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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 586)
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ Mahzra's Package v2

That is odd, the package really shouldn't crash much especially with so few additional addons. Could you post the crash log?

Good karma+1 vote
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ DoctorX Call of The Zone

Much appreciated, man. Thank you.

Good karma+3 votes
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ Mahzra's Package v2

Believe it or not, v2 is more stable than v1 is due to some structural changes.

Good karma+2 votes
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ Mahzra's Package v2

Action AI cannot be disabled, as far as I know. I would have to make a patch specifically to disable it as it touches several addons.

The hitmarkers can be disabled in the Options/Game menu, but only after you load a game. Some options only become available once you're in game.

It would be possible to undo the reduced meet missions, but I'm going to have to ask you to take my word for it when I say that you will still get plenty of these Meet missions.

At some point you will wonder by how many I reduced them, because you will still get situations where you are sent from A to B to C to B without getting a request to actually do a thing.

In vanilla, the player would always be overpowered for the main story missions by the time the game would allow them to take them on. My changes effectively make it so main story missions become available sooner, so you can choose to attempt them early. Or do the wise thing and prepare. Now, the choice is yours.

Good karma+2 votes
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ Mahzra's Package v2

There are many differences, but essentially v2 is much more expansive. V1 is centered around AO3 but other than that only contains vanilla items, artifacts, missions and NPCs. It's very straightforward and it's compatible with most things.

V2 still uses AO3 but now also features Bullet Time and expanded sets of armors, items, artifacts, mutants, missions and NPCs, all of which were tweaked to better integrate into the package as a whole. This also means it's not 100% compatible with other addons as a result.

Good karma+2 votes
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ CoTZ Community Update 3

It does not matter.

Good karma+1 vote
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ Ammo revised by Nima for AO3 (CotZ)

Kudos for the balancing you have done, by the way.

I put a lot of time into this test-run (I'm currently getting blown up by quickscoping close quarters rocket launcher men at CNPP) and most of the changes feel fine to me. You put the effectiveness somewhere between vanilla AO3 and my AO3, and that's a pretty sweet spot.

Once you're at a place where you don't update it as often anymore I can look at reducing recoil for some of the large caliber rifles and then finally overhaul weapon upgrades, something I've been meaning to do for literal years now.

Thanks again, Nima. I know how tedious balancing can be due to the constant testing.

Good karma+3 votes
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ DoctorX Call of The Zone

I am still working on it, yeah. The next update will mostly be balance tweaks and fixes and such though, not many new things.

Good karma+2 votes
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ Ammo revised by Nima for AO3 (CotZ)

.45ACP and Hydroshock need a buff, as well as 7.62 ammo, I think. They are too weak compared to 10mm and 5.56 / 5.45 respectively.

Good karma+1 vote
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ Ammo revised by Nima for AO3 (CotZ)

Still playing around with this, haven't shot and / or been shot with every ammo type in AO3 yet but it feels very promising. Good stuff, thanks.

Good karma+1 vote
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ Mahzra's Package v2

It's actually working as intended, kinda sorta not really not yet.

Get comfy. I shall blast you right in the faceholes with LORE. MODDING LORE.

So CoTZ by default has no minimap. No way, no how. DoctorX didn't like that players usually spend too much time staring at the thing. But he himself uploaded an addon that restored it for the people who want it.

And so players played and modders modded and all was well in The Zone. Until disaster struck and someone noticed that muggings break the minimap! And not just the vanilla one, either. All minimaps! OH. *******. NOES. You should have been there. It was an absolute madhouse in these very comments sections.

So yeah, being mugged breaks the minimap system in Call of The Zone, period. Well, actually it's the taking of the actor's inventory that breaks it. The same thing also happens for a possible storyline task where you temporarily lose your inventory.

A kind and generous (and quite handsome if I might add) modder uploaded a minimap that simply does not show those features of the minimap that get broken by this bug / glitch, whatever you want to call it. You don't miss what you never had, being the idea. You weren't supposed to have a map in the first place, anyway.

In the Community Update, I disabled the mugging system in regular gameplay from triggering, but left the storyline task that mugs you. I also integrated Mangun's Mugged Minimap, so now you have a minimap that doesn't suddenly lose features. The one thing I have yet to do is change that Infrared Scanner helmet upgrade to something else.

What I would love it to do, but haven't looked into because I don't know if it's even possible, is add the NPC identification feature from the binoculars to that helmet's nightvision. That would be kind of sick.

Anyway, that is The Tale of The Missing Body Dots.

Sleep well, hun.

Good karma+3 votes
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ Mahzra's Package v2

Dammit, just noticed I forgot to respond to this one.

Without screenshots it's hard to tell which part of the cosmetics isn't loading for you, so this is guess work.

Check to make sure the files that are supposed to be in the database folder are not accidentally in the wrong folder, like gamedata/database, or database/database.

Rename CoTZFolder/appdata to something else. This will make the game generate new options files that have the correct settings. After you set your options, copy your save game over and everything should look the way you expect.

Hope that helps!

Good karma+2 votes
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ Mahzra's Package v2

Heya! The Body Health System is not compatible with my pack, at least not without some work. I personally have no interest in making a compatibility patch for the system. The addon slows down gameplay much too much for my liking. My pack is all about getting out of the player's way and allowing them to get on with business, swiftly.

Of course anyone is free to create a compatibility patch for this, but to be honest, I think combat in my pack is much too fast-paced for BHS. I expect it to either hardly come into play at all due to the very short time to kill in my combat, or end up being such a nuisance it gets disabled.

BollywoodFX is pretty great with the pack, yeah. When I play without it now on my other setup (a ****** laptop) action feels so shallow and lifeless.

I have not tried ColderAtmosphere with this yet, I should. The lighting in this is deliberately set to feel sort of like summer, since it's June in the PDA when you start the game. I think DocX used the release date of the mod as the starting date of the game, which is neat if true.

Last thing: yes, you can use broken item traders and the mod will not crash. However, it breaks progression and locks you out of some items.
By default, generic NPCs will only buy items at 70% condition and up, and traders will only accept near pristine items. That's because it's very easy to get very rich in my pack already.

Instead of using other broken items trading addons, use the one in the Optional Addons pack I linked below. This makes all traders buy weapons and armor at 25% condition and up.


Good karma+2 votes
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ AO3 Centered and Aligned v0.9.1 - Ballistics and rate of fire update!

The easiest way is to reduce either the amount of pellets per shot (reduce the value for buck_shot from 12 to for example 8) or the hit value, k_hit. Both are in configs/weapons/weapon_ammo.

Good karma+2 votes
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ Arsenal Overhaul 3 Content Integrator v3.1 (Feature Complete)

Hey hey, the treasure blacklist is for random stashes. To reduce the chances of high reward stashes, have a look at the files in the gamedata/configs/drx folder, specifically drx_ql_items_ files for rifles and outfits. You could also just take out those types of items completely by commenting out items_outfits_list and items_rifles_list in the drx_ql_config.ltx file, below [reward_item_sections].

Good karma+2 votes
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ Mahzra's Package v2

Yeah, I tried fixing that by making the NPCs that spawn there different factions.

... all it did is add color to the corpse pile

-- note to self: just disable those spawns completely in Community Update 4

Good karma+2 votes
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ Mahzra's Package v2

Yup, Butcher's an Anomaly dude, I think. I'm not sure if I want to add him to CoTZ, at least not in that spot. I remember awkward fights, shooting around him. He has nerves of steel though, I'll give him that.

Good karma+2 votes
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ Mahzra

Oh wow that is helpful, thanks a ton dude! Quickest way to get in touch with me is sending a direct message, I get email notifications for those.

Good karma+2 votes
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ Mahzra's Package v2

Hey hey.

It is correct that traders don't sell weapons, due to balancing reasons. You get weapons through mission rewards and looting. Ammunition and accessories like silencers, sights and scopes become available as you gain goodwill with traders' factions.

As for the population issue, that's a bit of a mystery to me. I made a fresh install of the game and the mod to try to reproduce the problem and for me it works fine, it's weird.

So just to confirm that we're doing the same thing and going through the same steps, this is what I do:

- Install CoTZ v1.0
- Install CoTZ v1.2 update
- Install Community Update 3
- Install Mahzra's Package v2
- Install Mahzra's Package v2 hotfix

Just to make sure we have clean settings, I suggest deleting the appfolder in the CotZ folder at this point, if there is one.

- Run the game (it will now generate fresh options taken from my pack)
- Enter Options menu and set preferences
! This is when you should set the initial population settings, before you start a new game. I suggest keeping mutants and NPCs at a 2:1 ratio.
- Set Mutant population to 1.5
- Set NPC population to 0.75
- Start a new game

You should see NPCs spawning in the usual places. One thing to keep in mind though, is that in CoTZ some events affect NPC spawns. Basically, until a certain point in the main quest, there are reduced NPC spawns in the north and increased spawns in the south. After that point in the main quest these spawns are flipped to encourage the player to make progress towards the north.

Hope that helps!

Good karma+1 vote
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ Modern Warfare 2019 Sound Pack & EXTRAS (AO3/Smurth's)

!! NOTICE !!

Download the final fixed sounds here. This also corrects the distant weapons fire volume, which is muted in the original files in this addon.


ONLY use the weapon sounds from this file!


Good karma+1 vote
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ DoctorX Call of The Zone

Every day I wake up hoping someone has quietly ported all the DRX stuff from CoTZ into Old World so I can port my stuff there.

Today is not that day. Maybe tomorrow!

Good karma+3 votes
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ DoctorX Call of The Zone

There is sort of a light version of Warfare built into the mod. Factions can conquer certain areas, which makes that faction more likely to spawn there. I'm not 100% sure that the feature works as intended though, but that's what it's supposed to do.

Good karma+1 vote
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ Mahzra's Package v2


? I know the Community Update is supposed to be installed as a prerequisite but is it actually compatible?
> I say the Community Update is required but I don't know that it actually is. I edit files from an unpacked and merged installation of CoTZ v1.2 that includes the CU though, so inevitably at some point not having the Community Update will cause my pack to break, hence that soft requirement now.

? The Military Outpost is always completely empty. The Rookie Village and most other locations where I am supposed to find friendly stalkers is completely devoid of life.
> This is an odd one. I have only been able to replicate that by setting the NPC population to 0.1 in the game settings before starting a new game. I recommend using NPC populations from 0.25 to 0.75.

? I am never hungry. Seriously, there is no hunger meter and I've even tested it by sleeping for 24 hours, nada.
> There is in fact no hunger meter, no. You will notice hunger by first your stamina regeneration rate going down, then your health. Health and stamina regeneration buffs from armor, helmets and artifacts may mask that though. To test, strip naked and sleep for a day; you should wake up starving.

? Emissions are non-existent? Or are they just extremely rare? I've play for a week in-game time and had 0 emissions?
> There are emissions and yeah, they're rare. You could have a week without emissions. I reduced the rate they occur as one measure to prevent too many artifacts from spawning, on top of reduced spawn rates per artifact. It's also so players may forget to prepare for emissions and screw themselves over when one finally hits. It will happen sooner or later. Next time may not take as long.

? No I have no other mods installed. Just Mahzra, the hotfix, CU3, The Zone Next Door and the Srsly Minimal Minimap
> Thanks, I was going to ask that. :D Fine choices, all.

Good karma+1 vote
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ BollywoodFX

Good stuff, thanks! It's crazy how this old engine can still handle this stuff. Well, if you're willing to be patient. I should probably add more loading screen tips. :D

Good karma+1 vote
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ Blindside Anims on FWR Makarov

Oooh, pretty. Looking forward to more!

Good karma+1 vote
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Skullsor Cursor v1.3

Yes, I could. To be honest, I've always wanted to make more animations for it, but I lost the original files in the long long ago and you know, EFFORT.

Thank you for motivating me. Keep an eye on this page.


Good karma+1 vote
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ Full Weapons Reanimation Improvement Patch

Go right ahead, man. Do me a favor and give this addon credit though. Not me personally. I only modified and applied settings I found elsewhere.

EDIT: correction

Good karma+1 vote
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ BollywoodFX

Nice, thank you for your feedback.

Good karma+1 vote
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ BollywoodFX

Looks can be deceiving, I mean this got released, right? :D

The 3D scopes outside of AO3 is pretty much a nogo, but I'll see if I can port the AO3 explosions.

Good karma+2 votes
Mahzra - - 586 comments @ BollywoodFX

It is, but not completely. Some minor things about weapons fire may look slightly off, but if I hadn't mentioned that you would not notice. :D

Good karma+1 vote