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Comment History
Olly - - 28 comments @ Nuclear Dawn - RTS

You can alter it, as far as moving it up and down, moving in all directions, and rotating using the middle mouse button.

Good karma+3 votes
Olly - - 28 comments @ Nuclear Dawn - RTS


Good karma+2 votes
Olly - - 28 comments @ Nuclear Dawn


Good karma+5 votes
Olly - - 28 comments @ Nuclear Dawn Teaser & Release Announcement

I can confirm that there is no April foolery with this video =)

Good karma+1 vote
Olly - - 28 comments @ Nuclear Dawn

For most weapons, yes.

Good karma+2 votes
Olly - - 28 comments @ Dev Diaries: Nuclear Vehicular

Our vehicle system is completely independent from the main engine, and valves physics interface. The main problem most other teams have is the prediction and networking of the vehicles, the physics is the easy part ;)

Good karma+3 votes
Olly - - 28 comments @ Nuclear Dawn

You don't need to purchase any Valve games to be able to play Nuclear Dawn. It is a fully separate product; just built on Valve's engine.

Good karma+2 votes
Olly - - 28 comments @ Rising of a Trailer

As has been said before, some media from the original 'MOD' team was not true to life, so to speak.

Good karma+4 votes
Olly - - 28 comments @ Stargate : The Last Stand

Check the download news post, there is a download for a config file, which was left out of the installer ¬¬

Good karma+1 vote
Olly - - 28 comments @ Stargate : The Last Stand

Soon. I don't want to say a time to avoid disappointment. But hopefully you won't be waiting long.

Good karma+1 vote
Olly - - 28 comments @ Stargate : The Last Stand

If you have any crashes, please email any mdmps that were created at the time of the crash (can be found in C:\Steam\steamapps\Source SDK Base 2007\ by default) to: bugs@interwavestudios.com and mention what you were doing when it crashed. Joined server, chose team for example

Good karma+1 vote
Olly - - 28 comments @ Stargate : The Last Stand

You can run any number of server slots, but the maps change depending on if there is <= 8 players, or > 8 players

Good karma+1 vote
Olly - - 28 comments @ Stargate : The Last Stand

Thank you :)

Good karma+1 vote
Olly - - 28 comments @ Stargate : The Last Stand

Due to legal issues with the name of the mod, and the fact that the whole 'Stargate' franchise is owned by MGM Interactive, we cannot release SGTLS on steam works because we would show up next to valve retail games which is the problem.

But the game will be spread through multiple servers of our own, as-well as third-party sites that will mirror the download packages.

Good karma+1 vote
Olly - - 28 comments @ Stargate: The Last Stand release this weekend!

As always, we will be in #stargatetls on GameSurge.net

Good karma+1 vote
Olly - - 28 comments @ Stargate : The Last Stand

There is nothing anyone could do that could possibly make us work any faster.

Good karma+2 votes
Olly - - 28 comments @ Stargate : The Last Stand

Kind of you to show you're support.

Good karma+1 vote
Olly - - 28 comments @ Stargate : The Last Stand

Are you ready to play in 10 days?


Good karma+1 vote
Olly - - 28 comments @ All work and no play...wait..we played.

Yea, ofc. The map is still work in progress. We are still working on assets to include inside the maps. The screenshots are more a show of the layout than anything.

Good karma+1 vote
Olly - - 28 comments @ All work and no play...wait..we played.

We are going for all custom art. We don't want this to LOOK like its HL2 but re-worked.

Good karma+2 votes
Olly - - 28 comments @ New Updates

Yes Chabs, it's from the same map :)

Good karma+1 vote
Olly - - 28 comments @ New Updates

Remember, it's a WIP =)

More detail will be added.

Good karma+1 vote
Olly - - 28 comments @ Distant Hope

Thanks for your comment. You have to remember that we are in VERY early production, and anything that is posted is likely to change. But its nice for people to see that there is work being done.

Too many times have I seen MOD pages where there is no updates for sooo long, the community will start to think that the mod is dead.

Our plan is to keep everyone as up-to-date as we can with the current development stages. So remember the maps are WIP's :)

Good karma+2 votes
Olly - - 28 comments @ Distant Hope

yea, it was an apr1st joke >< (Still dunno who it was ><)

Good karma+3 votes
Olly - - 28 comments @ What are we upto?

Yes, in regards to not allowing one player to block a capture, we feel this will encourage teamwork. Meaning, say you have 2 people on the capture area, and the other team has 3. You could shout over the voice comms that you need some help, then someone else from the team can break away from whatever they are doing, and help with that specific capture.

We are trying to avoid a basic strategy for teams, where they can just capture point A, then move onto B (or something). But the way that the capture area's will be setup, will mean, that the team has no idea what point the other team is going to capture first. This will encourage the team to be spread over the map, to defend key points in the map, rather than everyone hanging around one or two capture areas.

Good karma+1 vote
Olly - - 28 comments @ Distant Hope

Actually we bought rights to 'Distant Hope' back in Jan '06 (which is 7 months before your picture was added).

You have 24 hours breathing space to remove the infringement, or we will be taking legal action.

I guess it will be our lawyers that will be contacting you.


Good karma+1 vote
Olly - - 28 comments @ Distant Hope


Finally got some content added :D

Good karma+3 votes