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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 36)
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ Ready, Willing, and Able

Damn that is a fine looking ship

Good karma+8 votes
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ GDI Surveyor

Ahhh alright. What about an ETA on an update/release with all this fancy, new, and shiny stuff???

Good karma+1 vote
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ What version of Mac OS X do you use?

Odds are, if you're on this site you're not using a mac....Mainly because the majority of games don't play on it....Also because they aren't (easily/cheaply) upgradable.

Good karma+3 votes
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ GDI Surveyor

Do you guys have an ETA (emphasis on the E) when you'll be entirely done??? I mean no rush obviously. It's looking great so far. I'm just curious how close you actually are.

Good karma+2 votes
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ Railgun FX adjustments

Why....Why is it so beautiful???

Good karma+2 votes
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ If you are working on your own mod(s) are you going to work for an official developer team in future?

Legal and official meaning registered copyright and name. Everything on this site is covered by intellectual copyright laws but I doubt a large majority of the projects or dev teams names have been registered on a federal level.

Good karma+6 votes
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ Refurbished Firehawk

In all honesty however its a beautiful model. This was one of the few times I felt that dat aft was an apt enough description haha

Good karma+2 votes
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ Refurbished Firehawk


Good karma+2 votes
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ 40k

I decided to simply check out some of these pictures due to the 40k fan-group...then that reference made me realize I've been in the right place this whole time lol

Good karma+3 votes
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ 40k

Lol... That's all I have to say. Just lol haha

Good karma+3 votes
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ Latest news

Check out the Complete series for the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. I loved that mod for the longest time because it creates such an amazing atmosphere compaired to the vanilla game or many other mods I found. I was converted by this mod mainly because the Complete series doesn't really add any new content. More just a visual, audio, and programming tune up/overhaul. But in any case I would suggest that. Just searh for call of pripyat complete and you should get it. If I recall correctly its made by Artist Pavel

Good karma+1 vote
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ MISERY

Alright....As much as I love the Complete series because of the amazing environment it creates....You guys have basically done everything that I wanted and more. I'm downloading the mod right now, have uninstalled "COP: Complete", done some backups, and I'm simply waiting for the download to complete. Honestly just from reading the features I'm actually really excited to try this mod out and most likely you've gotten me converted my friend. I've been a long fan of the Complete series for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. but its always felt not quite finished. Like I said, you added everything that I wanted and more. What made me really excited was seeing that you added a whole crap-ton of weapons and armor. THAT was one major selling point here lol

Good karma+2 votes
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat: Redux v1.0 Feature List

I have also been turned away from this mod in the past for a few deal-breaking reasons. Perhaps make certain features optional. Like letting us choose what features have changed such as the HUD or the weapon and suit modding. I want to download the mod for more items, more suits, and more of a population (like the roaming ecologists and mercs) but I don't necessarily want *all* of the additions or changes. I game for quite a few of the realism changes but....not all. I have the game on a laptop as well and perhaps I will give the mod a try on there and see how I like but a selection of choices would be nice in any case.

Good karma+2 votes
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ Well, it's a beginning

Nice! Just a suggestion though they seem to be a little "Twiggy". Make their arms a bit bigger? Again just a suggestion. Great work so far man

Good karma+2 votes
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ Call of Pripyat Complete

I totally agree that I would love the mod to be out. Sadly its probably nowhere near done. At least to the point its meant to be at

Good karma+1 vote
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ Second row of pics, view original agian.

Yeah I only say that because the textures and stuff just seem to look better and better every time you've updated

Good karma+1 vote
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ Second row of pics, view original agian.

Can I just comment that it actually seems to be getting better now that you lost the rights? Your work is really good keep it up

Good karma+1 vote
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ Delay, but a good one this time.

Alright I wasn't sure. Because I thought that I remembered hearing them refer to Revan as a her somewhere in the second game. But alright now I know. Thanks

Good karma+1 vote
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ Old Republic at War Space Demo

Nevermind figured it out. Good job so far. Thanks

Good karma+1 vote
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ Old Republic at War Space Demo

Yeah I know stupid comment\question but how exactly do you install? Is there supposed to be an exeto install or do I manually move the files into place? 2nd stupid comment\question if I have have the expansion and I manually move them do I put them in the FOC file or the original games?

Good karma+1 vote
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ Delay, but a good one this time.

Yeah I'm just going to agree that it should be Revan. I mean Malak is kinda just a fail sith that got owned by his old master after he TRIED to kill him/her. Revan was referred to as a her in Sith Lords right?

Good karma+1 vote
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ Sins of the Prophets

You OBVIOUSLY don't know how hard and how long it takes to convert a game like this to the scale these guys are. They are trying to make it good. They dont want to put out some crappy version that everybody is going to say that it sucks. Actually have some respect dude they have lives too. Yeah I want it out just as badly as you but at least Im willing to wait and not annoy them for it

Good karma+1 vote
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ Sins of the Prophets

As far as from what I've watched and read they have never actually said that it is going to be THE last Halo game. They only have ever said that it is going to be Bungie's last Halo game. I think that Bungie just wants to move on to other things so they are going to let other companies deal with it now. I'm probably just reading to much into it though.

Good karma+1 vote
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ Sins of the Prophets

Im sorry I was just thinking out loud. Wasnt trying to start any arguments just suggesting ideas not demanding or anything.

Good karma+1 vote
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ Sins of the Prophets

Could always create a way to hijack ships for the UNSC. That would also be a good way to balance the power a bit. The method would of course cost alot but still an idea

Good karma+1 vote
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ Sins of the Prophets

Yeah if I remember right (and it may have changed since then) they were going to put it out for entrenchment and then maybe a version for the original.

Good karma+1 vote
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ General Pictures 4

Is that movie actually based off of the games general setting? Like the same world that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is?

Good karma+2 votes
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ Sins of the Prophets

I didn't say not to change them just to keep them. And you got what I meant lol

Good karma+1 vote
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ Unit Card

Most of the time the spotter actually was the better shot of the two. Armies put the better shot as the spotter because they have to calculate all the info to make a good shot.

Good karma+1 vote
Sgtmini - - 36 comments @ Sins of the Prophets

Personally I think that they should leave the pirates because there were rouge colonies of humans that didn't want anything to do with the UNSC

Good karma+1 vote