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Comment History
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ joker_mx

Portalopers is not accepting anyone without a map sent to the appropriate email, mishakoz@gmail.com

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ vertreter

Portalopers is not accepting anyone without a map sent to the appropriate email, mishakoz@gmail.com

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ Filter mods by game

Best: Groups. Creating Mod teams before mods works so much better.

Worst: Console Gaming. Im sorry, but mods its really all about PCs, and in my opinion the console pages just clutter up the place.

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ Star Trek: Enterprise - M.A.C.O.

VERY nice work. You put the BM team to shame.

The Enterprise in the video+building structure, is that rendered in the Source Engine.

My vote goes to you guys.

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ Ashura: Dark Reign

this isn't even close to a recreation of sonic the hedgehog 3, where did you get that idea from?

the names of the levels, such as Death Egg, sky sanctuary, and Marble Zone...

too bad. Favorite Sonic game. Please if you can include the Sky Sanc sonic 3 music, and revamp it a little...

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ Ashura: Dark Reign

If this is a recreation of Sonic 3 i have to get it...

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ H λ L F - L I F E: Event Horizon

we are worried about putting those synth in there, the precreated ones, because we dont want to contradict what VALVe does with them. unless VALVe tell us exactly what they will be like, or they are released soon, we do not want to release them.

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ Half Life: Warzone

Great Mod. Keep going guys!

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ Op 4: 7 Hour War

well, i have a number of suggestions.

1) We make Barney and Shepard Co-op in my story. it may work

2) I am making a community of Source mods that have to do with the HL Saga.

details here: Evilzombihouse.spreebb.com

you might want to join in that community and register your mod. For a donation we can provide you with a site and a share of the vBulletin forum. You will be on one big team working on several mods, creating props and resources for all of these mods so they dont have to be created again and again in each separate mod.

Let me know what you think. There is no site yet for "Lambda Core: Source Development Team" but there will be soon.

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ H λ L F - L I F E: Event Horizon

there is a reason for it :)

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ Op 4: 7 Hour War

i sent you a PM...

Our intentions is basically to create a major mod...

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ Grenade

it was fixed on our homepage... but i havent gotten around to moddb yet..

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ gamesmad

are you still around?

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ Op 4: 7 Hour War

Do you guys want to merge with my mod?


is basically the same thing except from Barney's perspective. Think about it, one great mod is better than two sucky mods.

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ H λ L F - L I F E: Event Horizon

Web Info

www.hleventhorizon.net - Splash Page for now, until some redesigning occurs.

Have a look at our website
HL: Event Horizon Website

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HL: Event Horizon Media
and a major media release will be there in February!

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ H λ L F - L I F E: Event Horizon

i have absolutely no idea...

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ H λ L F - L I F E: Event Horizon

i have come to realize that our modeler has copied work from another modeler. This was not of my knowledge until it was brought up by one of you, and i thank you.

i hope you will forgive and forget because i was unawareand my modeler thought it was fine to copy and alter the design since it was a free model. Nevertheless, we are trashing our vehilce model and we will have a new one by January 1st.

Again, we and especially the modeler apologize for this, and to the original creator of the model, which is top-notch BTW. I still do not know whether he downloaded the file or visually copied it, but whatever the way we will not be using this model or any small modifications made to the model. Our new one will be from the ground up.

Again, I hope you all can forgive and forget. As you can understand what is right and wrong my be confused some times.

All the best!


Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ New HEV

whats V and W?

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ Beretta

the vehicle isnt skin cuz its still a concept...

here are some examples...




those are all in his house... except the mansion of course...

if you need proof, look at his work toward the end of the Steam thread...

i assure you, we aren't stealing anything...

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ Beretta

again.. all models are made from scratch... we arent using the AK or the G36C... and he has proof that he can model.....

and a beretta is a beretta... no matter what dimension of space...

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ Reskinned Hunter

valve said they couldn't do it? that makes no sense...

well, too bad...for valve... we are releasing it...

we are enhancing the AI and the skin even further... you will be able to fight our hunter in a Demo we hope to release before ep2...

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ Grenade

we are lowering the poly count... :)

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ Media Release #1

stop making fun of my typos!!!!!

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ Grenade

gernade was a typo on my part... hehe...

i know it... i will be more careful next time...

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ H λ L F - L I F E: Event Horizon

ohh... i read your post wrong....

expect in-game shots as early as February 1st...

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ Grenade

well arent you funny...

glad you liked it....

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ Beretta

ugg.... if you want any proof, go here!


Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ New HEV

No helmet!


this is supposed to be an HEV suit from an enitrely different "company"... and also is before the mach 5...

Good karma+1 vote
mishakoz - - 29 comments @ gamesmad

finally, someone that can do AI....

i would be happy to accept onto my team... and i willl give you your first assignment shortly... i just need time to finish the basic outlines...

can you script AI? like from scratch... because the mod has a new enemy that i need to build an AI for... just asking... its not required...

like i said i will have your first mapping project shortly... i just need to do a few rough sketches...

thank you for the website too... i need to customize it... :)

Good karma+1 vote