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Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ Brutal Doom v21

Can someone please walk me through getting this setup? I played the Hell on Earth Starter pack which was very simple, no idea what I am doing with this...

Good karma+1 vote
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ Dead Air

Go into console and type "hud_fov" set a value where you like. For the traders, if you are familiar with how to edit the gamedata files (the code is so simple I taught myself how to do it by looking at it LOL) Get the Dead Air Tweaks mod, that will unpack almost all of the gamedata files, from there navigate to the trader.ltx and edit away. I now have it to where all major traders sell good 5.45 ammo.

Good karma+1 vote
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ Dead Air

That is exactly what it is. Dang...guess it is back to hoarding matches then.

Good karma+1 vote
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ Dead Air

Is anyone able to sell artifacts? I have found over 3 now and once in a container you can do NOTHING with them. You cant open it, you cant sell it.

Good karma+1 vote
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ Dead Air Faction Selection

Hey I did some digging and I found the compatibility problem with your amazing mod and this one: Moddb.com

The problem is the other mod lowers perk and starting equipment costs, for some reason the script that does that has the same name as the faction select script??

Good karma+1 vote
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ .dbl File Unpacker 0.98a

Hello, me again.

I want to make this to help others it seems are also having this problem. I think for most of us we know how and what we want to edit, however using this method is not usual for us as the files are already there to edit. Here is what I think would be some good questions to help us:

- Can we use this on a modded (addons added) version of the game?
(I have a tweak mod installed that already has all of the files it changed unpacked in my gamedata folder, such as some weapons, and medical items)

- Can it be used on the latest build, as the database files are a new format?

- When we unpack a file do we move the entire unpacked directory over or just the files we edit, for example: I unpack configs folder, that provides me with an entire gamedata folder, if I want to make a weapon last longer, say the Ak-74u, do I modify that weapon file and move the weapon file over only, or the entire gamedata folder?

Good karma+1 vote
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ .dbl File Unpacker 0.98a

It will unpack them but it seems making any changes and putting them back in your gamedata folder cause conflicts. The game will get to main menu but if you load or start a game it will crash always.

Good karma+1 vote
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ Dead Air - Darvin's Personal Tweaks v1.9.1

Do you know if this works with the Faction select mod another user made? He had to make a patch to make it work with one of the other tweak mods.

Good karma+3 votes
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ Dead Air Faction Selection

Sadly it does not work with Dead Air Easier Tweaks mod :( I see you made a patch for Dead Air Tweaks, should it work fine with the tweak mod I use?

Good karma+1 vote
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ .dbl File Unpacker 0.98a


I only unpacked the configs.xdb0 file, I also copy and pasted it into the unpacker. The game will not run now, it will make it to the menu but not run. Do I need to remove the configs.xdb0 file from database in the game directory? And how does this work with other mods? Should I unpack it after all other desired mods are installed or before?

Good karma+1 vote
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

So does that mean I will be fine going down there now? I cannot give barkeep money to fix my rep with them, so right now I am hostile with them.

Good karma+1 vote
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

Question, so I am at a place now where I am not sure what to do. I decided to try skipping the sin part of the game as I hated walking through the mines. Currently I am at Bar with no further missions. The last story mission I had was X18 for Petrenko. After that, nothing came next. I did talk to Voronin and cancelled the "going deeper into the mines" quest and joined Duty (first time ever in Stalker for me). I did the missions up until now, I am having a problem with the one where you go help the duty members, it is the 2nd or 3rd mission he gives you. I completed it and the PDA tells me to report to him, when I do it will not let me turn it in, it just says I have not completed it when I have. Not sure what to do, do I need to go into the mines and murder all of the sin members?

Good karma+2 votes
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

No, and I kinda figured that. I took it off and replaced it with a sunrise suit I found. The issue was only a small portion of them were hostile. Like I said I was able to kill these hostile duty members in front of other duty members and they did not attack me for it. I guess it worked out in my favor, one of them I killed literally had over 30,000 roubles worth of **** on him :D It took me 5 trips to his body and to barkeep to sell it all. My rep with duty was not hurt by killing them either. It was frustrating at first, but since they are all dead now I guess I am good, and again duty is still neutral with me.

Good karma+2 votes
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha


I have just returned to Bar from doing X-18. I am neutral with Duty. For whatever reason half of the duty members are trying to kill me. I can even kill them without ******* off other duty members...but I am not kidding when I say it is most of them, including Petrenko. I need a fix for this. I have tried reverting saves back pretty far.

Good karma+1 vote
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

Having a serious problem. For some reason the VIP guard at BAR has decided I am on his kill list. I am friendly reputation with Duty. He will shoot on sight and no matter how I kill him, stealth or not, the rest of duty will turn on me...I am very far into the game and I have no idea when this started as this is the first time I have been back to Bar in a very long time. What should I do ?

Good karma+1 vote
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

I have not had a single crash since installing, granted I had HELL installing it. The problem was most people are installing it like a normal mod. So you have your Lost Alpha directory right, for 1.3003 now when you install the DC patch, you CANNOT install it directly in the LA directory like you would any other patch, you just install it into the same file the directory is in and replace when prompted. Hope that helps. The game works flawlessly now, other than the still present loss of FPS over time.

Good karma+3 votes
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

Ok buddy I might have found us a fix, so uninstall the DC version and do a reinstall. When you chose your file path DO NOT add the Stalker Lost Alpha to the file path, sounds weird but dont do it. It should tell you that there is already a file by that name and do you want to still install, let it and run the game. Let me know if it worked for you too.

Good karma+1 vote
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

I am ******* done screwing with this...so it obviously should not just be putting the Stalker Lost Alpha file into the old 1.3000 Lost Alpha File but that is what it does. For example my file path would be: D:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha
With 1.3000 being the first file and DC being the second installed into the first.

So I copied all of the files out of the DC version and put them into the first Lost Alpha file which would be the 1.3000 version and the game will now launch...but it crashes if I choose options or basically click at all..this has been the biggest letdown for the year I am going back to playing 1.3003 at least it works and I can put mods on it. Funny I wonder if they even tested installing the damn game in their "testing" phase. Obviously they did not, and personally it is the stupid .exe installers..if people dont know how to extract and move files then they should not be modding to begin with, now I have to deal with a broken installer that is not installing files correctly.

Good karma+4 votes
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ Lost Alpha Developer's Cut v1.4002 Big Patch OLD

Doesnt work...go figure.

Expression : FS.exist(fn,"$game_textures$",buf,".ini")
Function : CGameFont::Initialize
File : GameFont.cpp
Line : 75
Description : d:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - lost alpha\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - lost alpha\gamedata\textures\ui\ui_font_hud_01.ini

Good karma+4 votes
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

Just tried to install with the new Big patch....Installed 1.3000...installed the patch and this happens...
Expression : FS.exist(fn,"$game_textures$",buf,".ini")
Function : CGameFont::Initialize
File : GameFont.cpp
Line : 75
Description : d:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - lost alpha\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - lost alpha\gamedata\textures\ui\ui_font_hud_01.ini

This is now the 9th time I have tried installing this...getting ready to give up and go play Armstalker.

I have tried launching from the application in the Bin folder...I have tried everything I have not even gotten the game to launch...1.3003 works fine still. I can literally uninstall DC and run 1.3000 fine...

And why does this keep putting another STALKER Lost Alpha folder inside of the original LA folder ? Why is is not merging the contents of the folder with the contents of the 1.3000 folder ? It is literally just putting itself inside the other.

Good karma+2 votes
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

Here is the thing, I have tried all of those options....after copying the fsgame.ltx file over it paired with launching from the XR in the directory it tells me the game is corrupt and needs to be installed again. Is is supposed to install another Stalker lost alpha folder in the 1.3003 directory ? Because for some reason it does that, so I also tried copying all of the files from the second directory and put them in the first directory. That didnt work either, the game launched further but just crashed. Honestly I am done trying this, I will wait for the all in one to come out.

Good karma+1 vote
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

So when I can launch and play 1.3003 before installing DC I missed a part ?

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Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

Ok now I am at the point of being ******. My order of installation...

1. Lost Alpha 1.3000
2. Lost Alpha 1.3003
3. Lost Alpha DC 1.4000

Launch: fsgame.ltx not found....and YES FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I INSTALLED IT TO THE SAME DIRECTORY. This is the 7th time I have done this with complete wipes in between.

Good karma+1 vote
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

Thanks for the reply, here is the kicker...I didnt install the 1.4001 patch. I just installed the DC version over 1.3003

Good karma+1 vote
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

Ok...I have done 3 clean installs of 1.3000, updated it to 1.3003, applied the DC patch, had to copy my fsxgame folder over to the DC directory to get it to launch then this:

: FS.exist(fn,"$game_textures$",buf,".ini")
Function : CGameFont::Initialize

File : GameFont.cpp
Line : 75
Description : d:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - lost alpha\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - lost alpha\gamedata\textures\ui\ui_font_hud_01.ini

Not even trying to bitch but between me taking a day off only to have my PC blue screen on me this morning, have to do a full reformat, finally get everything set and this doesn't even work. I am so close to going to the dark side of gaming and buying a PS4...

Good karma+1 vote
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

Setup is telling me I need to install disk 1 ??? Dafuq the bin file is located with the setup and it wont find it?? WinRar also says the file is corrupt.

Good karma+1 vote
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Lost Alpha v1.4001 Developer's Cut

You need to roll back from the creators update...it crashed my PC literally LAST ******* NIGHT...BSOD over and over, had to do a full reformat...get that **** off your PC before it ***** it up too.

Good karma+1 vote
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

Well its been 20 mins....

Good karma+3 votes
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

It is officially 1am in the Devs timezone...god I cannot wait

Good karma+7 votes
Scott1023 - - 80 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

Dude I totally meant to hit the +1 button my b.

Good karma+3 votes