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lrralex - - 22 comments @ Struggle for the Iliac Bay

That's some great news! And texture changes are highly welcomed as Hispania 1200's scenes albeit being good in their own right lack some good ole Medieval rocky flavor of High Rock. Even Hammerfell ones that seem highly appropriate for the place lack some arabic influence that is strongly evident in redguard architecture of original TES universe!

Good karma+1 vote
lrralex - - 22 comments @ Struggle for the Iliac Bay

Hey Ryndill I have a question. Are custom scenes for cities and castles planned at some point in development of the mod? I understand that making scenes for all cities may be too much to bear but for a fantasy mod based on series where magic is a big deal in everyday life 13th century Pyrenees don't really make the cut.

Good karma+1 vote
lrralex - - 22 comments @ Eastern Turmoil

Why mod is multiplayer only if literally noone plays it?

Good karma+2 votes
lrralex - - 22 comments @ Struggle for the Iliac Bay

Hey I have a little suggestion for enhancing the mod: Why don't you change the font of the mod to be more appropriate for TES universe? There is whole article on UESP on TES fonts so you may just choose the one you like and add to the game. I'm not sure how hard it is though but since you Ryndill is more than capable modder I thought that you're able to figure how to do it. I make this suggestion because I would like this mod to have more of its own identity which differs from original Hispania 1200 that this mod is based on and because font of Hispania mod is annoying by itself. Same may be applied for you another mod: World of Vasnar.

P.S. Original Daggerfall game have standartish pixel font ingame but Daggerfall Unity have a good font that fits greatly the game. Also DaggerXL an abandoned Daggerfall sourceport have great font too!

Good karma+1 vote
lrralex - - 22 comments @ Half-Life: ESCAPE

Total BS. You can't run past vortigaunts because they can zap your bootyhole even through some obstacles. Section just before Blue Shift teleporter is the peak of bad gamedesign in this mod where you 100% will run out of ammo no matter how you struggled to conserve it beforehand as vortigaunts come from every inch of the air quite literally especially after you start that old-ahh computer and you will have to do a little backtrack and on your way vortigaunts will come from EVERY direction possible and they will make you regret that you ever lived. By that moment I had zero of EVERYTHING. I had nothing to shoot, throw, place and even hit with as I missed the crowbar because I didn't found it in a place where it was in original escape mod.

Good karma+3 votes
lrralex - - 22 comments @ Struggle for the Iliac Bay - Version 2.5

Does loot in new dungeons respawn or they all are one-time like quest ones?

Good karma+1 vote
lrralex - - 22 comments @ Struggle for the Iliac Bay

I did a little tour around the bay for now I found that Elders in Kirkmarket, Mournoth, Morahada, Pheonrila, Ganada Pass, Yldzuun, Leki's blade and what I presume a majority of villages in Sentinel/Northern Hammerfell don't have a model for their clothing. Elders in High Rock seem to have such problem in much less extent as while I checked majority of High Rock village elders have their clothes on place. Also I need to note that I play the mod using WSE2 utility and it may be its internal problem yet you still better check villages I named to be 100% sure.

Good karma+1 vote
lrralex - - 22 comments @ Happy New Year!

Красава, наш слоняра!

Good karma+2 votes
lrralex - - 22 comments @ Struggle for the Iliac Bay

This mod is the damn GOAT! I absolutely love it and I have an absolute blast with it! Quests are great and rewards are great. They reminded me of Evlat mod that also had a lot of cool quests with a huge bunch of unique rewards! I'd like to report some bugs and make a little suggestion though just because I want this mod to be even more perfect and polished than it already is. First - training field, the one near wayrest and ontop of little mountain is unreachable. It is possible to get nearby but impossible to get into scene itself. Other bug is of similiar nature: stone "bridge" near Totambu is uncrossable so it requires a huge detour along the river just to get to other side. Bridge is very convenient yet unusable. Also on that bridge: there is a z-fighting of shoreside with water on Hammerfell side. Other bug is that village elders don't have a body: just a flying head with handpalms and boots. And lastly a suggestion. You seem to use original daggerfall voicelines like that "Vengeance" line of King Lysandrus which made me **** my pants just like it did when I first played original Daggerfall when I was a baby boy, I love it. So suggestion is to replace "Oi you there! Stop" line of original warband when you get caught when trying to sneak into enemy city with "Halt!" line of guards from original Daggerfall. OG TES chaps will appreciate such change I guarantee!

Good karma+3 votes
lrralex - - 22 comments @ Warzone-Acron

Join faction whose troops you want to recruit.

Good karma+2 votes
lrralex - - 22 comments @ Warzone-Acron

Are reports noted? If so then I also have some bugs to report, all are script related though:
1) All ammo is shared: say I have pistol and shotgun and I put both of them in my slots along with both ammo types in remaining two cells but game don't count them as separate and during the fight both ammo types summed as single ammo type and both guns are fed with both pistol and shotgun rounds simultaneously.
2) Healing also replenish ammo: If I use medkit during fight after animation I get all my ammo full or little less than full even if I shot all my rounds
3) Ironsight freezes out when using medkit during aiming. Need to note that it can be fixed when choosing same gun after healing animation and going into ironsight aim mode again.

Good karma+2 votes
lrralex - - 22 comments @ Warzone-Acron

This mod needs manual so bad. Albeit most new mechanics like fishing are easy to comprehend yet new skills really need good explanations. Say workbench is a cool feature but there are no craft recipes ingame or elsewhere unless you have required materials for respective items. Also I really like needs mechanics where PC eats and drinks on his own but you also can eat a bit more to receive the bonus but resting is a bit underdeveloped feature where I always forget that my character is "deadly tired" I think it would be better to make a pop-up like desease notice in With fire and sword Mount and Blade addon so player won't be always tired unknowingly. Overall this mod is really great and it's hard to comprehend how much hard work was put into this massive project. This mod requires only minor polishing and bugfixing as most hard work was already done and done quite good. I congratulate everyone who took part in making of this mod as this mod will be remembered as one of the most advanced feats of Mount and Blade modding like The Reckoning or Between empires.

Good karma+6 votes
lrralex - - 22 comments @ Wanted 1.6 "Immersion"

Answer's above

Good karma+1 vote
lrralex - - 22 comments @ Wanted 1.6 "Immersion"

Delete or move config.cfg file from your mods's directory(wantedhl) and your original Half-Life config with with all settings will be used along with controls. Happy Christmas!

Good karma+1 vote
lrralex - - 22 comments @ Kremlin3D (v2)

Vasectomied soyjak made this mod.

Good karma+1 vote
lrralex - - 22 comments @ Russian Civil War - Era of New Troubles

Don't you feel bad for ukrainian people dying from ruZZian invasion? Are you a bigot? You SHOULD translate it to ukrainian language as it WILL stop Putin's troops from killing innocent ukrainian people. Just kidding though and you're doing god's work by blowing dust off this unrefined gem and making it really shine.

Good karma-1 votes
lrralex - - 22 comments @ Tohlobaria

Do closed helmet add armor points or it is just visual feature?

Good karma+1 vote
lrralex - - 22 comments @ Tohlobaria

Great! I can't wait! By the way is this a bug that west trade company offers me its vassalage because this faction is not like any other as it don't have any other fiefs other than free port itself and there are no lords other than Chancelor himself. After accepting the offer I got 100 relations with all other nations and there is no point in the game. Does mod hande it somehow with some quests or whater or vassalage of trade company is overlooked?

Good karma+1 vote
lrralex - - 22 comments @ Tohlobaria

Ok I don't really mind abandoning the quest in favor of standart M&B gameplay as mod is already decent enough and I'm still having a blast of it for almost whole week. If it's clear and not a secret what's ETA for 0.9 btw?

Good karma+1 vote
lrralex - - 22 comments @ Tohlobaria

Mere soldiers can become full-fledged companions with custom skills and all that? Cool! I will check it out but I have another problem with mod quests. It's still the phoenix one. I managed to talk jarik to hire his mercs to protect my bros in castle after his little quest with freeing new companion but the ruined castle itself just disappeared from the map completely even though quest says to go there and talk with construction foreman who sent to hire jarik. It's quite a bummer if it turns out that some bug botchet whole quest line and I really hope that it will be fixed in 0.9 that I'm really looking forward to!

Good karma+2 votes
lrralex - - 22 comments @ Tohlobaria

I'm not a huge fan of default quests too but they are best way to level up companions that are not fight oriented. By the way I have another problem with quest but this time it is mod's one. In a quest where I need to build a castle that dude who I saved from dark knights tells me to hire mercenaries to guard the castle and sends me to free port. When I arrive there I talk to Jalik or whatever his name is about hiring his guys but at some point I get only two dialogue dialogue options that basically are same. One is telling that his services are too expensive and second one is to tell him that he's "too soft". Both close the dialogue but quest doesn't go any further. Also I have another question about the mod: how to get nations troops? I can only hire mercenaries in taverns and get just one "neutral" set of troops in any village. They are kinda cool but I reaaly want to hire national troops of the nation I fight for. And finally are there any hints in game on where to find companions in game? I only managed to find 3 companions: first was found during bandit hideout clearing and other two I found randomly in cities.

Good karma+2 votes
lrralex - - 22 comments @ Tohlobaria

Why city guild masters give only accompyany caravan quests? Even if I ask tavern keepers they tell me that city guild master have different quest like tracking bandits but when I ask guild master of said town about work they still give me only caravan quest despite tavern keeper words. I'm full of it! How to fix it? At least lords give normal quests by the way.

Good karma+1 vote