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Comment History
Lunamoon81 - - 18 comments @ Emperor's Children mod:For the Glory of Slaanesh!

The chaos gods are pleased. I can't wait!

Good karma+3 votes
Lunamoon81 - - 18 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

I think it is the RAGE mod because I get the "failed to active the requested game" message after I try to play it.

Good karma+1 vote
Lunamoon81 - - 18 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

I don't mean to bother again but I still have errors. It's a long log so i'll summarize it.
1. The localizer failed to read any of the victory conditions for the races.
2. Bunch of requested string ID didn't fit in a key range.
3. Seems like the load step for Mod Inti failed.
4. Anyway the unification_New_Races just didn't initialize.

Good karma+1 vote
Lunamoon81 - - 18 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Ok that seem to work. But now none of the race mods work. I think what'll i'll do tomorrow after work is redownload everything then try again.

Good karma+1 vote
Lunamoon81 - - 18 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Sorry for making it confusing. Here.

00:51:01.54 SOULSTORM started at 2019-04-20 00:51
00:51:01.54 OS NT 6.2, 2048MB Physical Memory
00:51:01.54 RUN-OPTIONS
00:51:01.54 WORKING-DIR C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Dawn of War Soulstorm
00:51:01.54 USER Balze
00:51:41.59 GAME -- SigmaApp:InitSteam: appID is 9450
00:51:41.59 MATHBOX -- Version=5, Cpu=unknown:f=6,m=12, Mode=SSE
00:51:41.59 FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'Engine\Locale\english\Data'
00:51:41.59 GAME -- Warning: Failed to map folder 'Engine\Locale\english\Data'.
00:51:41.59 GAME -- Warhammer, 1.3.3107442, Build 3107442
00:51:41.59 SPOOGE - Driver[Dx9 : Hardware TnL] on adapter[0], version[4,32]
00:51:41.59 SPDx9 -- Driver Name = igdumdim32.dll Device = \\.\DISPLAY1 Desc = Intel(R) HD Graphics
00:51:41.59 SPDx9 -- Driver Vendor = 0x8086 Device = 0x22B1 SubSys = 0x8175103C Rev = 0x0035
00:51:41.59 SPDx9 -- Driver Version Product = 0x000A Version = 0x0012 SubVersion = 0x000F Build = 0x1098 (4248)
00:51:41.59 SPDx9 -- Driver GUID = {D7B78E66-61F1-11CF-1463-7AA188C2C735}
00:51:41.59 SPOOGE -- 2121.00MB available texture memory
00:51:41.59 SPOOGE -- 2121.00MB available texture memory
00:51:41.59 GAME -- Available memory: 4001MB RAM, 10379MB Pagefile
00:51:41.59 GAME -- Beginning FE
00:51:51.63 MOVIE -- Opening movie 'movies:dxp_relic_intro.lua'
00:52:31.59 MOVIE -- Closing movie 'movies:dxp_relic_intro.lua'
00:52:31.59 MOVIE -- Opening movie 'movies:nvidia_logo.lua'
00:52:37.23 MOVIE -- Closing movie 'movies:nvidia_logo.lua'
00:52:37.23 MOVIE -- Opening movie 'movies:dow_intro.lua'
00:53:33.68 MOVIE -- Closing movie 'movies:dow_intro.lua'
00:53:33.97 FE -- Loading front end.
00:53:33.97 FE -- Cursor hidden.
00:53:43.02 MOD -- (mod manager) Mod folder 'objective_points_SS' does not exist.
00:53:43.02 MOD -- Initializing Mod unification_new_races, 4.6
00:53:43.02 MOD Manager -- Unable to find required MOD 'Objective_Points_SS'!
00:53:43.02 Mod Interface Init -- Failed load for step: 'Locale'
00:53:43.02 GAME -- Failed to initialize MOD 'unification_new_races'!
00:53:43.02 FE -- Failed to init MOD!
00:53:43.02 GAME -- Ending FE
00:53:43.02 GAME -- Shutdown quit
00:53:46.98 SPOOGE -- 2117.00MB available texture memory
00:53:46.98 SPOOGE -- 2117.00MB available texture memory
Application closed with error code 4

Good karma+1 vote
Lunamoon81 - - 18 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

I did fix it when I had 4.5 redownloaded but I don't have those files anymore.

Good karma+1 vote
Lunamoon81 - - 18 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Ok so I have a problem. I think it's because I got rid of the 4.5 build but the game will start but after the cimantic it closes.

Good karma+1 vote
Lunamoon81 - - 18 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Ok that worked. Thanks!

Good karma+1 vote
Lunamoon81 - - 18 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

I don't know why but I downloaded the recent objective points and the new race config doesn't register it.

Good karma+1 vote
Lunamoon81 - - 18 comments @ Eldar Craftworld mod

Man I can't wait for when this comes out! I've always loved the Elder's units looks. I'll be sure to check here when you do get done with it.

Good karma+3 votes
Lunamoon81 - - 18 comments @ Emperor's Children mod:For the Glory of Slaanesh!

Whoa awesome! What's even more funny was I was thinking of the RAGE mod and the Thousands Sons and how they are like the armies of 2 of the chaos gods. I was like "man I wonder if they'll be like armies for the other two?"
Anyway can't wait to see what comes!

Good karma+3 votes
Lunamoon81 - - 18 comments @ RAGE:World Eaters Warbands

So does this work with unification?

Good karma+2 votes
Lunamoon81 - - 18 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Oh wait i'm sorry. I wasn't watching where I was putting the files. My bad.

Good karma+1 vote
Lunamoon81 - - 18 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Oops sorry that was my comment

Good karma+1 vote
Lunamoon81 - - 18 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

So i'm going here since this place seems more active. So the Dance Macabre I downloaded it and did the whole process. After I checked my soulstorm file, it's not there. I did it again to be sure but it says it's in there. I don't know what more to do.

Good karma+1 vote
Lunamoon81 - - 18 comments @ Resident Warhammer: Dawn of Fear

This mod seemed like ti'd be so cool to use but it's an old 2007. Also commenting in 2019.

Good karma+1 vote
Lunamoon81 - - 18 comments @ The Dance Macabre - Harlequins Mod

Ok so I seem to run into a problem. I did the installed steps and all. After it was finished it didn't seem to be in the files of the game. I've done it a couple of times and it says it's in there but I don't see it?

Good karma+1 vote