons support for Black OPS stop working. It was AZUI and Total Veterancy UI (and all other modules connected to Total Veterancy) that cause icons to dissappear (together or separately, whenever any of those is activated the icon support stops working for Black OPS mods).

I did the tests on base game, patched 3599 and 3603 versions, always with the same result

So now, after all this there is thel ast thing i can think of - Is the fact that my game version is in Polish might be the cause of the Global Icon support not working when connected to Your modules? I never had an issue with any other mod before :(

If so I will simply obtain an English version of the game, but before I purchase one I would like to confirm - can anyone confirm if the language version is the cause? If not, I have no idea what else I can do :(

Good karma+2 votes
Sobanre - - 21 comments @ Ric'H'ard strategy addons compilation

Ok, i just resent my message properly. You should see my PM now. Sorry

Good karma+2 votes
Sobanre - - 21 comments @ Ric'H'ard strategy addons compilation

I wrote You a detailed PM, as I said above :) but if You insist:
- All additional icons that Global icon support was supposed to be correct are seen as blue balls.
- total veterancy is not working properly as well, as units lvl and gaining levels are not visible (nor do it works), though buildings and units regenerate hp automatically (a total veterancy feature)
- the shield is indestructible after using Your sub-mod with shields gaining exp while being hit.

That's more or less it. So if I want to use Your mod with my combination of mods (which i wrote You in PM as well) I need to disable 'Total veterancy default UI' and 'shield gaining exp' sub-mods, which makes me lose a lot of fun from the whole experience

P.S. When I used original, untweaked Total Vetrancy 4.86 version it worked without problems with other mods that i have. Im not using it since its completely unbalanced, and i lack modding experience or time to do something with it

Good karma+2 votes
Sobanre - - 21 comments @ Ric'H'ard strategy addons compilation

A very interesting idea. Still needs some attention and work on the compatibility with other mods out there. Completely incompatibile with Global Icon Support, and through it with almost every other mod. I hope that's not the case just for me.

@Tichondrius i wrote You a detailed description of errors I encountered so far on PM. If I notice anything more, will gladly share to help imrpove Your work

Keep up the good work!

Good karma+2 votes
Sobanre - - 21 comments @ TichondriusCZ


- batteryAcidRapidFireArtillery
- BlackopsACUs
- BlackOpsBalance
- BlackOpsEXUnits
- BlackopsSupport
- BlackOpsUnleashed
- BrewLAN
- Cliff Hanger extreme
- Experimental Engineers
- ExpShield
- Firey Explosion Mod
- REL Nuke Mod 1.46
- scu_upgrader
- T3 Engineering Stations
- Tele-engineers
- TotalMayhem

Now by adding Your mods with tweaks i believe i gained a lot to the additional expierience, but i always wanted to have a more moderate version of Ttotal Veterancy, as the original was too buffed (with building gaining for example) and completely debalanced the game. However with the mentioned bugs, i believe a not only me but a lot of people will have difficulties ehrn trying to fully expierience Your mod.

Besides that, I think this mod is a job well done. Just dont stay in one place, keep working on the project to remove it's flaws! There are really a lot of people still playing this game, who will really appreciate Your hard work. I'm one of them :)


Good karma+1 vote
Sobanre - - 21 comments @ TichondriusCZ

Yo Tichondrius,

First thing - it's extremely ambitious and creative creating mods or modyfying them in order to bring out their true potential. Which in itself makes me want to give You a big hug for Your work :) It's something a gamer, such as myself, cannot do. However, what I can do is do a lot of testing in order to check what is working and what is not. And after an hour of playing and trying Your mod modules with my currently used mods i noticed few things.

When used alltogether, however without any other mods, they work just fine. Didn't do that much of an extensive testing, but i assume there are no bigger problems. Played the first mission (with mod enabling usingt other mods in campaign mode) and all was fine.
You probably know that people use at least few very good mods that are available in the internet, some of them even still being developed and here, just as Your mod (Total Mayhem and Brew Lan). Sooo, after a lot of try and error combining all my mods with Your, i noticed that even though You write that Your mod is fine with Black Ops, I found out that:
- 'Total Veterancy Default UI' - it screws the 'Global Icon support' completely (and it is needed by Black Ops to work). This makes all additional units/buildings from other mods seem in the selectable/buildable menu as blue spheres, losing their respective icons completely. Even Black Ops itself is affected by this. The problem is huge, as without the default UI, Total Veterancy doesnt work at all (well buildings regenerate, but that's it)
- 'Total veterancy: shield gaining exp when being hit' makes shields indestructible. Not sure which of my mods caused that though. If You are interested, my combination of quite a lot of mods that i assembled together and was able to play with them with almost error free expierience is below:

to be continued....

Good karma+1 vote
Sobanre - - 21 comments @ Total Mayhem

I know, but I still had a feeling I had to say this for watching it so late. Besides, we haven't seen an update for quite some while so who can blame me :)

Good karma+1 vote
Sobanre - - 21 comments @ Total Mayhem

I just watched the movie You uploaded here (no idea why I didn't do it before) The music, the battle, the passion of creation (when looking at the Mayhem Mod mechs) it's all there. And of course the ending message...

Whatever is behind Your decision to stop working on the project, remember that this is a decision alone Yours to make. Putting an end to such a big project at this point is nothing to be ashamed of. You've put really a lot of work, heart and soul into Total Mayhem, and I'm sure that I'm not the only one to notice that.

Know just this: as long as You continue Your work with this mod, a bit of Your passion and inspiration keeps us going, not allowing SCFA to fall into the abyss of the past. And even when You stop, You allready left a mark on this World by doing so much for so many with this project. And for that...

Thank You!

Good karma+7 votes
Sobanre - - 21 comments @ Wyvern Battle Pack

So say we all!

Good karma+3 votes
Sobanre - - 21 comments @ SCFA Enhanced Campaign AI - V3.1

Yup, same for me. Besides that works great ;)

Good karma+1 vote
Sobanre - - 21 comments @ Total Mayhem 1.20

ok, back to testing!

Good karma+1 vote
Sobanre - - 21 comments @ Total Mayhem 1.20

Hmm, either I did something wrong (I did delete the previous 1.19 version before installing) or the new download is actually the old one? I can't see new units in game, and in the mod selection it says 1.19 not 1.20

Good karma+1 vote
Sobanre - - 21 comments @ Total Mayhem 1.20

Aye, there are a lot of people waiting for Your next releases. As soon as it donloads I'm giving it a try. Keep up the good work!

Good karma+7 votes