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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 88)
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ leilei

exclamation mark exclamation mark exclamation mark exclamation mark exclamation mark exclamation mark

Good karma+2 votes
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ Baza

haha oh yes true, but considering i should be dead id say im quite lucky :p

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ Baza

why am i a poor bastard O_o what happened

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ Sticky


kthxbye :) :wub:

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ ambershee

ambershee wrote: Heh, retaliate by spawning a response along the lines of you're need to seek the improvement upon her own. Cruelty fighting cruelty.

DonĀ“t expect her to stick around for very long though >.<

oh i do worse on a daily basis :P after 2 years a relationship can become very casual ... :carefree:

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ Sticky

give my name back you theif!

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ Sticky

Oh yeh!

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ Which mDB Theme Are You Using?

V1 just seems easier on the eyes :)

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ chis

i was ya on the bus today i frikin swear :P well he musta been your twin or sumthin :o same hair and he played games and omg :o you be sending android chis's out to kill me rnt u :(

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ The new site theme...

jesus christ way to make a point

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ Hatel3reed



Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ Hatel3reed

i know it was a joke thats why i said you were funny :P calm lassie O_o

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ Hatel3reed

Hatel3reed wrote: lol and thats why Limey dosen't have money! naa I am just kidding man lol. :D

haha your a funny man :P

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ Cj_the_Dj

i swear i didnt do that :(...well....

ok i give in i did it :O just let a man be

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ chis

Popsicles apparently look like penises to my friend Kye, too. He's this kid I go to camp with, and he's in love with me. Anyway, once for dessert they gave us popsicles. I sat right across from him, so he had great fun watching me suck on it...I noticed he was, so then just to freak him out I suddenly bit about an inch off the top.

That was the first, was on a DA forum

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ Wilhelm_III

In your thats enough spam thread you said yourself that *me shoots someone was un-needed :) and your always saying thats enough spam even after being told by moderators that if you thinks is a prob tell them :P

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ Wilhelm_III

Wilhelm_III wrote: What's going on? /me shrugs and shoots stormcrow

Ok, that's enough spam plzokthx.

? :)

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ Wilhelm_III

Wilhelm_III wrote:

shumo154 wrote: i now consider storm a rival... and i get a little bored too so why not... i was joking ne way , since moddb is in the fog before the darkness, not the darkness itself.

Why a rival? How a rival? For spam? Because so far that is all he does.


clear it up how can you claim all he does is spam when your nearest rival is 40 post counts behind and you have 3x as many as storm :), you cant seriosully say that all 188+ posts in 6 days are helpful and non-spam related, and if you ment it as a joke its one thats run sorta thin seeing as you continue to say cut the spam but dont yourself...

:) been a long day and that ****** me off

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ Sticky

haha notice the ":P" as in joke as in casual comment :P now who needs to lighten up :paranoid:

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ Sticky

screw you :P

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ Tomato-Killer

/me scared now :(

/watches back nervously :paranoid:

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ Tomato-Killer

that was random O_o

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ Half-Life 2 Demo Coming Today at 1:00 p.m. PST

demo seems to leave alot to be desired :|

then again was never much of a hl fan :)

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ embers.

:) welcome to moddb

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ RawrCakes

all that beer and vodka sounds good in theory :paranoid: but you oh so regret it after believe me 3 days afta a binge for early bday parti and im still recovering ... :P but good luck all the same

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ Wilhelm_III

robot loving box? I fully egmite there is the chance that something could go wrong but i have more faith in humanity to make a half decent decision not to give the robots the chance.

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ Wilhelm_III

no im saying that no-one knew digital would replace film, its like the mini disc craze that was the thing to replace CD's yet it didnt.... and its not completely different with robots :S open your mind a little and think outisde your cube of thought, no matter what happens human control will always be needed, and hey if it does so happen that robots can do most things then does that not mean that the human race will become a more peacful one that can focus more on forign relations instead of declaring war?

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ Wilhelm_III


Go ahead and lock, let the retards destroy themselves, be it economicly of physicly.

when debating over something try not to insult the people you automatically loose the debate that way as all respect for you disapears and what you say becomes something unimportant :) just something to keep in mind for the future

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ Wilhelm_III

You just answered your own question though when you said i was wrong by saying it will wort itself out i wasnt, no-one knew that digital would replace film and no-one planned on setting up digital factories instead of film that only happened recently, 3 years after the introduction of digital so with the introduction of robots jobs will be lost but jobs we dont yet know about will un doubtably arise.

Good karma+1 vote
LiMeY - - 88 comments @ Wilhelm_III

I ask beacuse nwo that digital cameras have become the new thing film based sales ahve dropped as a result one of the largest film production plants in china was shut down leaving thousands jobless yet you are not against that happening which is a now issue and are more concerned with an issue that is easily hundreds of years in the future.

Good karma+1 vote